Friday, July 17, 2015

2 Male Stars Rxs For Boosting Your Health!

                           Get Behind Ryan and Brad! 

If you're really into pop culture and celebrity news then you may have
already heard about Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling and Bill Maher.
And if you're not a fan of pop culture or celebrity news, you're
probably in the dark. 

What's the News?
Brad, Ryan and Bill are trying to put pressure on the discount
chain store--Costco, to treat their chickens and hens more humanely.
Well, not their own chickens, but the places where they get
their chicken and eggs. 

Recent reports have stated that Costco is buying eggs and chicken
from places that keep chickens caged for most of the day and then inject
them with antibiotics and other chemicals, hoping to sell more of them.
And yes, we support Mr. Gosling, Mr Pitt and Mr. Maher,  but we (the writers of this blog) would also like you, (the readers) to continue eating eggs. 

Why eggs?
Eggs like garlic, wine, dark chocolate, spinach, blueberries
and mushrooms can do almost a dozen things to really bolster your health.
What types of things?
* Build strong bones
Young girls who sit indoors on their Iphones and Ipads are really
at risk for brittle bones in their 30's and 40's. So, getting them to eat more eggs
(right now) can help them avoid fractures and falls later on in life. 

* A Beauty Spa in The Refrigerator- 
Ever hear of a egg shampoo for your hair? Or a egg white facial mask? 
Both parts of the eggs can do more for your beauty, more than expensive
products you find at the drugstore can do.
For skin that's tight as a drum, use the egg yolk on your face, neck and
hands (tops of hands). Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off with a
mild soap. As for fine lines- use the egg whites. It's the beauty regimen
Deborah Norville (of Inside Edition) has been using for 10 yrs.
Her age: 2 yrs. from 60.
* More Brainpower-
Ever hear of the term "egghead?"
There's a reason for this term, it's true.
Eggs contain all types of nutrients that improve memory,
focus and concentration. And something even more
impressive- Women who are pregnant should eat more
of them if they want to start their little ones on a path to Harvard
or Oxford. Also feed eggs to youngsters when they start eating solid
food, especially the yolks, (it contains the majority of brain-enhancing
* Superman Vision-
Another concern as one gets older: Vision loss.
Keep eyes in tip-top shape by eating more eggs. And again,
make sure it's the yolks. Eat eggs with other eye-enhancing
foods like green beans, plums, green squash, sunflower seeds,
salmon and collard greens. And pass on the sausage, breakfast biscuits,
 hash browns, Orange juice, coffee (with 2 tsps. of sugar) and danish.
These types of foods will cause your eyesight to fade away sooner,
much sooner. 

So, if you weren't a fan of eggs, (the taste, religious beliefs, concerns
about the treatment of chickens) perhaps this post will help you change your
And if you want some more benefits on eggs and your health and looks,
head on over to kindle store and type--The Easter Bunny
Rxs- Download it and find out more health-enhancing secrets you can get
from a $3.00 dozen of eggs.

Good Luck!

Farmers' Market Superfoods also available at kindle store. 

Knotsberry Farm secrets for incredible health. 

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