Friday, November 6, 2015

The Holiday Food Rxs For Looking Youthful!

                           Eat Your Way Beautiful! 

On today's Ellen Degeneres show- she had on Martha Stewart.
And if you didn't see it, then you missed her cooking segment.
What type of cooking?
Ms. Stewart made wraps, more specifically- vegetable-filled wraps. 

The wraps were made especially for Ellen, a vegan and Drew Barrymore,
a vegetarian.
And if you're a "healthy" eater for any reason, (to maintain weight, look younger,
give you more energy, etc.)
then you may be surprised that Thanksgiving dinner can boost health and
help you look younger as well.
Thanksgiving dinner?
Yes, and if you need proof, continue reading...

a) Sweet Potatoes- 

Eaten plain or with a little butter, honey and spices- the orange tubers can help
fade those wrinkles and even prevent them. 

That's right, a leading anti-aging expert says that foods high in vitamin A
may be all the medicine you need for a youthful and taut complexion.
And sadly, too many woman avoid or neglect the high vitamin-A rich foods, and doing so
invites the fine lines and deep wrinkles.
So, eat some sweet potatoes, carrots, apricots, or pumpkin and become
your own version of "Benjamin Button."
b) Cranberries-
Want stronger teeth and gums? Eat cranberries.
Cranberries stop infection-causing bacteria from sticking to your teeth and gums.
And less bacteria in your mouth means you lower the risk of gingivitis and cavities.
And one last tip: make sure to eat fresh cranberries. Canned cranberries
and all of that sugar only makes things worse- for your mouth.
Look for recipes to make fresh cranberries online.
c) Yams- 

Are you getting up there in age? Is menopause making life unbearable?
Then start eating yams. The darker skin tubers can increase your levels
of protective hormones by a whopping 25%, and lower the levels of harmful hormones.
Plus, balancing hormones lowers your odds of becoming obese,  frail (osteoporosis)
and cancer ridden.
One more tip- It's rumored that a village in Nigeria, where the women eat yams
almost everyday of the wk. give birth to twins and triplets at higher rates than
women anywhere else in the World.
Again, yams balance hormones and those balanced hormones may produce
multiple births.
Bake yams in the oven and eat with some honey, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg
and allspice.
d) Turkey-
No, turkey isn't fattening. Although it can be when you add stuffing, gravy, rolls,
Mac & Cheese, canned cranberries and a slice of sweet potato, or pumpkin
or pecan, but eat it alone and you can boost hair growth. 

That's right- turkey contains amino acids that reduce breakage, strengthen follicles,
and increases keratin (the protein that gives hair its shine).
And something even better- if your hair suffers from too much heat- (curling 

irons, or the Sun) over-processing or frequent dye jobs eat more turkey.
What type of turkey works best? Dark meat is more beneficial for your hair.
Save up the white meat and eat it if you want to dream up something creative.
(like a screenplay.
That's it- the real benefits of Thanksgiving dinner. The beauty benefits.

Good Luck!

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