Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jessica Simpson's Post Baby Rx!

                       Jessica Simpson and Big Babies! 

Jessica Simpson has finally had her baby, a big and healthy baby
girl. People seem to marvel and delight at the news of delivering
a big baby.
Well, having a bigger baby can also bring about a new set of problems,
one being- Incontinence. You know, peeing at the wrong times,
peeing when you sneeze or going to the bathroom, finishing up and then
feeling some 
dribble out after leaving the bathroom. 
The full name of this disorder is called- Stress Urinary Incontinence!
And if you or someone you know is suffering from this, there are a few things you
can do. Things like...
a) The "Go-to Solution-
Also known as Kegels. Isolating and squeezing the pelvic-floor muscles can put an
end to the embarrassing leaks. Unfortunately, they don't work for everyone.
Then you can try...
b) Occlusive Devices-
If you leak during exercise or when you cough, then you try a device which
 increases resistance in the mid portion of the uretha to keep urine from
flowing out.
You'll need to talk to your doctor before getting this device and he or she
could explain the proper way to insert it and take it out. Not willing to do this?
Then try...
c) Sling Surgeries-
Called the "best and last resort" they're 90% effective. Inserting the sling
is a surgical procedure, so you'll have to talk to your Dr. about it first. 

That's it- three solutions that can help those suffering from the embarrassement
known as Incontinence. Hopefully, following one of the above tips,
you'll have your confidence restored.

Good Luck!

P.S. Are you a fan of tanning salons?
Well, if you are, take a look at our post, Tanorexic's Rxs To Prevent Skin Cancer,
over at our regular

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Desperate Housewive's Rx For Looking Younger!

                              Look Younger Like Teri Hatcher! 

Although Desperate Housewives will no longer be on the air, you'll 

be able to watch the reruns for decades. One little fact about the show
the viewers may not have have known, was that Teri Hatcher is a big fan
of Wine.

What's so unusual about that? Not much, but she's not just a drinker,
according to those who know her, Ms. Hatcher bathes in it.
And according to a new survey- the top 5 foods that'll keep you looking youthful,
wine made the list.

The other 4: sweet potatoes, fish (salmon) grapefruit and oranges,
and tomatoes. There are a lot more foods we can list, but these 5 made the list.

So, if looking younger is a goal of yours, have a glass of wine with dinner or after
dinner, and add a little to your bath water. (Important tip: make sure you
don't have any cuts, or the wine will sting).
Another tip: Buy inexpensive wine, you'll feel less guilty pouring inexpensive 

wine into the tub. Or buy milk, which works just as well, to give you that
"silky-smooth" skin.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Halle Berry's Energy Bar Rx!

                         Get More Energy-Like Halle! 

Energy bars, some say they'll do you good, others say leave them alone, they're
just mixture of fats and sugars, that'll leave you feeling run down an hr. after
eating them.

Well, Ms. Berry needs all of the energy she can get at age 40 something,
fighting the papparazi, the father of her child and keepping up with a 4 yr. old.
That's why Ms. Berry chooses "Smart For Life Green Tea Protein Bars"
to boost her energy levels and metabolism.

Why are these bars so special?
They deliver 18 grams of filling protein and metabolism-boosting phytonutrients.
So, if you need more energy-like Ms. Berry, go to and order
a box of 12, (for $23).

Or save your money, and just add some dark honey to a glass of
good quality water after a workout or housework. 

Good Luck!

Brooke Burke Charvet's Rx For Permanent Slimness!

                      No Dancing Required! 

Brooke Burke Charvet, the popular host of  the T.V. show-
"Dancing With The Stars" has revealed her secrets for looking
slim and trim at age 40.

Her secrets:
a) Sleep. Brooke understands and follows the rules of getting enough
sleep. Without it, you can raise risks for diabetes, heart disease,
weight gain and breast cancer.
b) Eat Like The Greeks- 

Brooke follows the Mediterranean style of eating... fish, nuts,
seeds, olive oil, dark honey, yogurt,  fruits and plenty of veggies.
In fact, people who follow this type of diet, usually live an average of
10 to 12 yrs. longer and without the heart disease, cancers,  diabetes,
memory problems and weight issues that are so prevalent in the U.S.
c) Get The Kids Involved-
Brooke has four kids, (all hers) and they help out in the kitchen,
by cutting vegetables, setting the table, etc. 

Doing this one trick helps kids get a head start on healthy eating,
plus-eating and preparing meals with family, saves them from a lot of
teen problems later in life...  Smoking, skipping school, bad grades,
and trouble with the law.
d) Indulge-
Brooke can't live on fish, nuts, olive oil and veggies alone,
she does have a "cheat day" and when she does go off her
diet, it's for  carbs, pizza, a grinder with meat and cheese
or some Italian bread with Ravioli. She's also a big fan of wine-
thanks to her husband-who hails from France. (Former Baywatch star
David Charvet). As for sweets, Ms. Brooke could easily live without them.
e) Exercise-
If you said dancing, you'd be wrong. Brooke prefers to get outside
and walk the hills located behind her house. Walking hills
targets belly fat, the legs and helps boost memory.

There you have it, the top 5 tips that keep the 40 year old, Brooke
Burke Charvet in tip-top shape.
And if you follow these tips, you too, can expect a better quality of life.

Good Luck!

Find the above title at, in the Kindle store.
In it, you'll find easy and doable tips that'll help you live till 100. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Beyonce's Favorite Handbag For Less!

                              Dolce and Gabbana Handbag! 

Beyonce is a big fan of the pricey Dolce & Gabbana Patchwork bag,
the price- $4,000. 

If you saw the bag, liked it, but don't have an extra $4,000 lying around,
look for a similar bag, without the huge price tag.
The bag-A Flynn Bag!
Find it online at, price- $95!

Good Luck!

For tips on having a great Summer (preventing mosquitos, 
easing poison ivy, stopping a jellyfish sting, preventing car sickness)
For more info-go to 

Ellen DeGeneres' Herbal Rx For A Bad Back!

                     Fixing Back Pain Naturally! 

Ellen DeGeneres isn't shy about talking about a problem a lot
of people share. That problem: Back Pain!
The cause could be stress, overuse (from dancing)
an injury that happened during childhood, or unresolved
issues (unhappy childhood) etc.

Whatever the cause, putting an end to the pain can be
something that's as painful as the pain itself. 

