Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Breakthrough Info For Future Moms!

                                Avoid This While Pregnant! 

If you're about to be a new mom like
Mila Kunis or Kristin Cavallari, then you may
want to listen to this. 

What is it?
New research may have uncovered another
"supposedly good for you med" that may actually be doing
your future offspring some harm.

The good for you meds in question are antidepressants
and they may cause everything from hyperactivity to autism.
That's right- if you remember a post we did on the food additive
MSG as a cause for autism, researchers are now looking at moms
who take antidepressants before and during their pregnancies and
the effects they may be having on future kids.

So, if you or someone you know is on antidepressants and pregnant
or planning to become pregnant, you may want to warn them about 

this new research.

And lastly, you may want to look for an alternative healer
for your friend, relative or yourself and try and heal your
mood issues naturally. (switch to a better diet, volunteer, 

adopt a pet or take up long distance running or walking)
doing so helps you avoid putting your future child on a path
towards behaviorial problems and mood disorders.

Good Luck!

Country Stars' Rx For A Stronger Body!

                             Eat This For An Unbreakable Body!

Are you a fan of country music?
How about a fan of Southern cooking?
Well, if you're a fan of Trisha Yearwood, Sara Evans,
Garth Brooks, Luke Bryant and Blake Shelton then you may
want to copy one of their food secrets. 

A food secret from a country star?
Yes, believe it or not, one food that's extremely popular
in Southern cooking has been hailed as a hero to those
concerned about bone loss.

The food is so popular there's even a movie based on it.
The food, no it's not sweet potatoes or fried chicken,
can you guess?
Okay, enough with the suspense, it's "Green Tomatoes"
and researchers have been testing a number of foods
on thinning bones (osteoporosis) and green tomatoes
have come out on top. They're even more impressive
than onions, plums and beer (all help to stop bone loss).

And why green and not red tomatoes?
Fully ripe tomatoes offer some health benefits (natural sunscreen)
but not the benefits to keeping your bones strong.
So, if you're getting up there in age, or if you have a relative
that's broken a hip or wrist and it has you worried,
do like Trisha, Sara, Blake, Reba, Dolly and Luke and start
eating green tomatoes.

And one more thing, if calories and weight are a concern,
find ways to prepare the tomatoes without the flour and all of that
oil. Or just wait, some scientists are trying to make supplements out
of the same things you find in green tomatoes.

Good Luck!

Need more energy?
Don't give in and buy energy drinks,
doing so and you put your health at risk. 

Instead, head to Amazon.com, the kindle store
and look 
for (See title below) and 
learn how to use smoothies,
shakes, juices, exercises, massage, music, a plant
and meals to boost energy levels naturally.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Fifty Shades of Grey Rx To Become Super Rich!

                             Make Money Online! 

Are you happy with your life financially speaking?
Do you worry about paying for rent, college or
Does the news that social security may not be around in
30 yrs. distress you?
If you're one of the millions who spend a great deal of your
day worrying about money, hope may be on the horizon. 

Hope in the form of E.L. James.

E.L. James? 

Yes the English woman who wrote "Fifty Shades of Grey!" 
Her three books on the subject of Eroticism have made a
whopping $100 million dollars.
And if you have a Fifty Shades of Grey in You, then
there may be riches in your future as well.

That's right, according to recent news, the fastest growing genre 

in publishing is Erotica.
Romance novels have always done well, but thanks to E-readers
and the ability to read the books anywhere and anytime,
the e-books are pulling in billions.
And get this... The books don't have to be about bondage
or porn-type sex. Write about a girl from the "right side"
of town falling for the tattooed biker boy, she's tutoring  to help
pass his SATs. High school love stories are also a growing money maker.
Or try your hand at "Plus-Sized Love." Big women and the thin men who love them.
And there's more...
the books don't have to be that well-written to sell 

millions of copies. E.L. James and the authors (listed below)
have been widely criticized for lame characters and dialogue and
they continue to rake in the big money.

