Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Paula Deen's Rx For Silky Smooth Skin!

                  A Sweet Treat For Smoother Skin! 

Paula Deen, the popular Southern cook makes no secret about her love
of Pecan pie. Due to her recent weight loss, Ms. Deen can only eat the
sweet treat on special occasions.

But, that doesn't mean she can't wear it. Wear Pecan pie?
Yes, and for what reason? For beautiful, silky smooth skin, silly. 

You may have heard about egg white masks, or egg yolk masks,
or brown sugar scrubs, well now, there's the Pecan pie beauty scrub
and it can give you skin that's as smooth as silk.

How do pecans help make skin smoother?
They're rich in oleic acid, a powerful moisturizer and the
other ingredient- cocoa powder, helps firm up the jawline, cheeks
and other areas that are starting to go soft. 

So, if you're game- and want to save money on a visit to the spa or on
a hard to pronounce scrub, look below and get started on your Pecan pie scrub.
1/4 cup chopped pecans (important note- buy them at Costco's
or Big Lots-to save money)
1/4 cup turbinado sugar
1 tbsp. cocoa powder
1/4 cup almond oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract

The Directions:
Place the pecans in a food processor or a blender, blend until
they're a powder. Mix with the other ingredients until you have
a lumpy paste. Place this in a clean jar or container.
And on your day off, bring your jar or container into the shower and
massage some of the pecan pie scrub on your cheeks, forehead,
knees, shoulders, elbows and thighs. Rinse off with warm water and then
dry off. This mixture should last for about 2 weeks.
And if you want to do more of your body, like your back, torso
and the back of your legs, just add some more pecans and sugar.

That's it- A Thanksgiving Rx to help you look more beautiful.

Good Luck!

Hawaiian Sea Salt Body Scrub - 14.5 oz (Google Affiliate Ad)

Horror Movie Rx To Lose Weight!

             Lose Weight With A Horror Movie! 

Today's Halloween, any horror movie fans out there?
Well, if you prefer the new school horror movie like "Paranormal
Activity" or if you're really old school and prefer "Night of
The Living Dead" or "The Exorcist" give yourself a hand.

Why? Watching horror movies can do more than keep you up at night,
they can also help boost your metabolism.
That's right- Most people fidget while watching a horror movie and
fidgeting can increase metabolism by a whopping 40%. Translate that
to a 2 hr. movie and you can burn about 180 calories, watch 3 movies
and you can burn about 540 calories.

Scientists say frequent body movements, (fidgeting) prods your brain to
release a hormone (orexin-A). A hormone that boosts your ability to burn fat
for energy.

So, next time you want to watch some mindless horror movie, don't feel 

bad about it, just remember- you're doing your body some good.

Good Luck!


365 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism By Laferriere, Rachel (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Laptops Rxs For Hollywood Moms!

                         Beware of The Laptop!

If you're a future Hollywood mom or a future regular mom from Tuscaloosa
Alabama, you may want to read the latest news about laptops and pregnancy.

You may have heard about the harmful effects of a laptop on guys
and sperm count. But today, new research from Italy says that
pregnant women who place a laptop on their laps may do irreparable 

harm to future offspring.

That's right- all of that radiation while you're tweeting, checking
or just shopping on eBay for a bargain, can exit your laptop and right into
your baby girl or boy.

So, if you're a star in Hollywood or a travel agent in Tuscaloosa Alabama
and you plan on having children, make sure to keep that Dell, MacBook
Hewlitt-Packard off your lap.
And make sure the man in your life-heeds this advice as well.

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Twilight's Rx To Lower A Female Cancer!

                   Drink Up For Better Health! 

The latest installment of the "Twilight" series will happen
in a few weeks. If you plan on having a Twilight party
and want to serve a refreshing beverage, make the beverage a
Bloody Mary. Why a Bloody Mary?
Well, the name says it all- plus blood and vampires.

