Saturday, March 24, 2012

Diet Rx From The Hunger Games!

                                     Diet Games Diet Rx!
If you're one of the millions that will see the movie "The Hunger Games"
this weekend, we thought you'd be intereseted in this little bit of information,
concerning the stars and their diets.

Liam Hemsford- the tall Aussie was asked to drop 15 lbs. to give him
a hungry, out in the woods, scrounging for food look.
And Josh Hutcherson, the shorter star was asked to gain weight, (muscle weight)
The type of diet Mr. Hutcherson followed was the same one used by
Taylor Lautner of the "Twilight" movie series.

The diet: High protein, low carb.
In addition to the diet, Mr. Hutcherson also had to go through a serious
weight training regimen, to add more bulk.

If you want to copy Mr. Hutcherson and put on a few lbs. of muscles,
remember high protein  foods, like...eggs, salads, fish, chicken, lean beef
and no-starchy vegetables. And water, plenty of water.
Nutritionists now say that people who follow the low-carb, high-protein
aren't getting enough water and that could put your health at risk.
How? By making you dehydrated, leaving you feeling dizzy, headachy
and causing pain in the kidneys.

So, if you want to drop a few pounds around your middle and
get buffed as well, remember to drink up.
Some more tips: Don't follow this diet for too long.
3, 5 or 7 days is plenty. The frequent bathroom breaks and the bad breath
are too much for a lot of people, so a wk. or less is enough.

And along with the water, have some peppermint
tea, it's great for keeping you headache-free.
That's it- Looking like a star with the help of a diet and
some water.

Good Luck!

P.S. If you or relative has just received news about your too-high blood pressure,
like Coco from the E channel, look for some "all-natural" solutions on our blog,

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