Some use painkillers, some try hypnosis, some give
up processed foods, some try yoga and some even try the
riskiest cure of all-back surgery.

Well, if you or a loved is suffering from back pain, you may want to
try the herbal cure and beverage that has a lot of people
The herb: Devil's Claw and the beverage: Tart Cherry Juice.
An alternative healer has been prescribing Devil's Claw and cherry juice
for some time. Why?
Devil's claw is an African herb that can relieve pain as well as any prescribed
pain reliever-without the stomach aches or other side effects.
And the cherry juice- It reduces the inflammation that settles in the lower, middle
or upper spine.
So, if you or a relative is suffering from back pain, look into Devil's claw and
a cup of tart cherry juice.
Also important: Make sure to check with your Dr. before taking any type
of herb.

And if you want more tips on relieving back pain, check out our post...
Ellen Degeneres' Rx To End Back Pain on our main blog...

Good Luck!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Making Money With A Camera!

                    Shooting The Stars And Making Money! 

Do you envy the people who shoot (photograph) the stars?
Would you like to like to make a little extra money shooting the stars?
Are you handy with a camera?

Well, if you need a little extra income and you have access to the stars,
then someone is willing to pay you.
That someone:, a site that buys photos of the stars.
And if you're thinking that you have to become a member of the
annoying Paparazi, that's not true. 

Perhaps, you work at a restaurant where a lot of stars eat.
Or you work at a spa that some famous people frequent.
Well, if you're handy with a camera and have access to
some stars, head to and sign up
for an account and start earning a little extra spending
money or work really hard and pay off student loans or your 


Good Luck! 


Beyonce's Rx For A Lean Midsection!

                       Post-Baby Stomach Flattening Tip! 

Shock of Shock! It's only been 6 to 8 weeks, and people are marveling 

that singer Beyonce, is fit, trim and walking around without the paunch 
around her middle, like a lot of women carry after giving birth.
That's normal women, not Hollywood women, and besides, who couldn't
 lose 25 to 40 pounds in less than 7 weeks, without a team of trainers,
nutritionists, nannies and stylists, yesmen and yeswomen?

Well, if you regular Jane don't have access to a team of stylists
and trainers, that's okay.
We just wanted to let you know, if you're struggling with a jiggly belly
and don't want to do the hours on a treadmill or do 100's of crunches,
perhaps a cream may be the solution you need.
The Cream: A pomegranate cream to be exact.

The cream contains ellagic tannin, a top-notch antioxidant that speeds
up collagen production, smoothes skin texture and firms up those trouble
spots that upset a lot of women.
And if you're stomach is "o-kay" use it on your legs, to get rid of those 

loose, dimply thighs.
Look for the cream at, the brand-Pomega5 Healing Cream.

That's it- and one more tip: The cream is much more effective when added
to a low-fat diet. Yes, there are still some things regular folks and
superstars must do to achieve "perfection!"

And if you want more tips on making this a better than ever Summer-
head to our regular blog-, and learn
how to ease the pain of a jellyfish sting, end the agony of poison ivy and oak,
and how to prevent mosquitoes, ticks and ants from making it
your worst Summer ever.

Good Luck!

Plan on taking a trip this Summer?
Are you or a loved prone to motion (car) sickness?
Well, read about a cure that comes from a can on our

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Snooki's Rx To Prevent Cosmetic Surgery!

                          Snooki and Breast Enhancement Surgery!

Snooki, the star of "Jersey Shore" and the soon-to-be released
"Snooki and JWow"show is already talking about having her breasts
done (lifted) by a surgeon after the birth of her baby.
She may not need the surgery and may even risk more problems
by having it done.

So, that's why we're giving Snooki an alternative solution
to droopy breasts. The solution: Yoga!
That's right, the exercise that's used by stars like Sting,
Howard Stern and Jennifer Aniston, may help Snooki
as well.

To get your bust back to pre-baby days do the following...
Exercise 1-
Wall Push-Ups-
Most women hate doing push-ups, but this type of
of push-up is easier. Stand a few feet from a wall with your feet
slightly wider than hip-width apart. Lean toward the wall and press
your hands against it. Bend your elbows and lean in until your
upper arms are parallel to the wall. Push yourself away from the wall
by straightening your arms and return to the starting position. Keep
your body aligned in a "plank" position-back straight, abs and bottom
tucked in, shoulder down and neck in line with your head-the entire time.
Do this between 10 and 15 times.
Exercise 2-
Cat Like Exercise-
Get down on your hands and knees, aim your middle fingers straight
ahead and press your palms into the floor. Exhale and tuck in your tailbone,

drop your head, pull your navel in and lift the middle of your back up like
an arched cat. Then inhale and reverse the pose by raising your bottom, 

lifting chest toward the ceiling, looking forward and letting your stomach
hang. Switch back and forth between 10 and 15 times.

That's It- 2 Yoga moves for those who don't have the money
and are frightened of going under the knife, and it's also
for those who have the money (like Snooki) but are also
afraid of going under the knife.

Good Luck!

Friday, May 25, 2012

American Idol's Rx To Keep Kidneys Healthy!

                      Healthy Kidneys For Life! 

It's rumored that this yrs. American Idol winner, Philip Philips
was suffering from a kidney stone. It's the same thing that happened to
"America's Got Talent" host, Nick Cannon!
As you can see, you don't have to be over 40 or 50 to start experiencing
health problems. If kidney stones have happened to a loved one in
your family and you want to avoid them, follow the tips listed
a) When You Have Lemons- 

Make lemonade, preferably unsweetened. Lemon juice helps flush
toxins from the kidneys. Just be sure to use real lemons, and not the
artificial and chemically enhanced stuff.
b) If You Must-
If you must have a soda, drink it from  the bottle, exposure to a lot of aluminum
 (in the can) can really work the kidneys. Come to think of it, avoid
the sugar from the soft drink as well.
c) Drink More-
Water! Yes, lemonade is made from water, but are you really going to have
8 glasses of lemonade? Okay- so you need to drink more water.
Water keeps your kidneys running well and preventing stones from forming
in the first place.
d) Go Easy On Meat and Sugar-
You read about sugar in tip B, but now it's time to warn you about meat as well. 

Too much sugar and protein make the kidneys work especially hard.
And that's why Drs. warn you about going on high-protein diets (for weeks
and weeks). And these two foods are also responsible for causing
e) Eat Your Greens-
Eating greens can benefit your health in a number of ways,
and if you want to avoid kidney stones, eat more kale, collards,
spinach, swiss chard, broccoli, asparagus and romaine lettuce.