But there's another reason...what is it?
A Bloody Mary can help women, more specifically,
help them lower their rates of breast cancer. 

Breast cancer? Yes, especially if you add some black pepper and
celery to it. Both foods destroy cancer cells, and leave the healthy cells

And if you're not sure how to make it, look below for the recipe.
A Bloody Mary:
Just mix 2 oz. of tomato juice, 2 oz. of vodka,
a pinch of celery salt, a pinch of black pepper,
and a twist of lemon in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a small
stick of celery and a cherry tomato on a toothpick.
This is one serving. If you need more, just double or triple
the tomato juice and vodka.

And if you want your teen or preteen to have some- to start them
on their way toward preventing breast cancer, leave out the alcohol.

That's it- A movie that's not only good, but good for your health as well.

Good Luck!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Katie Holmes Rx For Quick Weight Loss!

                             Drink Up Like Katie Holmes! 

Katie Holmes is a tall woman, but like a lot of women, she has to watch her
weight as well. (No jokes about getting rid of Tom Cruise)
When Katie wants to drop a few pounds and kick start her metabolism-
she reaches for a drink.
The Drink: Celsius!

It's a green tea that contains certain compounds and caffeine that
increases body heat which speeds up metabolism.
Find this product at $5 for a few cans.

And if you're taking any type of medication, it's best you talk to your
Dr. before trying this product.

Good Luck! 


P.S. for great gluten-free recipes go to 

Weight Loss Rx For Jessica Simpson!

                            Eat Sweets To Lose Weight! 

Oho-no, It's being reported that Jessica Simpson is being paid a lot of money
by Weight Watchers to lose weight. What's so special about that?
After 4 months, Ms. Simpson is still struggling.
Although we don't have acess to Ms. Simpson's diet or exercise plan,
she may want to use this new diet tip that's helping a lot of folks lose

The tip: Eat your sweets in the morning.

That's right- if you must have that brownie, scone or
cinnamon roll, have it in the morning. Why?
You'll lose 3 times more weight, even more than people
who stick to a diet of a boiled egg, a piece of turkey sausage,
1/2 grapefruit and a cup of plain black coffee.

How is this possible?
Eating a sweet treat in the morning- prods your brain to boost serotonin
production during the day. And that extra dose of serotonin shuts down
the hunger pangs that you may get later, especially cravings for carbs,
sweet carbs.

So, if you've been struggling like Ms. Simpson and cut out all sweets,
put them back and enjoy greater weight loss.
And also important:
Sweets in moderation, No 3 and 4 brownies, no cinnamon roll the size
of a dinner plate and definitely, no more than 3 small cookies.

And it's also important to choose healthier breakfast foods.
No mounds of hash browns, no 3 to 5 strips of bacon, and no stacks of pancakes.
And lastly, you must have your sweet by 10:00 am and you must eat well
the rest of the day. (Preferably lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, tea or coffee
and good fats- olive or coconut oil or a few nuts). 

That's it- Follow this for a month, and see if it makes a difference.

Good Luck!

P.S. for more great info- go to our regular blog- 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Who's Rx For Better Hearing!

                                     Rock Music and Hearing Loss! 
The Who, the legendary rock group are still playing a few dates a yr.
That's surprising since guitarist Peter Towsend has lost almost all of his hearing.
The Who, were one of the first rock group to speak out about playing
and listening to rock music that's way to loud.
If you're the type that loves your rock, rap, heavy metal or pop music
loud, expect to lose some of your hearing at an early age.

And for those who may be suffering now, and doesn't want or can't afford an
hearing aid, try some "Asian medicine" and see if you can get your hearing back.
Asian medicine? Yes, if you read our earlier post on Rosie O'Donnell,
then you know about Asian medicine.
The Asian medicine technique is simply applying pressure to a certain part of the
body, to bring about a healing.

