Saturday, February 6, 2016

Popular T.V. Show Rx To Stop Winter Weight Gain!

                           Downton Abbey's Favorite Beverage! 

Any Downton Abbey fans out there? 

Well, it rumored that "bad boy" rapper Sean P. Diddy Combs never
misses an episode and if you are a super fan, then you know that this is the
last year it will be on and you also know that the cast drank a lot...
a lot of tea. 

That's right, the English have a reputation for their drinking, 
tea and beer, and today- we're talking about tea.
Black tea is the preferred type of tea in England, but if Winter weight
gain is an issue, you may want to make black tea and add a few slices of
fresh ginger to it. 

Why ginger?
Ginger is a diuretic, and diuretics release trapped fats and fluids from your system,
it can also relieve swelling, bloating and water retention, (consider it a safer and 

cheaper diet pill) and drinking 2 to 3 cups of ginger tea a day can help you slim 
down easily and effortlessly. 

So, if you're struggling with weight and the cold and all of the goodies that
are served during the cold months, remember--Ginger tea is the 

easiest and natural solution to help you overcome it.
Also important: Make sure to avoid adding extra sugar to your tea and
the sweets that also go along with it (tea,) like.. cannolis, brownies, cookies,
danish, donuts, shortbread, muffins, etc. 

And lastly, if you're not one who's struggling with weight and you like tea, 

make it black tea, it can help women overcome fertility issues, help
both sexes sleep better, make you calmer and improve your vision.

Good Luck!

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