Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Middle's Rx For A Happier Marriage!

                    Marriage Advice From The Middle! 

The T.V. show -"The Middle" now has 100 episodes in the bag.
That's quite a milestone considering a lot of sitcoms don't make it past
one season.

If you're a regular viewer, then you're well aware of the special relationship
between the 3 siblings and it's that sibling relationship that can also help you
if you plan on getting married.
The Middle helping future married couples?

Yes, say therapists. They say your brothers and sisters may have pestered
the hell out of you while you were young, but all of that pestering taught you
Siblings force you to learn to share, be considerate of others and talk through
tough problems and these are the things you'll need to make a marriage work. 

So, if anyone criticizes your addiction to Parenthood, Modern Family or
The Middle, just tell them, the shows are preparing you for married life.

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Rx For Leftover Halloween Candy!

                             Send That Leftover Candy To Our Troops! 

Hollywood like the rest of the country is concerned about our troops.
If you're a true blue American and want to do something for our troops,
send them your leftover candy.
You may think sending candy may not be the best thing you can do for
our troops, but it's not true.

Young men and women want something to remind them of home and
their childhoods and candy is a great reminder. So,  if you have
leftover and unopened bags of Snicker bars, or bags of hard candies,
send them to Military Connections, 312 Auburn Street,
Pittsburgh, PA. 15235.
And to learn what else the troops need, go online to

Good Luck and God Bless!

Coming to kindle store...our new E-document,
Orange is the new Green. The Healing Powers of Pumpkin!
Learn how the big, round Orange gourd can...

turn back the clock
save your eyesight
boost bone health 

remove toxins from your body
help teens (boys)
boost sex drive (of men)
develop super immunity
ward off diabetes
plus, much, much more. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Designing Your Own Shoes!

                              Design Your Own Shoes! 

Stars in New York and Hollywood can afford to have their shoes
customized to their liking, but if you're a regular Jane or Jill,
you're out of luck.
That's right- you can try on pair after pair and hope you find something 

that fits. But that's in the past.

The past?
Yes, thanks to a creative soul named Jodie Fox, you the regular
person can design your won pair of shoes.
Go to her website-, make a great pair of shoes from

Shoes of Prey is part of a new breed of businesses that is taking product
customization to the next level.
Thanks to technology, including 3-D modeling and printing,
you can design your own pair of designer shoes.
And one more thing, Shoes of Prey just opened a physical store 

in Sydney Australia. so if you\'re ever there, stop in and custom design
your own shoes.

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Halloween Rx For Younger Skin!

                                    Turn Back The Clock With The Orange Gourd! 

In one day we celebrate another Halloween, and that means costumes,
trick or treating, tons of candies and Jack-O-Lanterns.
If you only buy pumpkins or canned pumpkins in October, 

you're doing yourself a great disservice. 
A disservice to your looks.

That's right- Orange foods are one of the best foods to keep skin youthful 
for life and we only use it for a one month period.
What are the benefit of orange foods, you ask?
Thanks to the ample amounts of vitamin A, C, fiber, iron and potassium-
all of these nutrients combined can keep fine lines, crow's feet, loose skin and
creases from ever taking up space on your face, neck or hands.
In fact, one star has been using pumpkin, (eating it and using it for facials)
for over a decade.
That star: Uma Thurman! And it must be working, she'll be 45 yrs. of age in
about a yr.

So, if you wanted the secret to youthful skin, make sure you start getting some
pumpkin, butternut squash, acorn squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots in
your daily diet.
And if you want to double up the effects on your skin, you can use pumpkin
as a facial.
To get you started, here's a pumpkin honey mask that'll help keep fine lines
at bay.
Mix a 1/4 cup of pumpkin (canned) with 1 tbs. of honey and an egg white.
Mix for a few seconds. Lie back in a comfortable chair and apply
the pumpkin mask on your face, neck and back of your hands.
Leave alone for 15 to 20 mins.
Then wash off with warm water and dry your face off.
More tips:
Do this mask on your day off, to see if redness occurs.
Or apply some to your hand and then wait for minutes to see the reaction.
Do stock up on canned pumpkin, it will be affordable for most for the next 2 months.
Head to Costco or Sam's Club.
If you want tighter skin around the neck and jawline, leave out the
egg white and use the yolk. Yolks help keep the neck and jaw lines tight.

That's it- and if you really want to know a few more tips on how pumpkins
can help build strong bones, boost the sex drive (with just the scent of a pie),
help develop strong teens, (guys) prevent weight gain, help boost confidence,
ease stress, detox your system and keep skin moisturized and blemish-free. 

Where can you get this info?
Head to kindle store, and type in Orange is the New Green,
The Healing Powers of Pumpkin. Available Friday!

And one more thing, if you want a recipe for a great low-cal
pumpkin pie, head to our sister site-
Pumpkin pie can boost sex drive (for guys) and make you gorgeous, (guys and gals)

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The View's Rx For a Beautiful Mind!

                      Avoid Alzheimer's Like Whoopi! 

Concerned about Alzheimer's? So are a lot of people.
Well, believe it or not, Whoopi Goldberg's favorite beverage
may be the preventive medicine you need.
What is it? 