Still not convinced?
Ask husband and wife authors Jacinda and Jack Wilder (google them)
about writing Erotica.
The pair were on the verge of losing their Michigan home
and decided to write Erotic novels and try and make a
few thousand dollars to hold onto their house. 

Well, they did better than that, the pair wrote almost 20 books 
in a 3 month span and were soon making $100, 000 a month
from Kindle.(No,  It's not a misprint, $100, 000 a month).

So you see, if it can happen to this dynamic duo, it can happen to 

To help you get started, go online to Google.com and type
free Erotica in the search bar and read how some other

successful authors write or go to Vivafem.com and scroll 
up and down the site for tips.
Or get a friend or family member to help you with ideas and storylines
and go on from there.

That's it-- some helpful tips to put an end to your constant
money worries, get started today and hopefully, you
can become the next E.L. James or Jacinda Wilder.

And one more thing, if you don't see a post in the next week or two or three, 

don't get alarmed, we'll probably be writing something for Amazon.com
the kindle store.

Good Luck!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Hollywood Sunglasses Rx For Better Moods!

                          Wear Your Shades For Better Moods! 

Don't you love a pair of eyeglasses? You see them on a lot of stars
and wonder...are they wearing them to protect their eyes or are
they trying to look more of the part of being a movie star?
Well, whatever the reason, new research says that if you're a regular 

mom who works 9 to 5 or a star trying to protect her identity, 
it's important you keep wearing them.

Wearing them not only protects your eyes from Sun damage,
they can also help prevent bad moods.
Bad moods, what?
That's right- just as we're now being told to keep the light from
an alarm clock away from our eyes at night, sunglasses worn during 

especially sunny days can help thwart bad moods.

When you go out without sunglasses, you tend to squint more 

and that squinting turns on the same facial muscles as an angry
expression, which tells your brain to bring up the mood you associate
with squinting and that's usually irritation and anger.

So, if you thought sunglasses weren't necessary or only for the stars,
think again, they can prevent your retinas from being Sun damaged
and prevent bitchiness.

That's it- Enjoy the rest of your day.
Tomorrow's post- "50 shades to wealth" Write your way to wealth 

like E.L. James!

Good Luck! 


See title at right,
don't go for the Energy drinks at
supermarkets or gas stations, or you 

may be putting your health (heart health)
in serious danger. 

Learn how to boost energy naturally
with smoothies, shakes, green juices,
exercise, music and massage.
Head to Amazon.com/the kindle store and 

download your copy today. 

The Video Game Rx To Shut Down Cravings!

                   Shut Down Cravings With A Game!

Ladies you always hear about the negatives of video games...
they take up too much time, (Candy Crush) or they can may make
boys violent (Grand Theft Auto).
But what about the positives? 

A video game like Dance Dance Revolution can help kids and adults 
lose weight and then there's Tetris and Bejeweled, and these 2
games can help shut down cravings.

Shut down cravings?
Yes, playing for just 5 to 10 minutes can help shut down cravings
by 25%.
How? Researchers think that when you get a craving, a picture 

of the food (or foods) develops in your mind and that leads you
down a path you do not want to be on. 

And when you play a video game like Tetris or Bejeweled before or 
during the time you think about that chocolate Eclair or leftover cheesecake,
it keeps your mind so focused (on the game) you soon forget about the
decadent dessert or leftover pizza.

And what if you crave foods and aren't into video games?
You can get involved in a hobby like knitting, crocheting,
crossword puzzles or gardening. Or use the power of your mind and think
back when you were a kid and enjoyed a great vacation or think
of a place you'd like to visit now that you're all grown up.
Or you can do what we do...buy one slice of pizza or one doughnut
and be done with it. Also helpful: keep it (forbidden food) out of the house
like you would a negative friend or an abusive relative.

That's it- some tips to help you overcome your cravings
and get your body ready for this yrs' bathing suit season.

Good Luck!

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Baby Rx To Lower Stress Levels!

                            The Beautiful Baby Site! 

If you think the only beautiful babies come from Hollywood,
you're sadly mistaken. Thanks to a new website, you can 

view beautiful babies from all over the country. 
The site features babies wearing knit caps. 