That's it- And if you want to pass this info onto Nick Cannon (Mr. Mariah
Carey) or Philip Philips, be our guest.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

America's Got Talent Yoga Rx!

                          A Yoga Rx To Beat Tiredness! 

Howard Stern is the new member of the T.V. show "America's
Got Talent," he seems to be on his best behavior and getting
some pretty good reviews.
One thing about Howard that's been kept under wraps...
He's been involved in Yoga and meditation for over 15 yrs.

And that's the basis of this post, if you should ever find yourself
needing a boost in energy, do the following...
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
Using your palms and fingers, simulataneously tap both sides of your
belly button for 2 mins.

Yoga experts say this will stimulate blood vessels in the stomach, increasing
circulation of energizing oxygen between the digestion system and the rest
of the body.

So remember, you don't need that candy bar or "energy drink" 

to increase your energy levels, just do the above Yoga move.

Good Luck!

The Avenger's Rx For Beautiful Legs!

                     Great Legs For Summer! 

According to the news on diets the stars follow to get into
"swimsuit shape" Scarlett Johansson, the petite star of
"The Avengers" follows a "mostly vegan" diet.
You know, no meat, dairy, eggs, fish. etc.
Although she cheated occasionally and had
Non-dairy oatmeal cookies, she was able to be in tip-top
shape for the first day of filming.

Well, Ms. Johansson giving up dairy may have done
more than reduce her weight to get into that sleek suit,
she also gave herself cellulite-free legs.
Cellulite and dairy, what's the connection?

Dairy contains casein, a hard-to-digest protein molecule
that gets stuck in lymph nodes and creates a backup of the
lymphatic fluids that carry waste of out of the body.
And as a result, the toxins in the fluids build up in the surrounding
tissue and weaken the connective tissue, which is used to keep
fat cells from bulging against the skin. And giving up dairy can
restore lymphatic circulation so the cottage cheese causing waste
can be eliminated.

So, if you've been struggling with unsightly dimples on the back
of your legs, see if going dairy-free helps.
And for those who won't part with their piece of cheese, or that
tall glass of milk, use the Juice alternative.
The Juice alternative: Find the Juice answer at our regular blog... 

Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fergie's Rx For A Fun-Filled Vacation!

                        Have A Great Summer Vacation! 

Fergie, the lead singer of the group- "The Black-Eyed Peas"
is a big proponent of vinegar. She speaks highly of the
acidic liquid and how it helps her with weight control 

and appetite control.
But, did you know that bringing apple cider or white vinegar
on your next vacation can literally save your life, how?
It can relieve jellyfish stings.

That's right- vinegar contains acetic acid, which helps stop the
 release of venom and neutralizes it.
So, whether you're planning a beach vacation or heading to
the ocean, make sure to bring a bottle or two of vinegar with you.

And if you or a family member gets stung and you don't
have any vinegar with you, ask the lifeguard, he or she may
have some.

That's it- A helpful tip to make your vacation a rousing success.
And be sure to give thanks to Fergie as well.

Good Luck and Good Vacationing!

P.S. If you're a fan of Summer fruits, why not use them on your face
to get more beautiful? Head to
and learn how blueberries and strawberries can keep you looking

Monday, May 21, 2012

Chelsea Handler's Rx For Fighting Body Odor!

                  Smell Great Like Chelsea! 

Chelsea Handler-the red hot comedienne and host of her own show,
"Chelsea Lately" sometimes speak of her powerful body odor,
especially underarm odor.

When body odor like that happens, it's probably caused by a zinc deficiency.
It happens to some women who give up meat, mainly because meat contains
zinc and too little or no zinc, and body odor is sure to follow. 

But, we know that's not the case with Ms. Handler, as she shares her love 
of meat with her viewers on a semi-regular basis.

So, if you like Ms. Handler is battling body odor, try the snack that most
love, the snack: Cashews! That's right- the tasty nuts are rich in Zinc, 
and zinc stops the growth of smell-producing skin bacteria.

Other sources of Zinc: spinach, lean beef, mushrooms, sunflower and
pumpkin seeds.
Or look for a good zinc supplement at GNC.

And another tip: Get more green vegetables into your diet, Greens contain
chlorophyll, and the more chlorophyll in your system, the better you'll smell.
That's right- people who have gone vegetarian, reportedly smell better and
they probably take a zinc supplement. Some notable vegetarians...
Howard Stern,  Brandy, Steven Spielberg and Ellen DeGeneres to name a few.

That's It- Cashews to end body funk, and if you have access to
Ms. Handler's Twitter page, perhaps you'll want to pass this tip on.

Good Luck!

The Biggest Loser's Rx For Permanent Weight Loss!

 Lose Weight Like The Bigger Losers! 

Are you a fan of the hot T.V. show-"The Biggest Loser?"
Well, one of the trainers has a tip to help you lose weight and 

keep it off, his tip: Don't eat any carbs after 12 noon.

This type of approach isn't new and since it's being pushed
by someone popular like Bob Harper, it may be the final fix you
need to take your stomach from flab to fab.

Why will it work?
a) Eating carbs at breakfast boosts metabolism for the rest of
the day. And since a lot of people skip breakfast, doing this
will not only make sure you eat breakfast, but having some pasta
and a slice of Italian bread, will also be extra incentive.
b) It Stops Fat Storage-
Skipping breakfast or putting off eating until 1 or 2 p.m.
only means fat storage and carb cravings, but putting yourself 

on a time limit- (no carbs after 12:00 p/m/) means you still have 
a few hours left in the day to burn those carbs.
c) Be Prepared-
Make sure you know beforehand, what types of foods you'll being eating 

at night. For instance, you may want to make a salad and some chicken
in the morning or at noon. Doing this helps protect you from reaching
for a pretzel or some cookies, while you're waiting on your chicken to cook.

So, there you have it. a great weight loss tip from "The Biggest Loser's
popular trainer Bob Harper.

Good Luck!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rosie and Sophia Grace's Rx For Self Esteem!

                      Boost Confidence With Color! 

Are you a fan of the "Ellen" show? Have you become fans of two of her guests,
Rosie and Sophia Grace? They're the cousins who became "Youtube"
sensations and were then discovered by Ellen.

If you are fans, then you know that the young lasses love the color Pink.
What's so unusual about pink being the favorite color of two girls? 