Vegetable Juice.

Ms. Goldberg like Jay Leno is a "vegetable hater" and since she doesn't
eat them, she was advised to drink her vegetables.
And today, The American Journal of Medicine says that 2 to 3 glasses of
vegetable juice a day, reduces your odds of getting Alzheimer's by 75%.
Vegetable juice whether it's from a can or your own juicer provides your brain
with vital nutrients.

And lastly, just because you add vegetable juice, it's still wise to
watch the bad carbs (white foods) harmful trans-fats, foods with
dyes and  high fructose corn syrup.
More tips:Exercise, and if you smoke Quit, ( Whoopi did) and if you
don't smoke, keep it that way.
That's it- follow these tips and hopefully you'll never know
the pain and heartache of Alzheimer's.

Good Luck!

Sex and The City's Rx For Your Love Life!

                  Wear Heels For a Better Love Life! 

If you're a real fan of the T.V. show- "Sex and The City" then you're
well aware of the importance of high heels.
The women talked about shoes almost as much as they did Sex.
And they may have been on to something. 

No not the way the heels looked or the way men reacted to them,
but something more beneficial.
What is it? 

Heels may boost libido.

That's right, Italian researchers say heels force women (and some men)
to contract--and strengthen their pelvic floor muscles.
And all of that toning enhances your libido.
And if you're not a fan of high heels, you can try the more fresh fruit
approach, (choose fresh or frozen fruit) or massage.
Especially massage of areas near and around the ankles and the wrists.

Good Luck!

Don't forget, look for our latest E-document,
the health benefits one can get from Pumpkins.
Stronger immunity
build strong bones
prevent colds
Protect skin from the Sun's harmful rays
Natural Viagra (for men)
Turn back the clock- look 10 yrs. younger
Available at the kindle store. 

Low Cost Rxs For Buying The Ring!

                                     Save Money On The Ring! 

You may have heard about Kanye West proposing to Kim Kardashian
at the baseball stadium located in Oakland.
You  may have also heard about the ring, the price, the size and
the amount of carats it has.

If you're planning on getting married, but aren't sure where to go for
making decisions about rings, dresses, invitations, cakes or the flowers,
due to lack of know-how, hold-on...
someone out there was thinking of you when it comes to finding
the rings, flowers, cakes, etc. 

Who are these people?
They're the developers of the site:
As in tying the knot. 

So, if you were down or discouraged over seeing the Kim and Kanye
story, don't be, just go online to and get some info
on how you too, can have the wedding of your dreams.

Good Luck!

Coming to, the kindle store.
Stock up on canned pumpkin this yr. in addition to making
great soup and pies, you can also...

Slow down aging
improve memory
increase the shine in your hair
get a better night's sleep
prevent diabetes
and much, much more, but you have wait,
the E-document is a day or two away.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Oprah's Rx To Lower Cancer Rates!

                Lower Your Risk of Cancer! 

There was a photo about a week ago that showed talk show maven-Oprah,
doing housework.
Big stars doing their own household chores is nothing new, but what is new
is doing chores a few times a week can help lower cancer rates.

Uterine cancer to be exact. Breast cancer takes the spotlight as the cancer 
women should really be aware of, but make sure you don't forget ovarian,
throat, uterine, stomach, lung and pancreatic cancer.
Medical researchers say chores are just like walking or bike riding,
moving the body doing some type of exercise, helps lower uterine cancer rates. 

So, if you want to reduce your chances of getting uterine cancer,
make sure to wash walls, go up and down the stairs to clean laundry
and rake up those falling leaves, doing these things will not 

only make your living quarters look better, they may also save your

Oh and one more thing...If you do clean walls, or the carpets, make sure 

to buy cleaning products that are all-natural, why? 
New research also suggests that inhaling chemicals from household
cleaning products or air freshners may also increase your chances for 

getting certain cancers.
Try the all-natural products from actress Jessica Alba.

Good Luck!

For more tips on avoiding ovarian, lung, breast and/or throat cancer,
head to kindle store. Download the E-book,
The Superfoods That'll Help You Prevent Breast Cancer.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Horror Movie's Rx For Women Over Fifty!

                              Fabulous and Over Fifty! 

Are you familiar with the Stephen King book- "Carrie?"
Well, it was first released about 37 yrs. ago and it's set
to be released again. 

This time around, the mom will be played by Julianne Moore.
What's so unusual about that?
Nothing really, but Ms. Moore is over 50 and she looks 15 yrs.
younger and she's playing a mom to a 16 yr.

So, are you curious? Curious as to how Ms. Moore looks a good
decade and a half than her actual age, continue reading to find out.
a) Exercise-
Ms. Moore practices Ashtanga yoga, lifts light weights and runs a
few times a week. (to build bone health). One no- no exercise for Ms. Moore...
Spinning. She didn't like the enclosed area and all of the yelling.
b) Diet-
Ms. Moore doesn't have a real diet plan, but she makes it a
point to eat a number of colorful vegetables each day.
Another thing she does before a big event (Red Carpet event)
she drinks juices (detoxes for a day or two).
c) Have a Treat-
As the mom of 2 kids, Ms. Moore doesn't insist her kids eat
what she eats. In fact, if they want cookies, she'll allow them to eat
a few and she'll join them. Ms. Moore is making the right decision, 

having a few cookies or 2 to 3 brownies on the weekend, is a way to
keep bingeing at bay. Deny yourself day after day only leads to all-day
d) Watch The Sun-
As a pale-skinned woman, Ms. Moore must watch the Sun.
It may make sense for her, but sitting in the Sun for 15 to 20 mins.
without sunscreen is a great way to get vitamin D. 