What's so unusual about that?
The person who does the knitting: A male doctor.
That's right- a male doctor who knits, decided to start knitting caps
and giving them to his female patients for their newborns.

And someone who started photographing the youngsters as they were about 
to leave the hospital decided the cuties should be seen all over the World
and thus, a site was born.

And if you're also a fan of  sites that feature dogs, cats or other cute
creatures, you'll benefit health-wise.

Researchers say that looking at animals or small children
lowers stress levels. The type of stress that causes weight gain,

sleepless nights and constant worry.

So, if you're at work or at home and you want to lower stress levels,
look at some cuties that aren't born to Hollywood stars. 

The site: Drbobsbabybeanies.blogspot.com.

Good Luck!

With warm weather comes more thirst.
And that thirst can be quenched with water
or energy drinks. Don't make a habit of
energy drinks or you could suffer serious
To avoid a future tragedy, learn how natural
drinks, massage, exercises, music, smoothies,
shakes, and a salad can help you boost
energy levels way better than any energy drink

ever could, to learn more...go to Amazon.com/
the kindle store and download--see title at right. 

A Rapper's Rx For More Energy!

                     Avoid This Type Of Beverage! 

On today's edition of "The Wendy Williams" show, she talked divorces. 

More specifically the divorce between rapper Master P. and his wife.
Master P's wife wants her fair share of his $180 million dollar fortune. 

Master P owns a number of homes, cars,  a clothing line
and his own energy drink.
If you're a fan of Master P's and you've been buying his energy
drinks for your kids--you may want to stop. Why?
Well, you may be putting your kids' health at risk.

The type of sugars in many of these energy drinks literally tear up the
heart, resulting in heart palpitations, irregular heart beats and worse...
early deaths.
If you or your teen is really addicted, try and find suitable alternatives,

a) Coconut Water-
That's right, the drink that Madonna uses and also invests her money into,
can help teens and adult boost energy levels.
b) Tea-
Try Tulsi tea. It grows in India, and it helps lower the stress hormones
that lower energy levels. Find tulsi tea at Whole Foods or at health-food stores.
c) Massage-
Your ears. That's right, just like the feet and hands, the ears have hundreds 

of nerve endings  and massaging those nerve endings can not only boost
energy levels, it can also help ease cigarette cravings. (Hear that Miley
Cyrus a smoker). Massage each morning (right after getting out of bed)
for a min. or two.
d) Say No To-
Some out there hoping to make money, are creating Organic
energy drinks, and when they were tested, many were found to contain

the same types of sugars as in the regular energy drinks.
So, you may also want to avoid Organic energy drinks as well.

That's it- 3 tips to help you boost energy levels naturally. 

If you want more tips on how smoothies, green juices, the meals, massage, exercise and supplements can help you or your teen increase energy levels, head on over to Amazon.com. the kindle store and download, All Natural Energy Drinks, Use smoothies, shakes and green juices to boost energy.
Download it to your smartphone and always have the info on hand. See title at right. This E-document will cost you what a
pack of gum usually costs. Is your heart health worth that price?

Good Luck! 


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Talk Show Host's Rx To Slow Down Aging!

                            Steve Harvey and Anti-Aging! 

If you have time today, try and catch "The Steve Harvey" show.
He's going to spend the whole hr. talking about aging, 

more specifically--anti-aging.

If you're concerned about aging, and can't watch the Steve Harvey
show, here are some foods that'll help you in your quest to look 

yrs. younger. 
The Foods:
a) Berries-
May thru Aug. is the time to get fresh berries in most states,
and if you're concerned about the shape and looks of your legs, 

then you must eat more berries.
Prevent the swelling and keep new veins from forming by eating 

more straw, blue, black, and raspberries.
b) Walnuts and Salmon-
Concerned about dandruff and undereye circles?
Eat walnuts and salmon. Thanks to the amino acids in walnuts, 

