Saturday, October 3, 2015

An Old Sitcom's Rx For Living Till 100!

                                      Jennifer Aniston's Longevity Secret! 

If you want to live till you're 90's or beyond you may want to take
some advice from an old sitcom. And for those who feel 70 to 80 yrs. is enough,
you may want to stop reading right about now.

Longevity experts always have a list of things you should and shouldn't 

do to reach 90 yrs. of age or more, you know, things like...
*exercise more
* eat less meat
* eat more beans
* eat fewer (or no) processed foods
* drink green tea
* cut out wheat
* attend some type of religious service
* never pick up a cigarette (or quit smoking)
And on and on, but surprisingly, the following tip
from a top sitcom may help you reach your goal (of getting to 100 yrs. of age)
better and more easily than all of the tips listed above.
What is it?
Spend a great deal of time with Friends. 

Yes, the old sitcom "Friends" starring Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow,
Courtney Cox, David Schwimmer, and the 2 Matts were onto to something
way back in 1993 and that something was- a good group of close-knit
friends can...

* help you get slim and stay slim
* keep your memory sharp
* prevent heart troubles
* and boost moods- keeping you happy and depression-free.
That's it, and if you're spending huge amounts of money on vitamins,
special beverages, organic this and that, remember the answer to living 

well into your 80's and 90's may be on your flat in reruns for
 old episodes of Friends.
Thanks Ms. Aniston-Theroux. 

Good Luck! 


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