And that extra vitamin D will help you avoid breast cancer and
build up your immune system.

So, if you go the theater to catch "Carrie" make sure to really watch
Julianne Moore, the star who's saying no thanks to lifts, tucks,
lasers and botox.

Good Luck!

Makeup Rx For Angelina Jolie Lips!

                Fuller Lips- No Surgery Required! 

Wish you had lips that were just a wee bit fuller?
Unwilling to go under the knife to achieve it?
Well, if the cost or the fear of needles in your lips scare you,
try this...
Line your lips with a flesh-toned lip liner, just slightly outside of
your natural lip line. Sweep a tip brush over the liner to blend
in any hard edges. And finally, fill in with your favorite lip color and
a high shine gloss.

That's it- use this tip tonight or tomorrow night and see if your
popularity rivals that of Ms. Jolie.

Good Luck!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Will and Grace's Rx For Kissable Lips!

                         Lipstick Tip From Debra Messing! 

Eric McCormack and Debra Messing are making the rounds.
They're out there celebrating the success of their former show...
"Will and Grace" which is being shown on a number of
channels at all times of the day.

One thing you may notice about Ms. Messing is her lipstick.
If you want to get it, it may cost you. The lipstick- LORAC's
lipstick in "Nude Scene!" The price: $25.00.
If you're interested in the color, but don't want to spend that
much on lipstick, get the much cheaper brand.
What is it?
Maybelline's Moisture Extreme Lipstick in Nude Blush.
The price: $6.00.

Good Luck!


Jersey Shore's Rx For Fertility!

                  The Natural Solutions To Infertility! 

You may have heard the news about 2 members of "Jersey Shore"
having babies.
The news: D.J. Pauly Shore has a baby daughter and J Wow is expecting.
A lot of people were hoping the members of Jersey Shore would be the
last people on Earth to have babies.
Whether it's good or bad news, it's happening and there may be a sliver lining,
it may force them to give up their partying ways and become more responsible.
Hey, it seems to working for Nicole (Snooki) Polizzi.

So, what's does Jersey Shore and having babies have to do with you?
Well, if you're struggling with infertility and see young people like Pauly D
and J Wow having kids, it may cause some resentment.
But don't waste time or energy thinking about them, concentrate on your
own fertility.
And you can do that by using these 4 all-natural tips.
a) Cut Back On Starbucks-
Or coffee in general. Drinking 300 mg. about 3 cups can cause fertility 

issues for some women. The better option: have 1 cup and a cup or two of Decaf.
b) Say Yes To-
Exercise. But not too much exercise. 30 to 40 mins. a few times a week, can ward off
blood sugar issues. Doctors are seeing a lot of women with prediabetic issues struggle
with fertility. And if you're a marathoner or spin for an hr. or two a day, you may also
have trouble conceiving.
c) Eat More-
Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Foods like salmon, walnuts, mackerel,
sardines and flaxseeds.
d) Know When It's Time-
Believe it or not, a lot of women don't when they're ovulating.
You can fix this by asking your doctor, or OB-Gyn about ovulation.
Or go online to and they'll set you with an ovulation tracking kit.

That's it- some natural tips to help you bring your own bundle of joy
into the World. And if you want more great tips like these, go to the
site- and type in Fertility Rxs, They Don't Want You to Know.
Download it for a small price.

Good Luck!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Baywatch's Gluten-Free Rx For Women!

                            Eat This and Become A Bay Watch Babe! 

Do you remember the T.V. show "Baywatch?"
You know, the one where slim and trim beautiful women lifeguards
saved lives and were led by their boss, former "Knight Rider"
David Hasselhoff.
It was totally based on real life events, only kidding, but something that's
not a laughing matter is a faulty thyroid. 

That's right- former costar of Baywatch, Gena Lee Nolin, had trouble losing
weight after multiple pregnancies, (no surprise here) but after trying countless
ways to lose the weight, Ms. Nolin figured it was something more than calories and

And she was right, Ms. Nolin picked up a copy of the book- "Thyroid Diet Revolution"
and said that must be my problem.
The book talks about making the switch from white foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and
rice to gluten-free versions like sweet potatoes, brown rice and buckwheat pancakes.
Ms. Nolin read the book and made the changes and today- she's 50 lbs. lighter and much happier.
If you're experiencing multiple failed attempts at dieting, perhaps this book may help, and to
get you started, here's a gluten-free lasagne by Ms. Nolin that'll help make the changes to
gluten-free, a whole lot easier.