According to people who study color and its effect on you,  they say staring at the
color pink can make you feel more lighthearted and even boost your self esteem.
And who has self esteem to cover rap songs and then post them on Youtube,
at the ages of 8 and 5? Rosie and Sophia Grace that's who.

And if you need a boost in moods, buy a bouquet of pink roses,
looking at them and taking in the scent will do wonders for your mood
and well-being.

So, if you need a boost in self esteem or a quick pick-me up,
try wearing some pink or looking at a bouquet of pink roses
on Google images.
Hey, it's working for Rosie, Sophia Grace and the singer Pink!
None of these young ladies, seem to be lacking in self esteem.

Good Luck!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Brooklyn Decker's Rx To Beat Stress!

                       Beat Stress With A Tennis Ball! 

Brooklyn Decker, the beautiful model turned movie star has 2
 new movies coming out, and she's married to tennis star
 Andy Roddick.

If you feel tense or need to reduce your stress levels, get out a
tennis ball, (preferably a clean one) and run one foot over it
for a few minutes while taking deep breaths, and then the other foot.

Why a tennis ball? Walking on cobblestone also works, but a tennis
ball is easier to find and cheaper.
Plus, walking on a tennis ball will hit hundreds of
pressure points, bringing a feeling of relief and calm into your life
in a matter of minutes.

And another benefit of the tennis ball: Squeezing it for a few minutes
a day lowers blood pressure, makes your grip firmer and builds up
your forearms, (if bigger forearms are something you want)

There's your tip, perhaps the title should've read Andy Roddick's
Rx To Beat Stress, but lets face it, Brooklyn Decker is better known
at this time.

Good Luck!

For a tip on a hot beverage to help women boosts moods,
go to and get your answer.

Bethenny's Rx To Prevent Lung Cancer!

               Drink This Not That! 

Bethenny Frankel, the popular star of her own Bravo reality series and
creator of her own line of "Skinny Girl" drinks, can help you prevent
lung cancer.

Lung cancer? Yes, the same disease that just took Donna Summer.
Surprisingly, Donna Summer never smoked, and if you're not a smoker
you're still at risk, According to research, more women than men get it,
and more women are getting it than they are breast, uterine, cervical
and ovarian cancer combined.

So, if you're willing to do this one thing, courtesy of Bethenny Frankel,
you too, can prevent it.
That one thing: Have a drink known as a Cosmopolitan.
You may remember the Cosmopolitan from the series-
"Sex and The City!"

But today, it will only be used for good, add some unsweetned cranberry 

juice, unsweetned juice, some organic apple juice, a little vodka
and stir, (do not shake) until it's well blended.

The cranberry juice helps prevent the spread of precancerous lung cells and
the apple juice-fights inflammation so it can't attach itself to lung tissue,
plus it helps prevent pneumonia and bronchitis.
And if you want to help your kids prevent lung cancer, give them the juice
without the vodka.

That's It-
And for more great tips-go to our 

Good Luck!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hollywood Rx For Beautiful Nails!

                           Beautiful Nails For Less! 

Want a manicure that looks like it was done in Beverly Hills?
With so many people experiencing money problems, spending
a lot on manicures isn't possible for a lot of people.
So, to make your nails look like they belong in a
fashion magazine, do the following...

You want to keep polish on your nails, not on the skin, but if you do
get some on your skin, let the polish dry completely, then apply
a cuticle oil over the nail and sides. Next, take an old toothbrush and
gently scrub the entire area. The oil will remove nail lacquer on your
skin, leaving you with a perfect manicure that looks like it was done
in a Beverly Hills salon.

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Makeup Rx For A Fresher Face!

                      The Five Second Makeup Trick! 

Want a quick pick-me up for your face?
Want a quick face lift, without spending a fortune?
Do the following...After you apply foundation, dab a light concealer
along the creases that run from the side of your nose down to the
corners of your mouth.

After you blend the concealer in, it will bounce light off the folds,
making you look as if you've had some "work" done.
Not sure what concealer to buy?

Try the one that's getting a lot of praise...
Sally Hansen Natural Beauty Fast Fix Concealer. $10.00.
Look for it at beauty supply stores. Or look for it at your local

Good Luck!

Heidi Klum's Rx For A Smaller Handbag!

                                 Heidi Klum's Pocketbook!

"Supermodel," mom, designer, ex-wife, T.V. host and
underwear model-Heidi Klum, has to attend a lot of events each
week. What's so bad about that?  She doesn't like lugging around a big purse,
each and every time. So, she needed a solution for carrying the essentials.

Essentials like a makeup brush, eyeliner, and lipstick.
And if you're wondering about the powder compact, Ms. Klum takes a few
shavings of the pressed powder and puts them into a tissue. 

Later on, when she needs a touchup, she unwraps the tissue and voila,
some powder for her face.

That's it- A downsizing tip from Heidi Klum.

Good Luck!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Horror Movie Rx For Better Sleep!

                         Sleep Better Tonight! 

Are you a fan of horror movies? Do you like the movies of the past, that
didn't rely on blood or gore? Or are you a fan of the slash and thrash movies
like the "Saw" Franchise?

One thing about horror movies is that someone is always waking up in the
middle of the night-drenched in sweat, wondering if something or someone
is watching them?

If you find that you're waking up in the middle of night on a regular
basis, it's not someone watching you, it's probably anger.

That's right- waking up at 3:00 a.m. is usually stress or anger 

about something happening at work, a troubled relationship
with a spouse, child, parent (fill in the blank), or stress over bills,
or something else.

And the old adage "never go to bed mad" is certainly true.
Anger and/or stress keeps your mind occupied and your body tense,
setting you up for an increase in sleep-disrupting stress hormones.
Another problem caused by 3 a.m. wakeups?
Some people feel pain in the rectum area, a pain that feels
like hemrroids.

So, how do you get to sleep and stay asleep? 

Listed below are some suggestions.
a) Write it out-
Write out what's bothering you in a journal.
b) Pray It Out-
Think it only works for Tim Tebow? It'll work for you too.
Say your favorite prayer slowly about 5 times. It'll help
end racing thoughts as well.
c) Exercise-
About 3 to 4 hrs. before bed. Don't do it to close to bedtime
or you'll be too wired for sleep.
d) Eat Some Cheese-
About and hr. before bed, eat some cottage, ricotta, or cheddar cheese.
Cheese supplys you with an amino acid that your brain converts into the
feel-good hormone serotonin. Cheese also helps you dream and remember
those dreams.
e) A Massage-
Give yourself a hand or foot massage. Or ask a loved one to do it.
Massaging the hundreds of pressure points on your hands and feet,
help you relax and get to sleep.
f) Still Waking Up-
If you do wake up, read an audiobook. A regular book or T.V. will
emit light, and that light may keep you up for an hour or more.

