Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ellen Degeneres's Rx For Better Health!

                 New Orleans Favorite Vegetable For Better Health!
Do you plan on attending Mardi Gras next month? Well, Mardi Gras is held
in New Orleans every Februaury and it's also where popular T.V. host Ellen
Degeneres grew up.
If you're familiar with New Orleans, then you're probably aware of Gumbo.
You know, the soup or stew that originated in southern Louisiana,
about 300 yrs. ago.
One of the ingredients in gumbo- is a vegetable that many people
try hard to avoid mainly because of  the gooey liquid that seeps out,
when you cut it.

What is that vegetable? Okra!
Avoding okra because of the sliminess is a big mistake.
Cooking it the right way will quickly convert you from a okra hater
into a okra lover,  and it can benefit your health in a number of ways.

1) A Diet Aid-
Okra contains fiber and it's the missing ingredient in too many
American diets, and too little fiber results in extra weight.
The soluble fiber in okra digests slowly, which stabilizes
blood sugar and shuts down hunger for hrs.
2) Become Steve Jobs-
Concerned about your lack of smarts? Eat more okra and watch brainpower
improve. The potassium in okra shuttles in choline, a building block
of the neurotransmitter acetycholine. Eat more okra and you can expect
quicker thinking and improved focus.
Side note: Moms who are pregnant should eat eggs and okra, why?
Both contain choline and both foods will give your child a head start
on developing "super" intelligence.
3) A Boost In Energy-
Are you lagging behind because of the holidays? Eat more okra to boost energy.
The vitamin C in okra- gets rid of the free radicals that causes internal stress
and inflammation, leaving you feeling more upbeat and energetic.
4) Stop Cruising For A Bruising-
Are you the type that gets black and blue after (lightly) bumping into a
table? Not anymore, thanks to Okra! Okra contains antioxidants that prevent
harmful free radicals from weakening the collagen in blood-vessel walls,
and the vitamin A speeds up skin-cell renewal, allowing for a speedy recovery
from cuts and bruises.

So, are you willing to give the "slimy" green vegetable a try?
If so, go online to Google or Bing and find the best types of Okra to buy

and the best ways to prepare it.
And if you're able- why not head to the home where it (gumbo) originated
and eat to your heart's content. Who knows you may run into your favorite
T.V host there. (Ellen)

Good Luck!

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