they can keep the skin under your eyes looking fresh and clear.
The amino acids also relax constricted blood vessels and improve
blood flow everywhere, including keeping blood from pooling underneath
the eye area. Walnuts also keeps your hair dandruff-free.
As for the salmon, the omega-3 fatty acids calm the inflammatory agents
that cause undereye puffiness, (bags under the eyes).
Salmon also helps firm up the skin on your face.
Another top food to help erase undereye circles, Kiwi!
c) Beef and Chicken-
Are you a vegan? Or a vegetarian? Well, you may want to avoid this tip.
If dry and thinning hair is a concern, then eat more protein like steak
and chicken. Both foods help prevent split ends, boost shine and stops
it from becoming brittle and dry.
Another tip: make sure to eat the beef and chicken with foods that also
complement your looks, a salad, a baked sweet potato or stir-fried
vegetables. Avoid the fried chicken dinners and steak and fries.
d) Eggs-
Yes, you may be thinking about the cholesterol, but that only applies
to a small part of the population, and if you're concerned about the 

shape and conditions of your nails, eat more eggs.
A few eggs a week can make nails thicker and stronger.
Another tip: ever hear of a egg yolk mask?
Apply a beaten egg yolk to your neck and face. Start now (in your 20's) 

and you can avoid wrinkles and the saggy skin. (turkey neck) for yrs. to come.
e) Olive Oil-
Ever wonder why Sophia Loren looks so good at 70 something?
Look at the oil, Olive oil. Use it at a moisturizer after a bath or
shower (all over) and avoid the dry and wrinkly skin that's so prevalent
to those in their 50's, 60's and 70's.
Olive oil too expensive? Use canola oil. 

That's it- and if you've enjoyed these tips and want more, 
head on over to Amazon.com/the kindle store and look for 2 e-books
on the subject of looking yrs. younger than your actual age.
The 2 e-books:
* The Great Easter Egg Hunt, Use leftover boiled eggs to
improve your looks and health.
* Beauty Secrets From The World's Hottest Women!
Learn the beauty secret that helps Brazilian women
(like Mrs. Matthew McConaughey) keep their title
as World's most beautiful. See title below.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Natural Beauty Rxs For The Summer Season!

                              Get Ready For Summer! 
Ladies, it's almost here. What? The Summer season.
And that means a lot of shorts being worn and exposing
more skin.

If you shave your legs on a regular basis and
love wearing short sleeve shirts or T-shirts, then
the following tips are just for you.
First up, shaving.
If you should cut yourself and find that it won't 

stop, head to the kitchen cabinet and grab some Turmeric. 
Yes, the golden spice that helps keep dangerous plaque
from settling near your heart and brain can now stop
shaving nicks. 

The spice is a natural astringent that helps constricts
blood vessels to speed up the healing process.
Another benefit- Turmeric can help prevent infections
from setting in.
Fun Fact: Cayenne pepper will also stop the bleeding from
a shaving nick, but some are afraid it's too hot.

Now on to tip no. 2-
Dry and rough looking elbows.
That's right ladies, pedicured feet, smooth faces and youthful hands
get all of the attention, but don't forget elbows.
To get them ready, take a fresh lemon, (they're expensive right now)
cut it in half and rub the cut side on each elbow for 30 secs.
Then pat dry with a towel and massage a bit of olive, coconut
or canola oil (it's cheaper) into your elbows.
The citric acid in lemon juice will help dissolve rough, dead
skin cells while the oil moisturizes and softens the skin.
Important tip: make sure there aren't any cuts or abrasions
on your elbows, or you'll feel the stinging and burning from the

That's it- Start now and you'll be more than ready to
expose your elbows and legs for the upcoming Summer season.

Good Luck!

Don't forget to use up your Easter eggs.
Eat them in salads or make deviled eggs and you'll
benefit greatly, how? 

Learn how more (not less) boiled eggs can help
*Avoid dementia and Alzheimer's
* Keep your heart beating well into your 80's and 90's. 