That's it- Some tips to avoid the 3:a.m. wakeups, that are so common
in the horror movies.

Good Luck!

Hair Care Tip From Charlize Theron!

                          Great Hair Like Charlize! 

Charlize Theron is not only a fan favorite of a lot of men,
but a lot of women have named her as their "girl crush."
(Chelsea Handler and Brooklyn Decker) to name 2.

Back to Ms. Theron, If you want a great head of
hair that's thick, shiny and has lots of volume, use
a Volumizing Mousse!

Ms. Theron prefers Biolage's Volumizing Whipped
Mousse, that costs $17 for a bottle. 

But for you, there's a cheaper brand, that's half that
price. the cheaper brand: Charles Worthington London
Big Hair Salon Shine Uplifting Mousse! Price $8.
Find it online at

Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nicki Minaj's Rx For Smelling Great!

                               Smell Great Like Nicki! 

Nicki Minaj was interviewed by Maria Menounos of Extra.
Her question to Ms. Minaj, "how do perform for an hour,
and smell great after the show?"
Ms. Minaj said something about her "own perfume line" 

coming out and the interview was over.

Well, if you want to smell great after a few hours,
and you don't want to douse yourself in perfume
a few times a day, there's something you can do
to make your scent last longer.
That something: Layering your scent.

Simply put- Rub a tiny dab of petroleum jelly (vaseline)
or use an unscented balm, on your pulse points,
like your wrists, cleavage, neck and behind the knees.
Then, just mist your perfume over the pulse points
that have the vaseline or balm on them.
The scent should last all day.

Not a fan of vaseline? Buy a balm, 2 choices...
Aquaphor $5.00 or Boots Skin Balm, $9.00.
at or your local drug store.

That's it- Use this trick and smell great all day.
And just think- you didn't have to shell out your
hard-earned money on Nicki Minaj's new perfume.

Good Luck!

President Obama's Snack Rx For Better Health!

                    Eat More Avocado! 
President Obama appeared on the television show "The View"
and he mentioned his favorite snack food.
Can you guess what his favorite snack is?
If you said Guacamole give yourself a hand.

Guacamole as the president's  favorite snack food shouldn't be 
a surprise, it's the snack food preferred by millions.
And if you, like the president count Guacamole as your favorite
snack, look below and see what avocado can do for your health.

a) Boost Energy-
Avocado is a top source of magnesium, which your muscles
convert to energy-plus low levels of the mineral are associated
to sleep problems. To really boost energy, add a little plain
yogurt and some nuts.
b) Reduce depression levels-
Thanks to the fatty acids, avocados can help ease blue moods.
c) Lower Heart Attack Risk-
d) Reduce Stress Levels
e) Block excessive estrogen from entering your system.
f) Boost Male Sperm Count- Men trying to conceive?
Boost your sperm count with some avocado.
g) Boost Endurance-In the gym or the bedroom.
h) Youthful Skin- Delay the wrinkles with some avocados.
i) Lower Cholesterol Levels- Are you being pressured to take statins?
Try adding some avocados to salads, or a sandwich and see if you can lower
it naturally.

That's It- Some of the benefits you can get from some avocado,
eaten a few times a week. Also important: If you do decide to eat guacamole, 

make sure to make it as healthy as possible, and watch the chips. 
If you don't make it as healthy as possible, you undo all of the benefits.

Good Luck!

And if you live in New York, Houston, Tokyo, Singapore,
Manila, Paris, or San Francisco-check out our post-
Hemp Seed Rx To Prevent Strokes! Find it at

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hollywood's Rx For Choosing Baby Names!

                          Hollywood and The Name Game! 

If you're fascinated by names, the origins, the meanings, etc.
there's a site out there for you.

The site: is a site dedicated to names.
Looking to find out the meaning of your name? This site has it.
Want to find out which star changed his or her name? This site has it.
Are you pregnant and need help deciding the name of your
child? This site has it.

And for the star section-go to the Real name section and find out
all the info you want on Stars and their names.
Find out the meaning of Apple (Gywneth Paltrow's kid) plus
hundreds of other stars.

That's it- Your guide to finding out everything you want to know
about your name or your favorite stars' name.

Good Luck!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Marilu Henner's Rx For Better Recall!

                 Boost Memory Naturally! 

Marilu Henner has been all over the airwaves these past 2 weeks,
why? She was talking about her "perfect memory!"
If you find that your memory isn't what it used to be, try this trick
to improve it.

Say- you have to pick up some dry cleaning after work,
instead of using a post it on your steering wheel.
Attach an emotion to it. Simply put, imagine the joy your family
will feel, when you bring the clothes home. 

Or say you need a birthday card, imagine how your friend or family
member will feel without the card or a gift. Or attach a good image to it,
like the joy they'll feel when they read the card.

Why does this technique work?
Each time your brain needs to recall something, the memory travels
down a neural pathway. Attaching an emotion to a task creates an additional
neural pathway for the memory to use, giving your brain 2 ways to process the

That's it- Although this trick won't bring you perfect recall like Ms. Henners',
a small improvement is still beneficial none-the-less.

Good Luck!

Suffer from bloat or stomach discomfort?
Do you like to grill in the Summertime?
Learn which fresh fruit goes well on the grill
and alleviates bloat. Head to
and learn the secret. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Movie Rx To Make Money!

                            Making Money By Watching A Movie! 

Are you a movie lover? Are you one of the first people in line
when the next blockbuster comes out? (Like the Avengers?)

Well, if you're the type that runs to the theater every time a new movie 

comes to town, then it may be time to get paid for it.
That's right- In today's tough economy, any extra income will come in handy.
With sky high gas prices, college costs going through the roof, and
an uncertainty about social security being around when you're ready to retire,
it's time to get serious about putting money away.

And one way to do that- Write movie reviews. pays you
a $2.50 flat rate for each review you write, and if someone clicks on your 

review and votes for it,  you get an additional 10 cents.
That may not seem like a lot, but if you write good content and develop a
following, the sky's the limit.

