Friday, July 22, 2016

A Movie Star's Fruit Rx To Help You Live Longer!

                           Live Long and Prosper Like Zoe! 

Oh no, the beautiful star of the upcoming Star Trek movie just revealed
she's battling an Autoimmune disease. 

The actress: 
Zoe Saldana. 

Ms. Saldana  like many is fighting it naturally, you know with
a "clean diet" meditation, gentle exercise and plenty of hugs--
from her kids and husband.
She's also adding more chocolate, or her version of chocolate
to her daily menus, what type of Choc is that?

Ms. Saldana said she wants to watch her sugar intake, so she
has a bowl of berries each night and not real chocolate and if you too,
want to go the berry route as well, you'll be doing your body and soul a
World of good. 

What type of good, you ask?
* Lower risk of mental decline
* A flatter tummy
* A reduced appetite 

* Lower risk of getting diabetes
* More serotonin, you know--the "mood boosting hormone"
* Improved heart health 

Blue and Black
* Whiter teeth
* A 60% less chance of getting Br. Cancer
* Stronger Immune system
* Lowers bad cholesterol and raises the good cholesterol
* Improved eyesight

* A faster metabolism
* keep blood sugar levels stable- great if you're diabetic
* Improves circulation- prevent blood clots (especially if you sit
  all day)
* Loaded with antioxidants
* Reduce inflammation throughout the body.
* Natural Sun Block 


So, there you have it, Zoe Saldana's recipe for eating something sweet
without eating something sweet and if you plan on copying this way of eating,
remember these tips...

* Make sure to wash your berries if you buy them fresh,
as fresh berries (the skins) may contain pesticides.
Or buy frozen. 

* Make sure to have the berries plain or with a low-fat
whipped topping or homemade Ice cream, (look for a recipe
using an avocado and a banana)
* Avoid adding tons of sugar and a white flour crust.
Once in a while is okay, do it on a regular basis
and you increase your odds of getting a number of illnesses and diseases.
* Do like the Danes and Italians-
They eat their berries with a little vinegar (Denmark)
or a little pepper, (Italy). Doing so reduces your odds of getting diabetes
and some cancers.

Good Luck!

For more info on foods that act like "natural Sunscreen"
go to the kindle store, and type 

Supermarket Rxs To Sun-Proof Your Skin,
Eat and drink your sunscreen in the search bar.
Save yourself a ton of money on something (an E-book)
that' natural and stop spending it on something (Sunscreen)
that really doesn't work and may do more damage
to your skin later on in life...

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