* Give you the complexion of someone 10 to 15 yrs. younger
   (no more turkey necks)
* Boost energy levels
* Build muscle like a Superhero
* Rev metabolism
* Get rid of  that oversized belly
Plus, much,much more.
To learn how boiled eggs can do all of this, head
to Amazon.con/the kindle store. and download,
see title below...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Who;s The Boss Rx For Losing Baby Weight!

                             Lose Weight Like Samantha Micelli! 

Were you a fan of the hit show-"Who's The Boss?"
You may remember the show, hunky dad played by Tony Danza

becomes a live-in housekeeper for a hard working executive.
You may also remember that Mr. Danza had a young daughter
on the show and she was played by Alyssa Milano.

The show has been off the air for some time and the young daughter
is now over 40 and a mom herself.
Ms. Milano revealed how she was able to lose the baby weight.
Her secret: A green food.
More specifically, Original Green SuperFood Amazing Grass.
Ms. Milano uses this green powder on a regular basis
and tosses some into her smoothies. 
The green powder is packed with detoxifying antioxidants, 
metabolism-boosting minerals and bloat-busting probiotics.

So, if you want to lose some post baby weight like Alyssa
or you just want to fit into your bikini come June, try the
superfood known as Amazing Grass.
Look for it at health-food stores.

Good Luck!

Don't forget--to head on over to
Amazon.com/the kindle store and
download a copy of See title at right.
Give it to yourself or give it to a
friend as a gift.
Think of it as a gift of health. 


Entertainment' Tonight's Rx To Looking Younger!

                    Look Younger Like Nancy!
Nancy O'Dell, the "Entertainment Tonight" co-host has spilled
her secrets to looking yrs. younger. 

The tall, blonde Southern belle will be 50 yrs. of age in 2 yrs. 
and when you look at her, you'd never guess it.

So, what's her secret?
A hint- it's the same secret that Christie Brinkley uses.
What is that?
That's right, Ms. Brinkley revealed she noticed men looked
younger than women and wanted to know why. 

Their secret: A guy's skin is thicker, but shaving for years
and years is a form of exfoliation, and Ms. O'Dell remembered
that bit of information and decided, she too would exfoliate
like supermodel Christie Brinkley.

Ms. O'Dell doesn't waste her money on pricey exfoliants,
she just mixes up some brown sugar and  olive or coconut oil.
She exfoliates her face and hands (both sides)  every night before bed and her body- (knees, thighs, elbows, stomach, shoulders and calves) 3 times a week.

So, if you want to look younger like men or Nancy O'Dell,
start exfoliating.
Important tip: Exfoliate in the evening or on the weekends.
Rubbing your skin may cause some redness and you
don't want to go to work or school looking red-faced.
Also Important...
It may not be wise to exfoliate more than 3 times a week,
and it's best to  use something less abravise than br. sugar.
Use baking soda and a little water to make a paste and then
And lastly, if your skin is already thinning, you may want to skip
this exfoliating tip.

Good Luck!

Don't forget to download your copy of The Great Easter Hunt!
Don't throw out those boiled Easter eggs, eat them
and improve your health in a number of ways.
See title at above right. Available at Amazon.com/the kindle store.

Rachael Ray's Rx For Leftover Easter Eggs!

                           Eat Those Easter Eggs!

Another Easter is long gone, and now you're left with all of those
boiled eggs. What do you do?
According to Rachael Ray, you use them up to make deviled eggs
or a salad.
And if you're from the camp that says "the yolk will raise my
cholesterol levels" stop it.

It's not true. In fact, a cholesterol reading of 300 is way better
than a blood pressure reading of 140 over 110.
That's right- your body makes 85% of its own cholesterol and
the other 15% comes from food and other things.
Especially foods like--toast (white bread), hash browns, (white potatoes)
a glass of sugary O.J, a danish, (white flour and sugar) and a cup of
coffee with 3 tsps. of sugar.
Aha, now you see where cholesterol comes from.