"Gina's Gluten-Free Lasagne!"
12 gluten-free quinoa noodles, find at a specialty store or online.
2 containers of fat-free ricotta cheese (15 oz. each)
1 package of mozzarella (8 oz.)
1 tsp of oregano
salt and pepper
garlic and onion powder (1 tsp. of each)
1 pound of ground turkey
1 pound of fresh mushrooms (optional)
2 jars of tomato sauce  (try Rao's) or another brand without sugar.
A 1/4 cup of dark honey
Preheat the oven to 375.
Cook the pasta according to the directions on the box.
After cooking the noodles- set them aside. 

Get out a large bowl and combine the ricotta, half of the
mozzarella, and half of the spices and herbs. Set it aside.
In a large nonstick frying pan, cook the turkey until almost brown and
throw in the mushrooms. Cook for a few mins more.
You can add the sauce to the turkey, or get out a bigger and deeper pot to cook the sauce.
Use some of the drippings from the turkey and mushrooms to cook your sauce.
As the sauce is cooking throw in the remaining herbs and spices and let cook
for 5 to 10 mins. Add the honey and cook for another min. or two.
Turn off the sauce.
Allow to cool and get out a baking pan or 13 X 9 baking dish. (spray it with Pam)
Spread some of the sauce on the bottom, then place a few noodles on top
of the sauce, then add some of the cheese mixture.
Now, add some of the meat and mushrooms and then repeat the process
until all of the ingredients are gone.
Place a piece of foil on top and bake for 40 mins. (coat the aluminum foil with Pam)
After that, add the rest of the shredded mozzarella and some grated parmesan
or romano cheese and let bake for 10 mins. more.
Turn off the oven, remove the lasagne and leave it alone for 10 to 15 mins.
before cutting into it.
And that's  the Baywatch recipe for a great lasagne and a healthier thyroid.

Good Luck!

P.S. In less than 10 days we the contributors to RedCarpetRxs will have
another E-document available, the title: The Pumpkin Rxs!
Enhance your looks, live longer and boost sex drive with the lowly Pumpkin.
Help us by purchasing it, doing so means we'll be able to continue to bring
you more great alternative information.
Available at in the kindle store.
Creator and Head Writer! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Simple Solution To Get Close To Oprah!

                                Own a Piece of Oprah!

If you ever had a dream about becoming the next Oprah, now
may be the time.
We're not talking about getting your own talk show or acting in 

movies, no, we're talking about owning something that belonged
to Ms. Winfrey.

Oprah has decided it's time to downsize her life, you  know- by getting
rid of clothes, furniture, jewelry and other knick knacks she's
collected over the past 30 yrs.

And how can you get your hands on this stuff?
Go to or and type in Oprah's yard sale
for all of the details.
And if you're concerned about making Oprah richer, don't
worry about it- Ms. Winfrey is giving all of the proceeds to her
foundation to help down on their luck kids go to college.

So, are you willing to help? Do you want to own a set of dishes
or a necklace from Oprah?
Then, you must attend the yard sale coming up in about a month. 

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Rx For Wearing A Belt This Winter!

                      Wear A Belt With Confidence!

Holiday get togethers, special dinner and office parties will be
a reality for a lot of us in the next 3 months.
And that means belts.

Yes, belts over sweaters, over dresses and over your coats.
And it also means it may not work, thanks to the dresses
and sweaters not having belt loops.

But don't despair- if you're belt ends up sticking out and looking
messy, use the following tip from a top Hollywood stylist.
Apply a strip of double-sided tape to the underside of the belt's
tip, then press down to secure it. Doing your belt this way insures that

it (the belt) will stap put all day or all evening.
That's it- a simple tip for looking great all Fall and Winter.

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Rx For Dry Winter Lips!

                   Beat Chapped Lips This Winter!
With the Fall and Winter seasons already here, that means colder
temperatures and spending a lot of time indoors. 

And spending time indoors, also means dry and chapped lips.
If you're a victim of dry, chapped lips make sure to eat as
healthy as possible, (watch the big dinners and white-carbed treats), 

have no more than 1 alcoholic beverage a day, (drink more water)
moisturize your lips with olive, vegetable, coconut oil or vaseline and the last tip...

Do a lip scrub once or twice a week.
A lip scrub? What's that?
Simply put- use pantry items to keep lips soft and moist,
the pantry items: a little brown sugar, a little olive oil
and a little honey. Mix together and gently massage over your lips
for a few seconds. After that, rinse off the excess and put on your moisturizer.
If you're pressed for time or not willing to make this sugar scrub,  just put
a little toothpaste on brush and brush for a few seconds.

That's it- a simple solution for keeping your lips in Angelina Jolie like shape. 

Start doing this now, and your lips will be ready and  kissable by Feb. 14th.
Important tip: Do this once or twice a week, any more and you may take off
too much of the protective layer of skin.
Money Saved: $5 to $7 for sugar scrub from a department store or beauty supply store.

Good Luck!

For more tips on looking and feeling your best this Fall and Winter,
go online to 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Katy Perry's Rx For Salt Cravings!

                         Craving Salty Foods! 

Katy Perry, the popular and hit making songstress is back on top of the charts
with her hit, "Roar!"

