Monday, May 21, 2012

Chelsea Handler's Rx For Fighting Body Odor!

                  Smell Great Like Chelsea! 

Chelsea Handler-the red hot comedienne and host of her own show,
"Chelsea Lately" sometimes speak of her powerful body odor,
especially underarm odor.

When body odor like that happens, it's probably caused by a zinc deficiency.
It happens to some women who give up meat, mainly because meat contains
zinc and too little or no zinc, and body odor is sure to follow. 

But, we know that's not the case with Ms. Handler, as she shares her love 
of meat with her viewers on a semi-regular basis.

So, if you like Ms. Handler is battling body odor, try the snack that most
love, the snack: Cashews! That's right- the tasty nuts are rich in Zinc, 
and zinc stops the growth of smell-producing skin bacteria.

Other sources of Zinc: spinach, lean beef, mushrooms, sunflower and
pumpkin seeds.
Or look for a good zinc supplement at GNC.

And another tip: Get more green vegetables into your diet, Greens contain
chlorophyll, and the more chlorophyll in your system, the better you'll smell.
That's right- people who have gone vegetarian, reportedly smell better and
they probably take a zinc supplement. Some notable vegetarians...
Howard Stern,  Brandy, Steven Spielberg and Ellen DeGeneres to name a few.

That's It- Cashews to end body funk, and if you have access to
Ms. Handler's Twitter page, perhaps you'll want to pass this tip on.

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Chealsea, have you tried having a zinc supplement from mercola , this is what I used and until now I'm taking one? But if you have any other suggestion that I can try that you think is much better just let me know, so I can try it.