So, if you've been avoiding egg yolks and eating only the whites,
it's time to rethink that and use the whole egg and really boost your
health. Yes, an egg a day can help prevent thinning hair, stop bone loss,
help build muscle, or lose weight (belly fat) boost moods, save your
eyesight, keep your skin in tip-top shape, (prevent turkey necks)
and maintain a healthy heart.
Oh yes, that's not a misprint, eggs can do these things, plus much,
much more.

And if you need a head start, here's a recipe to get you started.
An egg, fish and avocado salad.
Take some leaves from Romaine lettuce, clean them and place
them on a platter. Get a can of tuna, or sardines, drain and rinse well
or salmon, (8 oz.  cooked) 1/2 cup of onions, sliced,
1/2 cup of avocado diced, 2 tbs. capers (optional)
Place all of these ingredients atop the lettuce leaves.
and the dressing...1/2 cup of olive oil, some lemon juice
and some apple cider mix in a separate bowl until well blended.
Pour this over the salad and serve to your guests.
Enough for 3 people.

This salad will help boost moods and help you lose weight. 

That's it- a few tips to help you get over your fears of the
egg yolk. And if you want to know the details on how
eggs can preserve your eyesight, help future babies
develop super intelligence, or stop the dreaded "turkey neck"
read all about it. How? By heading to Amazon.com/the kindle
store and downloading a copy of The Easter Egg Hunt,
Use Leftover Boiled Eggs To Improve Your Health. 

Plus, you'll learn how to tell when those eggs in the fridge
are still fresh.

See title below.
Don't let the fear of cholesterol
get in the way of your health or beauty.

Good Luck!

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Cheer's Rx For A Good Night Sleep!

                  Sleep Through The Night! 

Do you remember the series--"Cheers?"
After being off the air for more than 10 yrs. it's now being
enjoyed by a new generation of fans thanks to reruns on
some channels.

If you were a fan of the show, then you may remember that
a lot of beer was consumed on the show.
But wait, it wasn't really real beer, it was "near beer"
what is that?
It was nonalcoholic beer, the show didn't want the
actors to be drunk by 11:00 am and not be able to
finish the rest of the day, so they used imitation beer.

And new research says that the producers of Cheers
may have discovered a natural cure for insomnia
and weren't even aware of it. 

A cure for Insomnia? 
Yup, you were always told to avoid any types of alcoholic
beverages an hour or two before bed, but there's nothing
wrong with nonalcoholic beer.
In fact, nonalcoholic beer has more hops, which are herbs
that give beer its unique taste and those same hops
can raise your levels of the drowsy-making neurotransmitters,

So, if Insomnia is an issue for you or your spouse, boyfriend,
BFF or coworker, tell them about the Cheers remedy for
overcoming it.
And if you're not a fan of real or near beer, look for Hop tea.
Find this sleep-inducing product at health food stores,
or go online to BuddhaTea.com and order some for yourself.

That's it- and one more thing, if you have leftover boiled eggs
from Sunday, hold onto them. We'll post some healthful and helpful 

tips on how eating more boiled eggs can really boost your looks, 
save your eyesight, keep your  heart healthy and rev up metabolism.
See title at right.
Available at Amazon.com/the kindle store.
Download it today and learn how boiled eggs can
improve your health in a number of ways. 

Good Luck!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Royal's Rx For a Healthier Marriage!

                        Marriage Tips From Will and Kate! 

Will and Kate are taking their young son with them to visit countries
like New Zealand and Australia.
Nothing unusual about that.
Oh and they also hired a staff to help care
for the future royal prince. Again, nothing unusual about that.
What is unusual, is that Duchess Kate said "that the extra help 

will allow her and Prince William to spend some more quality time together." 
In other words, "date nights!"
People have said that the Duchess is smart, but we didn't know how smart.

How so?

According to new research, date nights not only make your relationship 
better, they also make your health better.
And that's for both partners. 

That's right and the benefits come from taking time out for each other,
seeing a movie, walking on the beach or just sitting in a restaurant talking

The emotional bonds you're building doing dates nights protect you against
the harmful effects of stress--the the type of stress that start you on a path
towards depression, heart disease and stomach problems.