While giving an interview, Ms. Perry revealed she's not a Sweets girl",
her snack of choice: Something Salty and Crunchy. Sound familiar?
If you go back a few posts, you may remember that Whoopi
Goldberg from T.V.'s, "The View" is also a salty and crunchy
snack kind of gal.
Well, if you fit into that category and want to eat less salt and crunch,
try this recipe from the very popular fitness and diet guru- Jorge Cruise.
What is it? It's a baked treat that'll take about a min. or two to prepare.

The recipe:
In a small mug, (microwave proof), mix together 1/4 cup of flaxseed, 1 tsp.
baking powder, 2 tsps. ground cinnamon, 1 tsp. coconut oil, 1 egg, 1/2 tsp.
stevia and 2 tbsps. chopped walnuts. Place the mug in the microwave
and for a min. Check the treat with a toothpick to make sure it's done,
if not, microwave for another 15 secs. Makes 1 serving.
That's it- this recipe is for those who claim to hate sweets and want a
low-cal alternative to all of those chips, doritos, Cheese twists and pretzels.

Good Luck!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Rachael Ray's Rx For A Better Winter Body!

                          Stay Slim This Winter! 

Winter weight gain happens to a lot of people starting around Halloween, 

why? Shorter days and nights, less sunlight, the cold weather outdoors,
and of course, the non-stop food choices from Oct. right up until Valentine's
So, do you just live with it and get in shape in March?
No, you do what Ms. Ray did on her popular show and keep those
Winter pound away.
And what was the thing Ms. Ray did on her show?
She made soup.

That's right, soup has been popular in Japan for centuries and
it may be one of the reasons they don't struggle with weight issues
like their American counterparts.

Why is soup so effective?
The water in soup increases in volume and that volume helps activate
the stretch receptors in your stomach, helping you to feel fuller faster
and more satisfied.

Will any soup do?
No, not the types made with fattening meats, (beef or pork ribs), cheeses
and croutons. It's best to stick with soups made with beef or chicken
broths and a few types of vegetables.

Is Canned Soup Okay?
Yes, in fact, try the new brands of gluten-free soups from Progresso,
Wolfgang Puck, or Amy's Organics. Or go online to Google or Bing
and type in recipes for low-cal soups.

When should you eat the soup?
It's best to eat the soup 30 to 40 mins. before a big meal or before
attending a big event, (A Christmas party).

That's it, your Rx for staying slim and trim this Winter.

Good Luck!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The View's Rx For A Healthier Snack!

                     Eating A Better Quality Chip! 

Are you a snacker? What is your snack of choice?
Nuts? Candy? Cookies? Salsa and Chips? Or just plain chips,
as in potato chips?
Well, you're not alone, count T.V. s' Whoopi Goldberg as
someone who likes to indulge in the salty, crunchy treats.

A few potato chips every now and then won't cause too much damage,
but have a bag or bowl full everyday and you risk your health
in more ways than you can count.

And that's the dilemma facing Whoopi and millions out there,
do I continue and risk health problems, or do I find an alternative
to the high calorie, high fat chips available today?
Choose the second option, and the healthy alternative is...
"Beanitos Chipotle BBQ Black Bean Chips!"
We know, they may not sound too appetizing, but they are,
the beans are loaded with omega-3 rich black beans and the spicy
chipotle pepper, help rev up your metabolism.

So, if you were trying to quit your potato chip addiction,
you may not have to, thanks to the info listed above. 

And also important: Chips do have calories, so you still have to
discipline yourself when you're around the crunchy treats.
Look for the chips at your Supermarket, and if your supermarket doesn't
have them yet,  just google the name of them (the chips) and find out where
you can purchase them.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oprah's Rx For Reducing Stress!

                     Reduce Your Stress Levels! 

Are you overwhelmed with stress?
How do you lower the stress in your life?
With a bowl or two of Mac & Cheese?
Do you run,walk or bike?
Do you call a trusted friend or relative?

Well, if you're not into Mac & Cheese or running
or calling your sister, then you may be able to watch
something on T.V. or on your computer. 
That something? 
Watching small animals frolic and play like there's no tomorrow.

Why animals? 

Seeing a bunch of kittens or puppies playing is a great way to
calm down and get immersed in their shenanigans, it helps you forget
your troubles.
And new research says "animal watching" may be more effective than
playing video games (also a stress reliever).

So, next time, you feel overwhelmed or stressed about bills, 

traffic or unruly kids, remember the small animals.
Watch Animal Planet, Sat. night at 9:00 pm.
The show- "Too Cute"!
And if you miss it on Animal Planet, Oprah had the good sense to 

show the reruns on her "Own" network.

Good Luck!

Matt and Ben's Rx For A Bromance!

                    Enjoy Your Own Bromance! 

Do you remember about a dozen or so yrs. ago when Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
were all over the news?
You know, the jokes about the amount of time they spent together,
their sexuality,  and on and on.
Well, as it turns out, both men were involved in a "Bromance"

A Bromance... what is that?
Heterosexual men who spend a lot of time together.
If you're a male and don't have that special bro in your life to bounce
ideas off of, talk about women with or tell you about some of the things
you should have learned when you were younger, hold on, there's a site 

out there for you.

