Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hollywood's Rx For Keeping Your Resolutions!

                           Keep Your Weight Loss Resolutions! 

Was weight loss a resolution you had for the new yr?
If it was and you're failing at it here are some tips
from some top celebrity trainers to help you stay on course.

The tips:
a) Skip the Soda-
Diet soda to be exact. Yea, you think it helps, it doesn't, 

it (the soda) only creates more cravings.
Blame it on the artificial sweeteners used to make the soda. 

b) Indulge- 
On weekends. Stick to a low-fat or vegan or hi-protein 
diet during the week and on the weekend--have a slice of cake
or a few slices of pizza.
Important tip: Some pizza or a slice of cake is okay and may help you 

stick to the diet, but don't go overboard. Doing so, might result in weight gain
and a sick, overstuffed feeling come Monday.
c) Keep The Fruit Out- 

As in on the kitchen table or the dining room table. 
Leaving fruit out where you can see it, reminds you that you have to eat things
that are good for you.
d) Go Small or ---
As in plates and utensils. You may remember the smaller plates phenomenon
about 10 yrs. ago. Well today, pairing  those smaller dishes with smaller forks 

and spoons will really help you lose weight.
Or use chopsticks.
e) Soups' On-
Have some soup 30 to 60 mins. before you eat your main meal and really watch the
pounds disappear. Make it broth-based soup, (not meat and noodle types of soup).
Or have a glass (or 2) of water or an apple,  (a green apple). 

That's it- 5 tips from some celebrity trainers to help you stay
on your diet this new year. 

And lastly, if you want more great tips to help you stay on course
(the weight loss course) head on over to kindle store,
and type The Thin Girl's Guide To Preventing Winter Weight Gain. 

Download it and have your body bikini-ready by Memorial Day.

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