To restore or preserve hearing, do the following...
Massage the ring fingers (both hands) for a few mins. each day, start at the
base and then work up to the fingertips. Stay on the fingertips and massage
for a few mins. Use the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand and
make sure not to massage too deeply when first starting.
Stick with it, some notice a change after one or two massages, for others-
it may take 5 or more applications. 

That's it- simple, inexpensive ways to get and stay healthy.  

Rosie O'Donnell's Rx For Heart Health!

                                       Beat A Heart Attack Like Rosie! 

Rosie O'Donnell was on "The Dr. Oz"show today, the subject they discussed:
Heart Attacks! They talked about symptoms, the pain, taking an aspirin, 

calling 911, and some things to do after surviving it.
Rosie mentioned taking an aspirin while waiting for the ambulance,
but what if you or a loved one is no where near an aspirin?
Then, you may want to try Asian medicine.

That's right- more specifically, the medicine known as Reflexology
or Pressure Point Therapy. Simply put, it's just massaging a certain
part of your foot, hand, back or scalp to bring about healing.

So, if you or a friend, coworker or a loved one feels those
pains Rosie mentioned today and there's not an aspirin in sight,
do the following...

Press your own pinkie finger (left pinkie-the heart side) or press the
left pinkie of the person suffering with chest pains, the top part, with your
right thumb and forefinger. Press for a min. or two, and then move down to
the padding just under the base of the pinkie finger and massage this area
for a min. or two.
This should buy you some time, time to get to a hospital and under the
supervision of a healthcare professional.
And if your heart is in tip-top shape, this massage technique is said to keep
your heart working perfectly. For more info on massaging certain body parts
for better health, go to and type in Reflexology, and learn all
you can about this 4,000 yr.old  healing practice.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stars Beverage Rxs For Better Health!

                         Starbucks Rxs For Better Health! 

Stars are like regular folks in one regard: They love Starbucks.
Stars like Sharon and Jack Osbourne, Seal, Dave Navarro,
Scott Foley, Mary Kate Olsen, Robin Williams and Tiger Woods.
And according to new research, coffee is a health drink.
2 to 4 cups a day of black coffee, can...
a)  lower your risks of getting diabetes
b) Fight Cancer
c) Keep Your heart strong
d) Prevent Parkinson's
e) Boost Metabolism
f) Reduce Appetite
g) Increase Energy Levels

So, if you weren't sure about the good benefits of coffee,
you are now.  And if you are going to get on the coffee bandwagon,
here are a few tips to make your coffee drinking much more pleasurable. 

The tips...
a) Watch the add ons. That means the frothy toppings like caramel,
whipped cream, regular milk and sugar.
b) Watch The Caffeine- If you can't handle all of that caffeine, make your
coffee DeCaf.
c) Watch The Side Dishes- That means the danish, cinabuns, scones, donuts
and bagels.
d) Add Some Protein Powder- It helps curb cravings for the sweets mentioned

Keurig K-Cup 18-Pk. Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice Coffee (Google Affiliate Ad)

That's It- And if Starbucks doesn't fit into your budget, that's okay,
stock up on coffee from a big discount store and drink to better health.

And if you want to live longer- Read how 6 foods can help you get achieve it.
Find this info at

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Red Carpet Gowns For Less!

                       Look Like A Star For Less! 

Want a gown that looks like it was worn by Angelina Jolie, Lea
Michele or Gwyneth Paltrow?

Well, you're in luck, top designer Narciso Rodriguez who's designed
gowns for stars like Charlize Theron and Kate Winslet, is doing something
for the woman who doesn't earn millions each year.

What is he doing?
He's designing gowns that'll cost between $30 to $150
starting in less than 2 weeks and they're only available
at Kohl's.

So, if you have a special event like a Christmas party or
a reunion, head to Kohl's, pick up your gown and knock everyone
socks off.

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Talk's Rx For Beautiful Skin!

                                  Use Food To Get More Beautiful! 