The Site: is the site all guys should go to
for simple and straight to the point tips.
Need to know about appropriate things to text to a woman?
This site will help.
Not sure if you should talk to your New girlfriend about your last girlfriend?
This site will help.
Want to brag about your past conquests to your new girlfriend?
This site will help.
Not sure if you should call a Bro and wish him a happy Birthday
at midnight?
This site will help.
Plus, hundreds of other tips for Bros who need help with this thing
we call Life.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

George Clooneys' Ex Girlfriend's Rx For A Fit Body!

                       Get Fit Like Stacy! 

It's happened again, George Clooney has broken up with a beautiful 

women, and the woman is Stacy Keibler.
But wait, don't feel to bad for Ms. Keibler, she's still being called
one of "the fittest women in Hollywood!"

How does she do it?
With a piece of workout equipment that costs less than $20.
The piece of equipment: The "Magic Circle!"
It looks like a small hula hoop that has weights attached to it,
and it's getting the credit for helping Stacy Keibler keep her
5' 10" body in tip-top shape.
The Magic Circle can help you get those trouble spots toned up
in no time. Trouble spots like the waist, inner thighs, bat wings,
muffin tops and love handles.

So, are you interested?
If so, look for the Magic Circle online at,
look for the 14 inch ProSource Pilates Resistance Power Dual
Gripped Fitness Ring.
And for ways to use the Ring, go to and type in
Ways to use the Magic Circle.

Good Luck!

Batman's Rx For Satisfying a Sweet Tooth!

                           Choosing a Low-Cal Snack! 

Okay, this post isn't really about Batman, it's about the man who's
about to be the next Batman. That man: Ben Affleck!
Well, the post isn't about Ben Affleck either, it's about his wife-
Jennifer Garner.

After 3 kids, Ms. Garner was looking for something to satisfy her sweet tooth
and keep her waistline in check, the snack that does all that is a bite-sized
chocolate chip cookie called "Cookie Chips" and they're made by Hannah Max
Baking Co.
The cookie chips have a waist-friendly 120 calories per serving (30 calories less
than regular choc. chip cookies) plus the chips contain CLA, a healthy fat that
makes the metabolism really burn up those calories.

So, if you were sitting home wondering--" how does Jennifer Garner stay
so slim?" wonder no more, it's "Cookie Chips" and you should be able to
find them at any well-stocked Supermarket.

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Chick Flick Rx For Insomnia!

                             Get Some Sleep Tonight! 

Have trouble sleeping? Before reaching for a sleeping aid,
try something unconventional.
That something:
Watch a Chick Flick!
Yes, you're reading it right, Thelma and Louise,
Beaches or Dear John can put an end to those sleepless nights.

A sugary-sweet chick flick can help your brain release more the
of the sleep hormone, also known as melatonin.
And if you don't have the time or just not interested in chick flicks,
learn how to put an end to insomnia with food, meditation or exercise.
For more on learning how to deal with this serious health issue,
head to kindle store and download a copy of
"The 99 Best Natural Remedies That'll End Insomnia!"

Good Luck!

Modern Family's Rx For Preventing Colds!

                       Stay Cold and Flu-Free! 
With cold and flu season almost here, it's time for you to do
something to prevent it, and one of those things involve watching a

A sitcom? 
Yes, any sitcom will do, I Love Lucy, Seinfeld or the new and current hit-
Modern Family.
Why watch a sitcom?
Laughing a few times a day lowers "bad" cholesterol and blood pressure,
decreasing the levels of stress hormones, making it easier for your body to
knock out viruses and other germs, before they can find a place inside your

So, if you're concerned about staying cold and flu-free this yr.
remember to laugh a few times a week.
And if you want the "super" foods that'll also make you immune to
colds and flu, read all about them by going to kindle store.
Download a copy of The Flu Fighters, and really be prepared this Winter.

Good Luck!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Rachael Ray's Rx For Boosting Women's Health!

                         Enjoy Your Lunch Like Rachael! 

Rachael Ray like Jennifer Aniston have 2 things in common, 

what are they?
Rachael is the name that both women have become highly recognized
Rachael Ray is her real name and Jennifer played Rachael on 

"Friends" and it made her a household name.
Now the other thing they have in their lunch choices.
You see, the whole time on Friends, Ms. Aniston had a salad,
and Rachael Ray just recently admitted she eats salad for
lunch everyday just like Ms. Aniston.
But, Ms. Ray puts something in her salad that Jennifer Aniston
avoided. What is it?

That's right- Ms. Ray eats a salad with tuna 5 days a week,
and if you too, eat tuna once a week or 5 times a week, you're
doing great things for your health. 

Things like...
* Keeping eyes healthy. The cool, dry weather and the endless hrs. in
front of a computer can cause eyes to become dry. 

Foods with high omega-3 fatty acids like tuna, salmon, sardines and
walnuts can keep eyes lubricated.
And the 2nd tip...
* Keeping Breasts Healthy. With Oct. being breast cancer awareness month,
this tip is vital right now.
Cut breast cancer risk by 15% with a few servings of tuna each wk.
Tuna can also lower your risk of triple-negative breast cancer (the toughest
kind to treat). The oily fish forces abnormal cells to die before they can divide
and multiply.