So, stop watching movies for free and start getting paid for it,
and if you stick with it, who knows, there may be a job opening at the E channel.

Good Luck!

Cameron Diaz's Rx For Smoother Legs!

           Get Smooth Legs Like Cameron! 
Cameron Diaz just announced that at "almost 40 yrs. of age,
"her body is 
   body is better now, than it was at 20."
She's receiving a lot of flak for saying that, but it's her body,
so who are we to judge?

One thing you can't deny, she does have great legs, and being
5' 9" certainly helps. If you can't grow tall like Ms. Diaz, you
can have smoother legs like her.

How? Stand in the shower for at least 5 mins. to allow your
stubble to soften. Then, when you're ready to shave,
make short, upward strokes to grab every hair.
And finally, slightly bend your knee before you shave that area
to tighten the skin and prevent nicks and  cuts.

That's it- A new and improved way to shave and get better
looking legs.

Good Luck!

And if you want to know how the women of India,
keep Alzheimer's and breast cancer away, go to

Friday, May 11, 2012

Jay Leno's Rx For Better Health!

                                   Cats and Jay Leno! 

Jay Leno-the host of the "Tonight Show" is an unabashed Cat lover.
Other celebrity cat lovers: Taylor Swift and Ellen Degeneres!
If you are also a cat lover-give yourself a pat on the back. Why?
Petting, caring for or playing with a cat or cats boost your health
in a number of ways, like...
a) Lowering blood pressure.
b) Calms you down, having an anxiety attack or
worrying non stop? Pet or play with your cat.
c) Boosts moods and happiness levels.
Stay depression-free with cats.
d) Super Immunity- Caring for a cat helps build
immunity, and stronger immunity helps you
prevent colds and other illnesses.
e) Great For Kids-
Kids who play with and clean up after cats,
learn responsibility and how to care for others.

There you have it, 5 great reasons for owning  a cat, or
volunteering at an animal shelter with cats for better health.
And if you're not able to own a cat, but want the benefit of
seeing and interacting with cats, go online to
or and boost your health this way.

Good Luck!

The Jersey Shore's Rx For Preventing Alzheimer's!

                             Snooki's Rx For Preserving Our Brain!

It's no secret--Snooki loves to tan! Not like the Overtanning Mom, but
she's close.
Well, it turn's out Snooki may actually be smarter than we think.
Why? Getting out in the Sun, (not a tanning bed) for 15 to
20 mins. a day, helps you prevent one of the most feared old age
diseases around. The disease: Alzheimer's!

That's right- Sitting outside for 15 to 20 mins. (without sunscreen)
helps your body make essential vitamin D, a nutrient many older
folks don't get enough of as they get older.

So, if you were one of the millions, who criticized Snooki, for her
lack of smarts, hopefully this post may help you change your mind.
Thanks Snooki!

Good Luck!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Voice's Rx For More Energy!

                              Listening To Music For More Energy! 

Do you have trouble getting out of bed feeling refreshed and raring
to go? If you're the type that belongs to "I have trouble getting up and
don't feel energized club." Then, you may want to try this tip...

Listen to soothing, classical, jazz or other relaxing music for 45 mins.
before bed.

People who did this for about 3 to 4 wks. enjoyed better and deeper
sleep, and they experienced more energy during the day.
Researchers say that slow, soothing music eases blood pressure,
heart and breathing rates and even lowers anxiety levels, all of
which are needed for top quality sleep and next day energy.

So, if you're thinking about taking a prescribed med to help
you get to sleep, try the classical or jazz music tip first.
And for those who prefer their Lil Wayne or Lady Antebellum,
you may want to put them on hold for a few weeks.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kid Rock's Beverage Rx For Better Health!

             Have A Beer On Kid Rock! 
Kid Rock, the All American Bad Ass, was on the popular T.V. Show-
"Diners, Drive-ins and Dives."
The host Guy Fieri went to Kid's homestate of Michigan, to sample 

some of the food there. And near the end of the show, Kid Rock
took Guy to his brewery, yes his brewery.

Kid Rock wanted to share his love of beer with the masses and create
jobs. Kid Rock showed Guy around the brewery and it's apparent he
doesn't get too involved in the making of the beer, (he leaves it to the pros).
Kid Rock doesn't know much about brewing beer, and now we
wonder if knows about the benefits of beer.

Benefits like...
a) Stronger Bones-
Beer contains silicon, a mineral which kick-starts the formation
of new bone tissue. And the best beer to drink according to
researchers: A Paler Malt.
b) A Stronger Heart-
Beer is rich in antioxidants and those antioxidants can relax and open blood
vessels, helping your heart send blood through your with less effort.
And a beer a day can decrease hardening of the arteries by 30%.

That's it- and if you're thinking that this a license to drink
and drink, think again. No more than 1 large beer or two
small beers (6 oz.) a day.

And one more tip- if you're planning a road trip this yr. why
not take a trip to Michigan, and visit Kid Rock's brewery.
You can support an American business and improve your
heart health and bone density.

Good Luck!

Fergie's Rx For A Flat Stomach!

                               Get Fit Like The Black-Eyed Peas! 

Fergie, the dynamic singer of the group-"The Black-Eyed Peas, has revealed
one of her secrets for staying fit and trim. Her Secret: Vinegar!

Yes, vinegar, actually Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Fergie's trainer told her about vinegar a few yrs. ago, and Fergie has been using 

it ever since.

What does the vinegar do for Fergie?
a) Helps clear out the colon.
b) Aids with digesting food.
c) Keeps the skin youthful
d) Cuts cravings for sugar and carb-laden foods.
There you have it Apple Cider Vinegar for better health.
You can do like  Fergie and drink a little vinegar out of a shot glass,
before lunch and dinner.
Or you can add some to your salad, or marinate your chicken or steak in
some and then grill it.
And one more thing, you can buy the Heinz brand of apple cider vinegar,
or if you make money like Fergie's try the brand from Sonia Bragg.

That's It- And if you're really serious about slimming down your midsection and
love smoothies and shakes, head to kindle ans type--
see title to the right. Learn how a healthy shake, smoothie, cocktail, mocktail,
glass of sangria, cup of tea or coffee can help you lose that middle.

Good Luck!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Eco-Friendly Glasses From Katie Couric!

                                  Look Like Katie! 