Are you a fan of Sharon Osborne's show -"The Talk?"
Tune in to tomorrow's show (Mon. Oct. 22nd) and
watch the segment the ladies do on foods that'll help you
look more beautiful.
And for those that can't watch the show, here's a little
secret about a food that'll help close up your pores
and smooth out your complexion.

The Food: Plain Yogurt!
The simple tip to help close up pores...
After washing and drying your face,
smooth on some plain yogurt (put it on your face

and neck) sit or lie back and leave the yogurt on 
for 10 to 15 mins. and then rinse the yogurt off with
warm water.

Why yogurt?
Yogurt has lactic acid and lactic acid removes grime
and oils that cause those pores, and it (yogurt)
makes the pores less noticeable.
So, if you were eating plain yogurt as a way to
build immunity, freshen breath and get more calcium,
well today- you can wear it for a more gorgeous complexion.

That's it- and don't forget to thank Sharon Osborne
and the other ladies from "The Talk!"

Good Luck!

P.S. Want to know how Paula Deen has lost 35 pounds?
Go to the and read the post
about Ms. Deen. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Taylor Swift's Rx To Stop Snoring!

                      Sing Along With Taylor! 

Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? How about Cher Lloyd?
Or do you prefer something harder and edgier like The Foo Fighters?
And while listening to your favorite artist, do you also sing along?
And the last question...are you a snorer?
Well, if you're a snorer and love listening to and singing
along with your favorite artist, you're in luck.

New research says that singing along to your favorite artist
at home or in the car for 20 mins. a day, helps tone muscles in the throat's
upper air-way, which helps you increase your oxygen intake
as you sleep. And in three months or so, you should see a reduction
or even an end to your snoring.
And one more benefit of singing for 20 mins. a day- you'll wake up feeling
refreshed and rarin to start the day.

That's it- A safer and all-natural Rx to stop snoring from songbird
Taylor Swift.

Good Luck!

Kate Hudson's Rx To Lose Weight Fast!

                    Kate Hudson and Quick Weight Loss! 

Do you ever have to lose 10 lbs. quickly? You know, before a
big event like a wedding, a reunion or to walk your own "Red Carpet?"
Well, you're not alone, Kate Hudson-the movie star also has to do it
on occasion, her secret:
Asparagus! More specifically- an Asparagus supplement.

Why Asparagus? It contains phytonutrients that activate
primary detoxifying enzymes in the liver and act like a natural
diuretic to flush out all of that water, to help you get slim and trim.

Look for the Asparagus extract product called Solaray Asparagus
supplements, find them at Price- $14 for 60 capsules.
And one more tip- make sure if to check with your Dr. before taking
this product, it is a diuretic. Or just eat more Asparagus along with
a low-carb diet for a few days and drop those 5 or 10 lbs. quickly.

Good Luck!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ellen D's Rx For Comfortable Shoes!

                              Ellen DeGeneres' Rx For Back Pain! 

Ellen Degeneres is known as a women who loves sneakers and
also known for suffering from back pain.
If you, like Ellen suffers from back pain, then you may be interested
in this new bit of info.
The info: Your shoes may be causing your back pain.

That's right- Do you like wearing a pair of sneakers right up until
the soles give out? Do you wear shoes only because they look good?
Well, according to researchers, shoes without arch support force lower
back muscles to work a lot harder. To alleviate the pain- try switching
to shoes with supportive insoles and you'll cut down on lower back aches

That's it- A shoe Rx to end the agony of back pain. 

And if you're already wearing shoes with great support, but are still
suffering from back pain- go to and type in Ellen Degeneres'
Rxs To End Back Pain. Once you reach the destination, you should see
some incredible alternatives, like...letting go of negative thoughts,
taking more vitamin C, massaging your feet... plus,  many more tips.

Good Luck! 


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hollywood Rx For Using Lipstick!

                          Lipstick Tip From Hollywood! 

Ladies, do you put on your lipstick and then find that it (the lipstick)
has found its way to your teeth?
Well, use this tip from a top Hollywood stylist and hopefully, it'll
never happen again.

