Friday, April 27, 2012

Taxi's Rx For A Better Memory!

                            Improve Memory With Food! 

Marilu Henner-the former star of the sitcom "Taxi" is making the rounds
pushing her book on how to build and maintain memory.
Ms. Henner may have a great memory, but is it due to her "strict" diet,
which she's been on for aver 20 yrs, or the fact she hasn't smoked or taken
A good diet, not smoking, or taking drugs and exercising regularly are some
ways to boost and maintain your brain.
But, if you want more news and don't want to buy Ms. Henner's book,
here are some foods you should include in your diet to build a "better" 

The Foods:
a) Fish-
Seafood, salmon, trout and tuna fire up your memory.
Make sure not to deep fry the fish, or you'll not only ruin
your brain, but your heart and waistline as well. 

b) Meat-
Don't believe you don't need meat?
Well, some people can do just fine without it, but if you're
still into eating it, a good piece of lean steak will help you maximize
concentration. Avoid the fries and soda.
c) Fruit-
Make learning easier with fruit. Especially blue, straw and blackberries.
Give this to kids and help them become geniuses.
d) Alcohol- 

Two, three or more drinks will certainly ruin your brain, keep it
at 1 or 1and 1/2 and you'll protect your brain from damage from
outside invaders. 

e) Walking-
Another reason to exercise, walking helps keep your memory intact and
grow new brain cells.
f) Black Rice-
Take a cue from our friends in the Far East and start adding black rice
to menus. Find it at Asian markets.
That's it- 6 ways to develop a "Marilu Henner" type brain, 

and just think, you didn't have to spend a dime.

Good Luck!

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