Are you a fan of Katie Couric, the once bubbly host of the "Today Show?"
Well, now that Katie has left, she remains in the public eye.
She did a stint on "Glee" and a certain something Katie was wearing,
caused quite a stir. No- it wasn't a skirt or a pair of shoes,
what caused the stir? It was her glasses!

That's right, Ms. Couric made an appearance on Glee and all
people wanted to talk about were her glasses.
What's so special about these glasses?

The glasses had bamboo stems or temples and they're eco-friendly.
So, if you saw Ms. Couric on Glee and want a pair of those Eco-friendly 

glasses, go online to or look for them at Rolf Spectacles.

That's It- Looking like Katie for $100 or less.

Good Luck!

P.S. If you're a woman and your lacking the energy you had a yr.
two or even five yrs. ago, go to
and look at the Post- Dr. Oz's Energy Rxs For Women. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Christie Brinkley's Rx For Looking Youthful!

                    Look Young Like Christie! 

Christie Brinkley will be 60 yrs. of age in 2 yrs.
One of her secrets has been revealed before (find it at Google
by typing Christie Brinkley's Rx For Looking Youthful).

But today, we want to focus on new research as to why some stars
look more youthful at the same ages.
Yes, you're probably thinking- more plastic surgery,or botox,
but that's not it, what is the real reason? 

Keeping that extra 5 to 10 lbs. as they age, helps you look younger.

That's right- stars who try to get "super skinny"
to fit into their Red Carpet gowns cause their faces to lose
that fullness and this-really lets the wrinkles show.
And some doctors tell women that an extra 10 to 15 lbs. helps
keep bones padded in the event of a fall.

So, if you need proof of this theory of an extra 10 pounds, the proof 

is listed below...

a) Julie Bowen- Age 42, after giving birth to twins, now seems hellbent on
getting back to her high school weight. And it's showing...on her face.
b) Kelly Rutherford- Age 43, costart of Gossip Girls, looks more youthful
than Ms. Bowen.

c) Christie Brinkley- Age 58, and still looking remarkable with those full
cheeks and voluptous body.
d) Kim Cattral- Age 54, looks a little older than Ms. Brinkley and Ms.
Cattral admits to Restalyne and Botox.

e) Jaclyn Smith- Age 66, a former Charlies Angel and still hot.
f) Susan Lucci- Age 65, still looks good, but her face is really showing the 

signs, signs you don't see on Ms. Smith.

f) Sandra Bullock- Age 47 America's Sweetheart still looks great,
even after going through a very public humiliation.
g) Teri Hatcher- Age 47 as well, is trying to keep her body fat
levels down as low as possible and it's showing on her face.

h Rachael Ray- Age 43, and still looking yrs. younger, thanks to her
cherubic cheeks. Started jogging a few yrs. back, but doesn't overdo it.
i)) Kelly Ripa- Age 42, and without a lot of makeup, you can really
see the lines. Also does exercise segments in a leotard and looks
frightening. Enough with the jogging.

So, there you have it, stars comparable in age, but looking
Worlds apart. And if you too,  obsess over that last 10 lbs. maybe
this post will convince you to rethink your decision.

Good Luck!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Snooki's Rx To Prevent Sunburns!

                        Don't Overtan Like Snooki! 

Have you seen the "Over Tan" Mom Patricia Krentcil?
Well, if you haven't-go to google and type in Tanning Mom in
the search bar.
But her appearance isn't the only laughable part of this story,
another funny part- Snooki of Jersey Shore has weighed in
with her opinion.

Snooki, if you're not too familiar with, expresses her love of tanning
and tanning beds on a regular basis, whether it's on her own show
or on a talk show, Snooki loves to tan.

If you're like Snooki or the "Tanning Mom" then you must know
by now, to be careful and use common sense when tanning.
And if you do plan on continuing to tan, then do so with help
from the color chart.

The color chart?
Yes, according to research, if you buy an umbrella to sit under or
a big Sun hat, make sure to choose the color red, blue or violet. 

Why? According to these same researchers- these 3 colors filter
the most UV Sun rays. And filtering those harmful rays protect you
and family members from a host of health problems.

So, if you're going to keep on Tanning, do so with some violet, blue
or red hats, beach shorts, tank tops, Sun hats and umbrellas.
And if you're wondering on the worst colors that won't protect you-
they're white and yellow.

And one more tip- you can also buy a laundry detergent that'll help
protect you from the Sun's harmful rays, find it online at, the detergent is called RIT
SunGuard, price -$2.OO.

Good Luck and Good Tanning!

Tyra Bank's Hobby Rx For Permanent Weight Loss!

                                 Tyra's Favorite Hobby! 

Tyra Banks, entrepreneur, model, singer, actress, television
producer and creator, Harvard business school grad and photographer.

As you can see Ms. Banks wears a number of different hats,
but the photographer's hat is one that may help you lose weight
and keep it off, if it's been a struggle for you.

Tyra has spoken of her love of photographing people, places
and things for quite some time, and even on her hit show-
"Americas Next Top Model" she gives Nigel Barker
a break and shoots some of the models herself.

Well, Ms. Banks is certainly a visionary and her love of photographing
things,may help the millions who struggle with weight day in and day out.

How? Well, seeing what you eat in a photograph on a daily basis, 

is a daily reminder of what you should and shouldn't being doing-diet wise.

In fact, a woman who tried this, began by writing down her food choices
and sending it to herself via e-mail and within a month-she was down 15 lbs.
After that, she sent her dietary choices to Twitter and,
down another 15 lbs.

With 30 lbs. gone, she wanted to lose those last ten lbs.but the weight
wouldn'tbudge, so she decided to film her food choices and sending
them to her herself via her blog.
And viola, the last ten lbs. were finally gone.

Why is this method so successful?
Seeing the proof right there in front of makes you want to
make better choices. And the better food choices you make,
the better your health will be.

Not eating enough fruit? It's right there in photographic proof,
overdid it at the family picnic? Photograph it and review it later.
Eat that whole bag of chips? It's right there in a photo,
staring at you.

So, if weight loss has been unsuccessful for months or even years and
you need something that may really work, then break out your digital
or cell phone camera and get the body you totally deserve.

As for the woman mentioned above, she's kept her weight off for 3 yrs.
now, and if she slips up and starts to make bad food choices, out
comes the cell phone camera.

Good Luck!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Celebrity Addictions!

                          Addicted To Something! 

Remember when Hollywood was addicted to sex, drug and rock n roll?  