So, if you want to be more like the 2 Rachaels, remember to eat more fish
and salad.
Also important: If you're concerned about the mercury levels in fish,
eat sardines (which have lower levels of mercury) or look for canned
fish at Trader Joe's. or add cilantro to your fish and salad dishes, the herb
helps remove harmful toxins from your system.
And if you want more tips on the foods that'll help you avoid breast cancer
in this lifetime- head to kindle store. and download a copy
of The SuperFoods That'll Prevent Breast Cancer!

Good Luck!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Raising Babies!

                  All Pregnancy Questions Answered! 

Ladies, are you pregnant or planning on getting pregnant? 

Well, unlike the stars, you can't schedule endless appointments to 
your Dr. or Ob/Gyn to ask questions about your pregnancy.

What type of questions?
a) Can I wear nail polish while I'm pregnant? 

b) Will my cat cause me to Miscarry?
c) When does breast milk form?
d) Can I have a glass of wine? 

e) Can I continue to train for marathons while pregnant?
f) What about delivering a breech baby?
g) How can I avoid the long hrs. of labor? 

h) When should my baby start to crawl? 
So ladies, if you need help with the many questions you may have
about your pregnancy or the pregnancy of someone close to you,
there's help out there for you.

What type of help? 

In the form of a website, a free site that'll allow you to scroll 
 for answers to any questions you may have regarding the
raising of a baby or on being pregnant.
Don't delay, head to and start getting some of those
questions answered, Pronto.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tom Hank's Rx For Avoiding Diabetes!

                               Weight Loss Secret To Avoid Diabetes! 

Tom Hanks, the beloved American movie star has just announced he
has diabetes. Mr. Hanks, along with Halle Berry, Nick Jonas and
Paula Deen also have type 2 diabetes.

While appearing on "The David Letterman show" Mr. Hanks joked
he may be able to reverse it "if he gets back to his high school weight."
That statement is true and then it's not true, say what? 

Drs. say that you don't need to be stick-thin or super model thin, 
but you should watch your waist. 
Your waist?
More specifically- your waist size.
For women... a women it means a waist size of less than 35 inches
and for men... a waist size of less than 40" is ideal.
Also helpful- keeping your stomach fairly flat, doing so cuts your risk of
developing diabetes by as much as 50%.

So, if you're concerned about getting diabetes like Tom Hanks, just's all in the waist.
And for more great tips like these...look for our tips on sleeping, 

salad dressing and smoking to really reduce your risk for diabetes even more.

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Exercise Rx For Pregnant Women!

                  Exercising While Pregnant! 

Walking for 30 mins. a day is a great way to maintain weight
and boost moods, but the exercise we're talking about is
for women who are pregnant.

What type of exercise?
Kegels! What is that, you ask? 

Squeezing and releasing the same muscles you use to stop
the flow of urine.
And why should pregnant women do these types of exercises? 

They'll help with after pregnancy "leaking" by making the
pelvic floor muscles stronger.

That's it- and if you need more info on Kegels, head to and type in Kegels or how to do Kegels in the
search bar.

Good Luck!

Kate Hudson's Rx For Saving Money On Workout Gear!

                             Buying Workout Gear Without Breaking The Bank! 

Are you into fitness and exercise?
Do you enjoy doing yoga a few times a week? 

If you're a spinner or into Pilates, you must have workout
gear that not only looks good, but will last for a few months or
even a yr. or two.

Where would you find such gear?
Online at, a site that features stylish and
easily affordable fitness gear. 

And what's even better- the site was started by the fit and fabulous
Kate Hudson. Yes, that Kate Hudson, the daughter of Goldie Hawn.

And for those who don't need workout gear, but want discounts
on women's, children's and baby clothing and accessories, head to the sites... or

So, if you're a marathoner or a Mom with a 2 yr. old baby,
you have 3 sites that'll help you save money.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Clothes Rx To Make You Feel Better!

                      Get a Massage From Your Clothes! 

Do you wear clothes that make you feel uncomfortable, itchy
or just plain Blah?
Well, why not buy some clothes that not only look good, 

they'll also make you feel good as well. 
And by feel good, we mean "get a massage" good. 
A massage from clothes?

Yes, Hanes has stockings that has compression points
to gently massage your legs. While the brand known as
Lytess has shorts and leggings that help smooth and tone your

Look for both clothing brands online... and 

Good Luck!

Hollywood Snack Rx For More Energy!

                          Boost Energy With This Snack! 

Do you need a pick-me-up about 2 or 3 pm?
If the answer is yes, then you need a beverage and
a movie favorite snack.
What are they?
Coffee and Popcorn.

Yes, you're reading that right, British researchers have found that
a cup of coffee and some air-popped popcorn can help you get
the energy you need to make it to 4 or 5 pm.
Researchers say that the pairing of caffeine (coffee) and
a complex carb (popcorn) blocks the buildup of a chemical
that tires you up, and supplies your muscles with much needed

So, if you've been downing Red Bull and candy bars for more
afternoon energy, it's time to make the switch to a cup of popcorn
and a cup of Joe.

Good Luck!

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Clueless Rx To Help Prevent Breast Cancer!

                                    Don't Be Clueless About Breast Cancer! 

Do you remember the movie "Clueless?"
It's was one of the biggest hits of 1995 and today, it
remains a favorite movie for a lot of people.