So, if you and your spouse are debating about whether or not to have a 
date night, listen to Duchess Kate and do it. You'll be blessed with a stronger
marriage and better heath.

Want more marriage tips like the one you just read?
Head to Amazon.com/the kindle store and download...
Prince William and Kate- The Royal Rxs For A Stronger Marriage. 

Learn the secrets that relationship experts say will keep
Kate and Will together for a lifetime.

Good Luck!

The Middle's Rx To Curb Appetite!

                             Eat Your Guacamole! 

Are you a fan of the hit ABC show, "The Middle?"
Well, the whole cast appeared on another hit ABC show, 

"The Chew" and revealed some of their dietary secrets.
Middle child Sue Heck, played by Eden Sher, revealed that she's not
a big eater and will have 1/2 an avocado with some lemon juice and spices
on top and call that lunch.

What's so unusual about that?
New research says that Ms. Sher may be onto something
and that something is appetite control.
Eating 1/2 avocado a day can reduce your appetite by a whopping 40%,
helping you  avoid dangerous diet tricks like skipping meals or
taking pills that may cause serious damage to your body.

Avocados are full of a good for you fat and fiber, that not only fill you up,
but shut down cravings, as well.
Another celebrity who calls avocados (and guacamole) her favorite food:
Selena Gomez. (no weight issues with her)
So, if you've been struggling with cravings and an out-of-control 

appetite, do like Eden and Selena and start eating more Avocados.

Good Luck!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Jimmy Kimmel's Rx For A Beautiful Smile!

                  Eat Cheese and Smile!

Jimmy Kimmel, the funny man and host of his own late night talk show,
isn't afraid to share with his viewers that he's a Pizzaholic.
And being a pizzaholic can be both good and bad. 

Well, made with fresh ingredients (especially vegetables)
you boost your health in a number of ways, make it with
bacon, pepperoni, ground beef and sausage, it's not so good for your health.

But let's stick to a pizza made with a gluten-free crust, some peppers, 

carrots, mushrooms, onions, garlic, tomato sauce, basil, oregano
and two types of cheese and then you just created something that bolsters
your health, especially your smile.

Your smile?
Yup, according to recent research, test subjects were asked to test
different mouthwashes and cheese.
The researchers wanted to see how cheese would do against
mouthwash in terms of cleaning teeth.
And believe it or not, the cheese won.
It's been common knowledge that a piece of cheese eaten after
a carb heavy or sweet treat can help protect teeth by washing away
sugars and neutralizing plaque.
Plus, cheese can actually reform tooth enamel.
And the cheeses that work best?
Cheddar and Swiss!

So, are you ready to try the Jimmy Kimmel approach
to a more beautiful smile?
Okay then, for those who want a more beautiful smile without
the calories, just have an oz. or two of cheddar or swiss cheese.
For those who aren't concerned about calories and love
pizza, just make it in a way that's not swimming in fat and calories.
And lastly, for those who can't tolerate cheese (lactose Intolerant)
have some carrot sticks or an apple. (Both work in the same way
cheese does- keeping teeth clean, right up until you can
get to a toothbrush.)

That's it- a \Good tip for this Good Friday!

Good Luck!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The View's Rx To Stop Smoking!

                            Quit Smoking Like Whoopi!

Whoopi Goldberg appeared on "The Wendy Williams Show"
today and the subject of quitting smoking came up.

Ms. Goldberg admitted she enjoyed it and wasn't ready to give 
it up, but a fan, (a young man) who's suffering from Cystic Fibrosis,
said -"I just want to breathe better!"
Well, that one statement was enough to get Ms. Goldberg to
make another attempt at quitting for good.
She didn't go the cold turkey route like a lot of people, 

she cut down from 20 to 15 to 10 and then to 5 and finally
1. She also used the 21'st century form of therapy as well, 

what was it?
She asked her followers on Twitter if they wanted to help each
other and quit as a group.