The tip: After applying the lipstick, put a straw in your mouth.
Next, pucker your lips around the straw and slowly glide it out.
This tip is effective because the straw pulls off any lipstick on the
inside of your lips, helping you to avoid that frightening red tooth look.

Good Luck,

Hollywood Rx To Stop Breakouts!

                                  Stop Facial Breakouts! 

Do you find yourself getting a lot of acne, breakouts or other blemishes?
Well, according to a top dermatologist-it may not be from that piece of chocolate 

you eat once or twice a week, but from the hairbrushes, makeup brushes,
your glasses or your cell phone.

The doctor's tips: Every week wash your makeup brushes with an antibacterial
soap. And as for your cell phone and glasses-wipe em down with some antibacterial
gel. Clean these things on a regular basis and you should see a clearer and
smoother skin in no time flat, just like a lot of Hollywood stars.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Honey Boo Boo's Rx For More Energy!

                     Color More To Boost Mental  Energy! 

Love her or hate her, there's no denying Honey Boo Boo is
fast becoming as popular as a lot of Hollywood stars.
Although H.B.B. still participates in pageants, we get to see her
engage in a lot of fun stuff that kids love to do.
We're not regular viewers, so we're not sure if H.B.B. engages in
the childhood favorite known as coloring.

What's so special about coloring? It not only keeps kids busy
and occupied, but new research says that it'll help both kids and adults.
Coloring for a few mins. can increase mental energy by as much as 25%.
Researchers think the repetitive, precise motion stimulates the brain's
alertness center.

So, if  you find yourself in need of a mental energy boost, break out
the crayons and coloring books and create that special art masterpiece,
just like Honey Boo Boo.

Good Luck!

For more tips on ways to boost mental performance- go to the blog... 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Star's Rx To Beat Cancer!

                              Eat Your Veggies! 

Would you consider yourself a veggie lover like Ellen D. or
Gywneth Paltrow? Or do you hate and even avoid veggies like
Jay Leno and Whoopi Goldberg?
Well, if you're in the love em like Ellen and Gywneth camp,
consider yourself healthier and luckier.

People who eat the most vegetables get more vitamin C, E and
A into their systems, as well as selenium and getting these important
nutrients into your system-means you cut your risk of developing
pancreatic cancer by a whopping 65%.

Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, beans, carrots and leafy
greens will certainly help you avoid this very serious form of cancer.
So, if you hate and avoid veggies like Whoopi and Jay, you may want
to rethink it, after reading this post.

Good Luck!

Justin Bieber's Rx For A Medical Exam!

                                     Musical Rx For Your Next Medical Exam! 

Do you or a loved one plan on getting a colonoscopy?
Well, to make it go a little smoother, bring along your iPod, or
MP3 player. People who listened to music right before taking
the exam, were able to relax enough to require less sedation
without sacrificing your comfort levels.

So, get your favorite Justin Bieber, or Lady Gaga,
or The Black Keys songs ready to play.

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Rx To Quit Smoking For Good!

                   Exercise Rx To Quit Smoking! 

If you're a fan of the T.V. show-"The View" then you're aware
that co-host Whoopi Goldberg is trying to stop smoking...again.
Ms. Goldberg is lucky that she's able to afford alternative treatments
that a lot of folks can't afford. Plus, she has the eyes of millions of people
watching her and that may or may not be a good thing.

One thing Ms. Goldberg should try is exercise.
Yes exercise, over 1, 000 people who were followed while trying to 

quit smoking, named exercise as the best remedy that helped them
avoid lighting up...for good.

Why exercise? A brisk walk, a bike ride or swimming for 30 mins.
helps you boost endorphins, the feel good chemicals your brain 

produces. And since you're getting them (the endorphins) from exercise 
and not smoking, you're more likely to stick with it.

