Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tim Tebow's Rxs For A Healthier Christmas!

                                           Healthy Tips From The Bible!
Tim Tebow the enigmatic quarterback of the Denver Broncos is
quite the polarizing figure. Never has there been a sports figure
more celebrated, not just for his play on the field, but his love of God
as well.

Mr. Tebow isn't the quaterback that John Elway or Troy Aikmann were
at age 23, but his dedication to hard work, will surely win over a lot fans.
And his dedication to working hard and believing in himself, will certainly
help the people of Colorado relive the winning ways of yesteryear and
his dedication to the bible will help the fans of the other 49 states.

That's right- Just as football can help heal, so can the bible.
If you're familiar with the bible, then you're aware of the number of
times...healing with Olive oil is mentioned.
But did you also know that there are nearly 40 herbs mentioned in the
"Good Book?"
And with Christmas five weeks away, why not share the gift
of the five herbs that make up the story of the "Three Wise Men".
You remember the story of the 3 wise men bringing myrrh and
frankincense to Mary and Joseph, but have you ever wondered
what myrrh and frankincense were?
Wonder no more, you'll find the answers below...
1) Myrrh-
Ease pain with myrrh. It's a tree resin that has natural anesthetic

properties that numb pain signals in the brain. Myrrh can dampen
the perceptions of pain by a whopping 25%.
Where do you find myrrh in 2011? Look for myrrh gum capsules
at health-food stores.
Important tip: Always talk to your Dr. before trying any new
alternative treatment.
2) Hyssop-
Mentioned in both the Old and New testaments-this herb was used
as an antiseptic and disinfectant-to treat respiratory problems.
Phytochemicals in hyssop can break up congestion, loosen phelgm,
ease swelling and reduce inflammation allowing you to breathe more
easily. Look for hyssop as a tea or buy the essential oil at health-food
stores. Drink the tea or apply a few drops of essential oil to a warm
compress and apply to your chest or head.
3) Cumin-
Used as a seasoning thousands of years ago, it was also used as currency.
Cumin has 2 uses: To soothe an upset stomach and to boost energy.
It contains more than 100 chemicals that work on gas and bloating,
as well as boosting oxygen levels to help you become more energized.
Find cumin at Supermarkets in the Spice aisle, or get it in capsule
or tea form at your health-food store.

Sprinkle on soups. salads, or chillis. Or add a tsp. to a cup of hot water,
let it sit for a few mins. stir and drink as a tea.
4) Frankincense-

Concerned about all of the running around you'll have to do this
holiday season? Reduce the fears and quell anxiety with frankincense.
It activates "feel-good" receptors in your brain, easing anxiety and
mild depression. Look for frankincense as an incense or candles at
health-food stores. Light them up whenever you feel stressed or tense.
5) Saffron-
Need to beat depression this coming holiday season? A little stronger
than frankincense, this herb is said to be the safer and cheaper-Prozac.
And another benefit of Saffron--Women who suffer from irregular
periods, can regulate them and return them to normal with Saffron.
Find saffron at health-food stores, take it as a tea or as dried extract. 

So, whether you like or dislike Tim Tebow, you can't dispute
the valuable health information we can learn from the Bible.

Good Luck!

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