Sunday, November 8, 2015

Simple Tips To Prevent Cancer!

                           6 Tips To Keep Cancer At Bay! 

If you think Hollywood stars have it easier when it comes to cancer prevention,
you're wrong.
Cancer doesn't care whether you live in Beverly Hills, Cal. and earn millions of dollars
or if you live in Kirkland Washington, and earn about 40,000 dollars each yr. 

And if you're into pop and celebrity culture, then you're well aware that a number 
of stars are cancer survivors. (Christine Applegate, Hoda Kotb,  and Brook Burke

Okay, now that you know cancer doesn't discriminate, it's time to do something about it,
and that something: six simple steps and these steps come from top doctor, Mark Hyman, M.D.
His six tips:
a) Ditch Sugar-
Impossible? Not so. Dr. Hyman says an occasional piece of birthday cake or wedding cake
is okay, but flooding your body with candy, having a  daily danish and a sweet treat at night
on a daily basis is a recipe not only for cancer, but diabetes,  frequent colds,
 bad skin, (acne and eczema) and cravings (which may lead to obesity).
b) Food Sensitivities-
Simply put, read labels. If a food has more than 3 ingredients listed on it, then it may be
a food or beverage you should avoid. Foods that contain a whole list of ingredients
to help preserve them, may be doing the opposite to your health. Another way to avoid this-
start cooking and preparing more of your own meals, so you know exactly what's going into them. 

c) Reduce Inflammation-
Think of inflammation as someone standing or sitting next to you and sneezing without covering
their mouth. That what inflammation is- that sneeze that goes everywhere, into your joints, 

organs, tissue, and arteries. And you can reduce inflammation by eating better,  stop drinking 
and smoking, ( 1 drink a day is okay)
getting more sleep, (especially from 11:00 pm to 2:00 am). exercising more and drinking 

top quality teas (without sugar and a danish)
d) Reduce Toxic Exposure- 

Almost impossible, but it can be minimized. Stop using all types of household cleaners,
(Mr. Clean, pine-sol, Lysol, oven cleaners, etc. ) This also goes for personal hygiene
items, certain types of candles,  cooking foods at high temperatures (without a fan)
and on and on. And what do you use instead? You can go online to
and type how to make a natural bug spray, deodorant, toothpaste, or oven cleaner.
And if money isn't an issue- go to and look for all-natural products
there. (and yes, it's the company started and managed by actress Jessica Alba). 

As for the outdoor exposures- the smoke and fumes from buses, cabs, factories,
etc. you may want to think about moving (if you're exposed to these things) or wear a
gas or cloth mask while you're out.
e) Change Your Thoughts-
Again something that may seem impossible. Are you angry with a co-worker, 

or a friend (who's owed you money for yrs.) or a family member?
Believe it or not, negative thoughts just like a poor diet and smoking can cause havoc on
your immune system. So, how does one go about changing the negative self-talk?
You can go to for some answers or watch youtube videos on meditating 

or changing one's thoughts or you may want to find a therapist in your area, who can help you
learn to forgive and forget.
f) Drink More-
Water. Believe it or not, water can flush out a lot of toxins and impurities that
may develop into cancer. In fact, one doctor prescribed a few glasses of water
right after getting up in the morning to avoid cancer and other health issues. 

One warning- doing this (especially in the beginning) may lead to frequent
trips to the bathroom, nos. 1 and 2) just space out the water breaks and make sure
you're drinking a top quality of water.

That's it- 6 simple things you can do to keep yourself cancer-free.

Good Luck!

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