Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Simpson's Rx For Reducing Stress!

                        Eat Nuts To Reduce Stress! 

Reducing stress is big business in the U.S. How big?
It's just below sleep disorders, high blood pressure,
diabetes and anxiety. 

You can go the medicine route and risk the side effects
and the empty wallet or you can go the route that an animated
father and son uses.

What is it? Eat nuts, more specifically Pistachios nuts. 

The Simpsons- Bart and Homer are pushing pistachio nuts in their
new commercial and that's a good thing- especially to relieve
So, instead of turning to that bag of candy or bag of chips,
have about 6 to 12 pistachio nuts.
Pistachios have unique compounds in them that relax blood vessels,
helping to lower your response to unwanted stress.
And for those who aren't fans of pistachios, do the following...
a) Take a few deep breaths. 

b) Grab a pen and paper. Write down what's bothering you and
then write out some ways to eliminate what's bothering you. 

c) Grab your running shoes. Walk, (no need to run) for 20 mins. 
and watch how quickly the stress ends.
d) Call a friend. Preferably a positive friend or relative and talk
about current events (no negative stuff) or the weather.
e) Listen to music. Music that's uplifting, no negative rap 

or hard charging, angry heavy metal.

That's it- And if you need more info--head to kindle store 

and look for Natural Alternatives To Xanax. You'll find more great tips
like the ones listed above to eliminate stress and anxiety.

Good Luck!

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