So, if you too, are struggling like Ms. Goldberg and want to quit for
good, look into walking, bike riding or doing some power yoga
3 to 5 times a week.

Good Luck!

Read our next post, which also features Ms. Goldberg, it's all about eating
your vegetables. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ricki Lake's Rx To Beat Stress!

                           Beat Stress Naturally! 

You may have show host Ricki Lake is back with a new talk show
after being away for over a decade. On today's show-she talked about a
subject that affecting a lot of people. The subject: How to relieve stress.
According to new research, more and more people are dealing with stress.
Stress from jobs, job losses, rising costs, college costs, aging parents,
difficult kids, on and on.

If you find yourself suffering from "too much stress" and you want
something natural to fix it, try smiling more.
Yup, you're reading it right- when folks who were doing something stressful
or involved in a stressful situation were told to smile, their heartbeats
returned to normal.
Smiling helps "undo" the harmful effects of the stress response regardless
of whether you're actually upbeat at the time.
Although this tip may help you if you're only slightly stressed,
please seek real help if the stress in your life is ongoing or too much
to bear.

That's it- a tip that's worth smiling about.

Good Luck!

Two Broke Girls Rx For Getting Bigger Tips!

                      Make More Money Waiting Tables! 

Any fans of the T.V. show-"Two Broke Girls?" It's  a hit for CBS and it's
about two women from different backgrounds who are trying to make it
as waitresses and cupcake makers.
If you're also a waitress and would like to know how to make more in
tips, read on.

Ladies, believe it or not, getting a bigger tip may depend on the color
of your blouse or t-shirt.
That's right- according to research, women who wore red were given
between 15% to 26% more money. And that's not all- the women would
switch up their shirts to say, black, green, purple or yellow and they'd
get less money. But when they changed back into their red blouse
or red t-shirt... you guessed it-bigger tips.

The researchers aren't sure why, but if you're a regular reader of this 

blog, then you know all about the colors' effect on everything from getting
more attention in a singles bar to helping infertile women become pregnant.

So, if you're a waitress and struggling to pull in more tips, break out
the red. And one more tip: The people who tipped the red wearers best?
Men! For some reason, it didn't matter what color the women were
wearing when it came to female diners. The tips weren't that generous.

That's it- A financial tip in these tough economical times to help you
and your waitress buddy-become "Two Rich Girls!"

Good Luck!

P.S. If you suffer from PMS blue moods- read about the food
that can end it. Read all about it at 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Khloe and Lamar's Rx For A Longer Life!

                               Eat More Chocolate! 

If you're a fan of Khloe and Lamar then you're well aware of Lamar's
insatiable sweet tooth. Having an occasional piece of candy is quite alright,
but do it on a daily basis and you're asking for trouble.
Although we don't watch every show, we're well aware of the fertility
problems Khloe and Lamar are experiencing, and we have to wonder
if his unending supply of candy is the reason.

With that said, having  some raisins a few times a week, can help build strong
bones. Or if you'd like- mix in some hazelnuts and you'll keep your heart strong,
and if you're really daring...throw in an ounce or two of dark chocolate.
A few ozs. of dark chocolate a week can prevent diseases like heart disease
and stroke, it can also help you live longer, build bone density and best of all,
keep you out the therapists' office. It's a natural mood booster.

So, Khloe, don't stop Lamar, just have him choose top quality
nuts, raisins and dark chocolate, you two can certainly afford it.

Good Luck!

Arnold's Rx For Building A Better Memory!

                              Build Muscle Like Arnold! 

Say what you want about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
bad father, irresponsible, a cad, a cheater, cold, foolish
and reckless, but there's no denying the fact that
thanks to weightlifting he was able to achieve quite a
few things in life.

If you're still undecided as to whether to start lifting weights,
take note- a new report says that 2 days of lifting not only
builds impressive muscles, but a impressive memory as well.
That's right- if you are at all concerned about a fading memory, 
then it's time to pick up the weights. 
And if you have a teen at home, get them started as well,
the memory boost will help in the classroom, and hopefully,
help them get into a good college as well.

