Friday, September 16, 2011

Beyonce's Pregnancy Cravings!

                                     Food Cravings During Pregnancy!
Beyonce announced recently that she has some unusual cravings.
Unusual like Oreo biscuits and gherkins, (pickles). She's also craving
ice cream with hot chili sauce.
These choices aren't really that unusual, Britney Spears craved dirt,
that's right dirt. Craving non-food items is called Pica.
And the cure may be more iron.

Some other unusual cravings are the smell of gasoline, chewing ice
and eating powdered laundry detergent. 
Cravings for sweets, meats or dirt is your body telling you that you're deficient
in certain nutrients.

Not all cravings are bad, for instance actress Alyson Hannigan from
the T.V. show -"How I Met Your Mother" craved and ate a lot meat
during her pregnancy. Only problem with that-she was a vegan for yrs.
before her pregnancy. Her body was telling her "I need extra iron."

As for Beyonce- craving and giving into sweets is okay, ocassionally,
but having a non-stop sweetathon not only puts the future moms' health
in danger, but the babys' as well.
New research says, that a steady diet of white flour and sugar
may cause future offspring to crave and eat such foods, which can lead
to depression, bad moods and temper problems that may last a lifetime.

So, if you're pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant, it's best to
talk to your Dr. or naturopath and figure out what to eat, so that you
won't crave and give in to unlimited sweets, salt or dirt.

Good Luck!

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