Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Finding Spring-Time Love!

                      He's Just Not That Into You! 

With the weather warming up, it's said that a lot of people
hope to fall in love. If you're a women and a fan of the movie...
"He's Just Not That Into You" you may find it refreshing that
you can actually tell if a man is or isn't into you.

How? Look at his hands, his eyes or his hair and pick up
some signals. Look below, and learn how to pick up on those
signals and save yourself from a life of unhappiness and heartache.
a) His Hands-
Reveal his temperament. If he touches your the side of your 

arm, that's a friendly gesture. If he touches your elbow, he may be
trying to manipulate you, and touching your shoulder can be a sign
of dominance.
b) His Smile-
Reveal his motives. If his mouth turns up on both sides, it's sincere.
If the lips go straight out, that's called fake facing and there's a chance
it may not be sincere. Look for different smiles and get an idea of what
kind of person he is.
c) His Hair-
Reveals his personality!
Look at his hair and if the part is on the left, he's logical and assertive.
And those who part their hair on the right is a creative noncomformist.

and parting it right down the middle- means he's balanced and good at
making sure the relationship works.
d) His  Chin-
Reveals if he's sincere.
It's not about how the chin looks, but how he touches it.
If he taps his chin with his fingers, he's a good listener.
But if he puts a finger on his chin and mouth-he's either skeptical
of you-or he could be telling you a lot of white lies.
e) His Feet-
Reveal if he's ready to commit.
The direction a person's feet are facing signal which way they'd
like to run. If his feet are facing away from you, he may not be listening
to a word you're saying. But if they're pointing right at you, that's
a subconscious sign he is ready follow you in the direction you want
to take him.
f) His Eyes-
Reveal his interest in you.
yes, they're (the eyes) are called the "windows of the soul" for a reason,
and that reason-he may really be into you. Look at his pupils-
if they're getting bigger, it means he's listening and wants to hear
what you have to say.
And lastly, if he turns away and doesn't hold eye contact, don't be alarm,
people only make eye contact about 20% of the time.

So ladies,  if you're ready to look for your Bradley Cooper this Spring,
remember to bring these tips along with you.
And one more tip: ladies increase your odds of finding someone special, 

by wearing pink when dancing, dining out, etc.
And leave the red alone, that's for couples who are already in
a committed relationship.

Good Luck!

And for those who are already married and want to stay happily married, 

look for our E-newsletter- Will and Kate, A Royal Love Story! The Love Rxs
To Making Your Marriage "Divorce-Proof!"
Download the newsletter from kindle store and you'll 

Why Will and Kate have a good chance of celebrating 50 yrs. of marriage.
How Barack and Michelle Keep The Flames of Passion Burning.
10 minute tricks to making your marriage a success.
Want to go to Hawaii but can't afford it? Learn the Hawaiian secrets
to keeping your marriage strong.
How Numerology can help you stay happily married.
The Hollywood movie Rxs for a long and successful marriage.
Learn how food, exercise and scents can help put you in the mood. 

Ladies, do you need your own form of Viagra? Order the E-newsletter
and find out how certain supplements can help.
So, if you're married or plan on getting married, then you need this
E-newsletter, the team here at RedCarpetRxs researched and wrote
the E-newsletter.
Head to kindle store and order a copy today. 

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