Good Luck!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hollywood Rxs For The Best Hair Care Products!

                    Look Your Best With These Products! 

Ever wonder if there's a brush, flatiron or blow-dryer
out there that you should be using?
Well, wonder no more, according to some Hollywood
stylists-here are some choices for hair care products,
that'll help you look your best, without spending a fortune. 

1) The Best Hairbrush-
Need a brush that'll complement your blow-dryer?
Look for a brush called the "Goody Quik Style Paddle
Brush!" It's a brush that has super-absorbent microfiber bristles
along with the traditional de-tangling ball-tipped bristles. This 

brush will help you absorb 30% more water than you would from towel
drying alone. Find this brush at Drugstores like Walgreens or CVS.
2) The Best Flatiron-
Exposing your hair to a blow-dryer and then a flatiron
for yrs. and yrs. can cause considerable damage to the hair shaft.
That's why you need the flatiron that helps style and dry your hair
at the same time. After using this incredible tool, your hair will be both
sleek and shiny. Look for the flatiron called Remington Wet 2 Straight 2" 

Flat Iron, find it at Price-$26.
3) The Best Blow-Dryer-
Stop using your hairbrush in one hand and a blow-dryer in the other.
The new solution: A hair dryer and a brush combo. The brush head spins
while blasting hot air for a hair style that'll turn heads.
The blow-dryer is called Conair Infinti Pro Spin Air Rotating Style. 

Find it online at$40.

That's 3 tips to help you look "Red Carpet" for a fraction of the

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Salsa Rx From Ellen D.

                        Eat Some Salsa! 

Ellen Degeneres talks about her avocado ranch on occasion.
Avocados as we explained in past posts are quite beneficial
to your health. Listed below is a recipe for salsa
that not only has avocados but the beneficial fruit mango as well.
Mangoes-a tropical fruit is one of the best foods to eat if you
want to avoid certain cancers.
Here's the recipe for "Mango-Avocado Salsa" and it comes
from a spa located in Scottsdale Arizona.

The Ingredients:
A large bowl. In the bowl, mix the following...
2 Avocados, peeled, pitted and diced.
1 mango, (ripe) peeled and pitted.
1 tomato diced
1/3 cup of diced yellow or red onion
1 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil.
1/4 cup of lime juice, plus some of the zest (grated)
1/2 cup of chopped cilantro -fresh or 1/4 cup of dried
some sea salt and black or red pepper
Mix for a few minutes and then place some plastic wrap over
the bowl and chill for a few hours.
Place some of the salsa on baked chicken or fish,
or just serve with chips. (preferably blue chips)

Benefits of each ingredient:
*Avocado- read the earlier post mentioned.
*Mango- Mentioned above as a cancer fighter.
*Tomatoes- contains lycopene-which help protects your skin from
the Sun's harmful rays.
* Onions- build strong bones, prevent prostate cancer, thicker hair
and keeps the heart in tip-top shape.
* Olive oil- great for keeping skin youthful, great for heart health,
and reduces appetite.
* Limes- build strong hearts, the zest- stops constant dizziness,
prevent strokes and prevents the Sun from doing damage to your skin.
*Cilantro- removes mercury and other toxins from your system.

Good Luck!

Hair Care Rx From A Hollywood Stylist!

                    Taking Care Of Your Hair! 

Are you a frequent user of hot tools (combs) on your hair?
If you are, you may causing damage to your roots.
Most people (women) start blow drying right after a shower or
washing it at the sink.
Big mistake.

According to a top Hollywood stylist you should
wait a few minutes and then dry your hair.
Waiting a few minutes means you can use a lower setting on your blow
dryer and the lower setting means less damage to your hair.

Good Luck!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hollywood Rxs For Youthful Hands!

                       Youthful Tricks For Your Hands! 

