Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Female Singers Beverage Rx For Better Summer Health!

                            Madge and Rhi-Rhi's Favorite Beverage! 

If you're wondering who Madge and Rhi-Rhi are, then you may
not be a true fan of pop culture.
And if do know they're Madonna and Rhianna, you may be too
involved in pop culture. 

Anyway, there's a beverage both women drink and  it (the beverage)
can help revitalize you this Summer, the Fall and the Winter as well.
The beverage:
Coconut water.
Rhianna is rumored to drink it a few times a week, especially after a concert
and Madonna not only drinks it, she's invested a lot of money in
a company that produces the revitalizing beverage.
And if you drink it or plan on drinking it, here are 3 things this
special beverage can do for you.
a) Boost Thyroid Health-
One of the most important glands in the body and if you notice
weight gain (or loss) thinning eyebrows or constant fatigue,
it may be your thyroid. And one way to keep it (thyroid)
in tip-top shape is with coconut water.
The water contains manganese, a vital mineral that stimulates
the thyroid's production of the metabolism-revving hormone called
Important tip: If you suspect a problem with your  thyroid, please have it 

checked out by a professional.
b) Increase Hormones-
Especially the "happy" hormones. Both vitamin B6 and B12 are found in
coconut water and they help increase the output of happy hormones
called serotonin and dopamine.
Plus, you'll do better on cognitive tests and be less depressed.
c) Less Bloat-
A problem for lots of women (and some men) a bloated stomach.
And to flush out some of that fat- drink more coconut water.
Thanks to the electrolytes in the water, the cells in your body become
balanced, prompting the release of excess water.
Another benefit:
Give some coconut water to your kids, especially if they're athletes.
They'll replace the electrolytes they lost and they won't have to reach
for a sugary beverage or energy drink.

That's it- One of the reasons why Madonna and Rhianna are able to
work and play hard.

Good Luck!

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