Today, a lot of those stars can't handle the addictions of the past,
so they have new ones. Look below and learn the addictions of some of
your favorite stars.

a) Charlize Theron-
Charlize was a heavy smoker, now her addiction is "Deal or No Deal"
the cancelled T.V. show is something Ms. Theron can't
stop watching.
b) Jennifer Aniston-
Ms. Aniston is addicted to something called "board planing"
putting her right foot in front of her left foot. I'm not sure if
this qualifies as an addiction, it's more of a superstition.
c) Avril Lavigne-
Must have her black eyeliner. Yes, an addiction to eyeliner.
d) Robert Pattison-
Must have a coke everyday. Mr. Pattison is also a smoker, so
smoking and drinking coke won't do your health any good.
With his bank account, Mr. Pattison, can buy natural soda or make his
own with club soda mixed with fruit (that you run through a juicer).
e) Nicole Kidman-
Tom Cruise movies- only kidding, it's cake and pie.
Ms. Kidman has a piece of cake or a slice of pie 3 times a week.
And if you're wondering about her slim figure-Ms. Kidman says
the rest of her diet is top-notch, so she's entitled. 

f) Cameron Diaz-
Loves golf. She likes to play a few times a week.
g) Paris Hilton-
Loves to sky dive. She says it gives her an incredible rush.
h) Megan Fox-
Loves shoes! Now that's a shocker-a woman addicted to shoes.
i) Lady Gaga-
Has a strange addiction- it's rubbing her feet together.
This may go back to childhood, some kids like to rub the silk from
a blanket on their face, or rub their ears or rub their feet.
Feet have thousands of nerve endings, so maybe Lady Gaga is
getting a rush after doing it.
j) Salma Hayek-
This is more strange than an addiction, she loves to breast feed.
Remember Ms. Hayek breastfeeding in Africa?
k) Ozzy Osborne-
Where do you start with Ozzy?
Ozzy really cleaned up his act, even changing his diet to one of
vegetarianism. But he can't give up his cocoa puffs.

There you have it, even though they make millions,
they still have addictions (good and bad) like 
the rest of us.

Good Luck!

Tori Spelling's Rx For A Cheap Ultrasound Test!

                         Another Boy Or Girl For Tori Spelling!
Tori Spelling just had her 3rd child a few months ago, and as of today-May 3rd, 
she's just announced she's pregnant again.
Ms. Spelling won't reveal the sex of her child just yet, she wants to keep
that info to herself.
If you or a family member is pregnant and you want to know the sex of your
child without paying for an ultrasound, there are signs that happen to a woman
that'll help you determine the future sex of your child.
These are considered wives tales and superstitions, so if these don't help,
by all means get an ultrasound.

If it's a Boy: 
a) Your Baby's heart rate is less than 140 heart beats per minute.
b) You're carrying the extra weight out front.
c) Your belly looks like a basketball.
d) Your areolas are getting darker.
e) You're carrying low.
f) You're craving salty or sour foods,
g) You're also craving protein-meats and cheese.
h) Your feet are colder than normal.
i) Your hands are very dry. 

j) Your urine is a bright yellow.
k) Your nose is spreading.
l) Add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month 

you conceived, the number should be even. 
m) You didn't have morning sickness early in the pregnancy. (Snooki says
she hasn't had a problem with morning sickness, yet) Uh oh-another Situation.
n) Hang your wedding ring over your belly...if it moves in circles-it's a boy.

If it's a Gorl: 
a) Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute.
b) You're carrying the weight in your hips and rear end.
c) Your belly looks like a watermelon.
d) Your left breast is larger than the right breast.
e) You're carrying high. 

f) You're craving sweets.
g) You're also craving fruits and Orange Juice.
h) You don't want to eat the heel of a loaf of bread.
i) Your urine is a dull yellow. 

j) You're becoming more moody.
k) Your breasts are becoming perky. 

l) Add your age at the time of conception, and the number for the month
you conceived, the number should be an odd number.
m) Your getting sick almost immediately.
n) Hang your wedding ring over your belly,,,it should move from side to side.

That's it- Again, it's not scientific, so if you want more concrete proof,
have an ultrasound

Good Luck!


Look for the E-newsletter listed below, at in the Kindle store, and
download it to your E-reader!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sheryl Crow's Rx For Looking Younger!

                         Makeup Trick To Look Younger! 

Singer, songwriter Sheryl Crow is almost 50 yrs. old,
she maintains her youthful looks with a makeup trick.
Why a makeup trick? She's vehemently opposed to using
Botox or going under the knife.

Her makeup trick:
Using a blush that is one shade lighter than your usual color,
start about an inch under the middle of your eye and extend the product
out over the top of your cheek's apple.
That's it- something so simple, inexpensive and will help you
 look a decade younger, it's a win-win situation.

Good Luck!

If you want to rev up your metabolism, head to our regular blog- For some great tips on boosting metabolism.

And look for our latest E-newsletter, (title below) and find out the people
of Madagascar, the Himalayans, Patagonia, Japan, China, France,
Malaysia, Australia, the Andes mountains, Ireland, Sardinia, Tuscany,
Ojai Cal. Loma Linda Cal. Jamaica and Greece make it to 100 yrs. of age,
easily and effortlessly. Head to, the Kindle store,
type the title into the search bar and download it to your E-reader!

Jessica Simpson's Rx For Gender Selection!

                      Choosing The Sex Of Your Baby! 

Congrats to Jessica Simpson, who just gave birth to a baby girl
after 11 months.
If you want a girl or a boy and don't want to spend thousands on
medical procedures that may or may not work, here's something
called "Gender Selection" and it's been around for about 30 yrs.

Discovered by Dr. Landrum B. Shettles, who says that having
intercourseat particular times can help determine the sex of your baby.

So, if you're willing to try the easy and inexpensive method, here it is...
For A Boy-
Intercourse should occur as close to the time of ovulation as possible.
Before intercourse douche with one quart warm water and 2 tbs. of baking
soda. Avoid intercourse completely from the beginning of the monthly cycle
until the day of ovulation.

For A Girl-
Abstain from intercourse 2 to 3 days before ovulation, then douche with 2 tbs.
of white vinegar to 1 quart warm water prior to intercourse.

That's it- And if you need help with determining ways to track ovulation,
ask your Dr. or Ob-Gyn or go online to for some more
great tips. Also type Dr. Landrum B. Shettles into a search bar at
Google for more info on deciding the gender of your next child.

Good Luck!