Believe it or not your hands may show signs of aging well before
your face does. Why? The skin on the back of your hands is very thin,
and that thin skin wrinkles faster.
If you're hands are starting to show signs of aging, and you
don't want to or don't have the money for cosmetic surgery,
why not try and turn back the clock with nail polish?

That's right- According to celebrity stylists-choosing a polish
for your nails can make the skin look smoother and the nails a little 

longer. Listed below are some nail polishes that'll help your
hands look a little younger.

a) Zoya Nail Polish-in Chloe, online at Price $8.
b) Sally Hansen Gem Crush-in Be-jeweled, find it at
beauty stores, Price $7.
c) Revlon Nail Enamel-in Stunning, find it at beauty stores or
drug stores. Price $5.
d) OP! Nail Lacquer -in I'm All Ears, find it at beauty supple stores,
Price $8
e) Wet n Wild Fergie Nail Color-in No Place Like Home, find it at
beauty supple stores, Price $4.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Marilu Henner's Rx For Better Brainpower!

                          Build A Better Brain! 

Fall season means eating a different variety of foods.
The foods available in the Fall, are the same foods
available in the Summer, but they may be cheaper.
One of those foods: Pears!

They're not only cheaper, but they can also help your brain 

in a number of ways.
Pears are one of the foods that contain Boron, and Boron
is a mineral that improves memory. And if you want a memory
like actress Marilu Henner, then adding more pears to your diet
is the way to go.

And if you have kids, pears offer them something more than just
a great memory.
The benefits for kids: Greater attention spans and reaction times.

And lastly, if you're concerned about dementia, Alzheimer's and
other memory problems, eat the skin along with the inside of the pear.
The skin contains compounds that eases inflammation, inflammation
that can damage the delicate parts of the brain responsible for
remembering all of that information.

So, if a better memory is what you want, stock up on pears.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The E Channel's Scent Rx For Better Concentration!

                                 Sniff Your Way To Better Concentration! 

Have trouble concentrating? Do you sit down to pay bills or do homework
and find it too taxing?
Well, you're not alone, Chelsea Handler- host of her own show-"Chelsea Lately" 

has the same problem.
And luckily, there's a simple solution for you. One that doesn't require
hours of meditation, a strict, hard to follow diet or endless brain exercises.
Nope, the solution is a spritz of a particular scent.
The scent: Jasmine!

That's right- Jasmine is gaining in popularity for its ability
to help calm you down, sleep and now- better concentration.

The scent enhances alertness, and puts you in a positive place,
a place that makes you less nervous, which enables you to focus
and perform better.

Look for a jasmine scented perfume like-Thymes Goldleaf Eau de Parfum.
Purchase it online at, price--$50.

That's it- You may not be able to earn money like Chelsea, but you
can concentrate like her.

Good Luck!

Jewelry Bargains For Cheapskates!

                            Buying Jewelry For Less! 

Stars can afford to buy expensive necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets
and watches. The rest of us, (the normal folks) can't.
But wait, now it's possible for the "normal folks" to buy designer
and trendy jewelry for low cost prices.

The place to buy this affordable jewelry: Online at
Go to this site, look around, and if you decide to buy something, use the
coupon code-WW20.

Good Luck!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hollywood's Rx For Traveling With Pets!

                        Traveling With Pets! 

A lot of stars love their pets, Hillary Swank, Channing Tatum and
Ellen Degeneres to name a few, and that love extends to traveling
with them.

But some pets have anxiety, anxiety that can make the trip extra long
and difficult. If you have a nervous Fido or Fifi, look for the flower
that's gaining in popularity for its ability to help you sleep and
lower your anxiety levels.

The Flower: Lavender!
That's right- look for lavender essential oil at health food stores
and spray a little on the seats before setting off- and watch Fido
or Fifi behave better than a sleeping child.
Lavender is loaded with compounds that help you relax and calm down.

That's it- For more tips on making pets healthier and happier...
go to or

Good Luck!