Wednesday, October 26, 2011

J Lo's Rx For Great Legs!

                   Get Legs Like J Lo!
Jennifer Lopez gave some special fans who came to her show at the Foxwoods
casino in Connecticut an incredible show and some wonderful advice.
Thanks to the T.V. show Access Hollywood, five fans were allowed to move

from the back of the auditorium, up to the front, and after the show,
the five fans were allowed to visit with Ms. Lopez.
And one of the fans asked her "how do you get such incredible legs?"

To which Ms. Lopez replied- "I had to give up soda"
Now, some stars are vegans, some eat fish, but no chicken or beef
and some eat only raw foods to attain their "perfect" physiques, but Soda.
Incredibly, soda has been getting a bad rap of late and it's rightly deserved.
A soda now and then won't do to much damage to your health, but drink
it everyday and it'll do incredible damage to your health and well-being, like...
1) Brittle Bones-
Too much soda like too much alcohol can set you up for broken hips and
other fractures later in life.
2) Acne-

Suffer from acne? If your a heavy soda drinker, you may want to cut back
or cut it out entirely.
3) Cravings-

This may be the reason Ms. Lopez avoids it. Drinking soda on a regular basis
may increase cravings for sweets and other fatty foods. It may be the type of
sugar the soda makers use.
4) Blood Pressure-
Regular soda drinkers have significantly higher blood pressure than those
who avoid it. Again, the type of sugar may be to be blame.
5) Diet-
But, what about diet? Nope, new research says that artificial sweetners
in the soda, may also cause problems to your health, like...buzzing in
the ears and frequent headaches.
Side Note- you may want to pass this onto Donna Karan, (the fashion designer)
it's rumored she drinks diet soda 7 days a week.

So, now that you know how J Lo keeps her legs in great shape,
it's time to rethink your drinking stiuation. Look online for alternatives
to soda.

Good Luck!

For more tips visit our Facebook page- SupermarketRxs or our blog:

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