One of the stars of the movie- Alicia Silverstone, was beloved
and idolized for her role as Cher, but has fallen from grace because
of her dietary views, parenting style and playing "Batgirl." 

Well, if you can overlook some of her views and follow one of
her suggestions' for eating a certain soup, you'll be a lot better off.
First, the soup: Ms. Silverstone is a vegan, but she's also a fan of
Japanese foods and one of those foods she so desires is called "Miso

A soup that's as popular in Japan as chicken noodle is here in the U.S.
And thanks to new research, Miso soup can help women lower their
risk of getting breast cancer by a whopping 40%. 

But wait, there's more, if you're concerned about colds and flus, 
miso soup can help keep your immunity levels strong throughout
the Fall and Winter.

So, if you're concerned about breast cancer or boosting immunity,
you must eat more Miso soup.
Find miso soup at Asian specialty stores or go online to
and type in Miso soup.
And lastly, look for miso soup that's unpasteurized and darker-colored.
This type has been fermented longer and it's loaded with health-boosting

Good Luck!

If you want more tips on the foods that help prevent breast cancer,
head to kindle store, and download a copy of The
Superfoods That'll Prevent Breast Cancer.
Learn which food (eaten with dips) can help you lower breast cancer
rates considerably, even if you have a genetic tendency to get it.

J Lo's Rx To Shut Down Cravings!

                 Fight Cravings Like J Lo! 

Think all of that dancing helps J Lo fight those cravings for sweets?
Think again, Ms. Lopez has to fight and resist just like the rest of us.
Her secret: Oils.

More specifically- aromatic oils that come in flavors like grapefruit, 

ginger and lime. Place a few drops of these oils on your tongue
and they stimulate the brain's hypothalamus to send powerful
resists signals, helping you too say no to that pie or those cupcakes.

The name of the product J Lo uses is called "Slimbolics"
and you can get a month supply for $25 to $30.
Find them online at Place a few drops on your tongue
whenever you feel a craving coming on.

Good Luck!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today Show's Rx For Figuring Out Dreams!

                          Figuring Out Your Dreams!

The last hour of the "Today Show" has Kathy Lee Gifford and 
Hoda Kotb as the hosts.
Ms. Kotb talked about a dream she has on a regular basis,
the dream: Being chased.
It's a common dream and a lot of people have it.
And what does being chased mean?

Dream experts say that it means unresolved feelings, like 
feeling responsible or guilty for something even if it wasn't
your fault. Or it could be that you're a people- pleaser,
and sometimes tend to bottle up your feelings to make others
happy. And that's why it could be coming out in your subconscious.
So, how do you resolve the problem? 

While you're having the dream, make sure and try and remember who's
chasing you. If it's a dog and you're not fearful of dogs, look at the dog,
and see his characteristics, like his face or coloring and see if the dog
reminds you of someone human.
Once you know what the person or circumstance this dream is about, you can
come to terms with it--and hopefully the dreams will stop.

And if you're not ready to confront the situation just yet?
While dreaming, just force yourself to stop running away.
Many times when you face the problems in your dreams, the inner issues
just fade away.

That's it- A simple solution to help resolve a common dream.
Hopefully, this info will help you and Hoda Kotb.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ellen Degeneres' Rx For Fighting Cancer!

                       Fight Breast Cancer Like Ellen! 

Ellen Degeneres is always the humanitarian, this week a number of shows
are doing their best to help raise money and awareness about breast cancer.
Ellen is doing her part by bringing back the "Dunk Tank!"
Today's guest-Jessica Alba dunked her husband Cash and made $12, 000
for breast cancer research.
Raising money is great, but women (and men) need something now that
can help them prevent this serious disease and luckily, there's something
out there that'll do it.

What is it?
An herb called "Silibinin, it's an active ingredient in Milk Thistle.
Researchers say that Silibinin blocks the growth of not only breast,
but lung, colon, bladder and kidney cancers as well.
The herb also stops the spread of any abnormal cells that may have
started to develop.
But wait, there's more, new research says the herb also blocks the formation 

of skin cancer-even for people who burn easily.

So, if cancer is something you don't ever want to get, look for
Milk Thistle at health-food or Whole-Food stores.
Make sure the label says "standarized extract" and take between
150 to 200 mg. daily.
And don't take any herb, vitamin or mineral without checking with your
healthcare provider first.

And if you want to avoid herbs and go the food route, look for the E-book,
The Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer, available at

the kindle store. Download a copy to your E-reader or Ipad today.
Learn the food that helps shut down harmful cancer cells even if your
mom, grandmom and aunt had them.

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Rx For Getting A Great Deal!

                      Simple Solution For Saving Money! 

Unlike the stars, you hate paying full price for certain
items, and thanks to some policy changes, you can get
some money back.

Save your receipt from stores like Victoria's Secret, Bloomingdales,
Sephora or Macy's and ask for a price adjustment.
This means that if you purchased some undergarments from Victoria's
Secret or Macy's at full price and then notice a few days later, those
same undergarments are on sale, you can get some money back.
But there's a catch, the catch: You must  go back to the store within 14 days
and don't forget that receipt.

That's it- saving money in these tough economic times.

Good Luck!