It seems to be working, Ms. Goldberg says it's been about a yr.
now since her last cigarette.
If you're in the same spot as Ms. Goldberg was in last yr. and you really
want to stop, then try the new and improved method that's winning rave

What is it?
Phone calls as in phone therapy sessions.
That's right- you may not have thousands of Twitter followers
like Ms. Goldberg and you may not want to reach out online,
and that's okay- and for you, there's 
the old standyby of calling
someone to 
talk to. 
But there's a catch, what is it?
You have to ask the counselors to call you and not the other way around.
New research says that people who get calls from counselors (as
opposed to calling up the counselors) are more likely to quit
the nasty habit for good.

So, if you've been struggling with this addiction for years or decades
and you want to put an end to it, go online to Google.com
and look for smoke cessation telephone counselors or ask your
Dr. if they know of any proactive quit lines.

Good Luck! 


DWTS' Rx To A Great Tan!

                         Suntanning Season Is Here! 

If you're a fan of "Dancing With The Stars" like we are, 

then you know all about James, Candice, Danica, Charlie,
Meryl, NeNe and Drew.

But are you aware that a lot of stars have to get tans? 

That's right, they don't have time to tan due to the amount of
training they have to put in each day.
So, they have members of DWTS staff apply self tanning applications.
And if you're short of time and also use self tanners, then make sure
you avoid the problems that come with self tanners.
The problems: Streaks, uneven color and stains (especially on your hands) 

If this is you and you don't have a team of stylists to apply self tanners, 
do the following...
Use self tanning butter sponges. One to try: Bronze Butter,
find it online at BronzeButter.com. Simply wet the sponge, then gently
buff your skin to eliminate streaks, remove tanner from your palms
and lighten too-dark color. 

Another tip:  Used dry sponges to easily remove deodorant stains
from clothing.

That's it- We can't guarantee you'll look like Maksim or Val, 

but you'll certainly look a whole lot better with an evenly, stain and
streak-free tan. 

Good Luck! 


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hollywood Stylist's Rx For Spring Time Nails!

                  Solution For Discolored Nails! 

Ladies, have you worn nail polish all Winter long and
now that it's Springtime you're nails are discolored? 

That's okay, thanks to a top nail salon technician you can get
your nails back to their original color in no time flat. How?
With Soda. 

That's right- the harmful stuff we're now being told to avoid is 

a great way to restore the colors of your nails.
To do: 

Pour ginger ale (only ginger ale) into a medium-sized bowl
and then slide in your fingertips. Let them soak for
about 10 to 15 mins.
Ginger ale contains monopotassium phosphate, a natural
bleaching and strengthening agent that removes stains and helps
smooth out pesky nail ridges.
You may have to do it more than once, depending on the conditions
of your nails, but stick with it and restore your nails to their
pre-Winter glory.

Good Luck!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hot In Cleveland's Anti-Aging Rx For Women!

                        Live Long Like Betty White! 

Betty White, one of the stars of the hot T.V. show "Hot In Cleveland"
is over 90 yrs. of age. 

The fact that she's over ninety and still working is quite surprising. 
But those who know Ms. White says that they're not surprised, and
they say it might be her positive attitude.
Even more shocking, Ms. White still eats like an American teen,
hot dogs, chips and small store bought pies.

So can a positive attitude be the only medicine one needs to make it
to 80 or 90?
It might be, but there's more about Ms. White that may have helped
her make it to 92, that something more: Her nationality.
That's right- Ms. White is Danish, on her father's side and according
to new research, the Danes, Swedes, Icelanders, Norwegians
and Finns may hold the secrets to a long and happy life.

The people of Scandinavian countries endure dark and dreary
Winters, yet remain upbeat and positive.
Some say it's the diet of root vegetables, organic fruits and vegetables,
fish, cod liver oil, strong family ties, bike riding and saunas.

So, if you're concerned about living longer or just want to live well 

right now, head to Amazon.com/the kindle store and download
a copy of The Nordic Secrets To Perfect Health!
Download it immediately and learn how the Scandinavians
and Betty White are able to live long, healthy lives.
See title at right.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Scientific Breakthrough Rx For Future Moms!

                                     Just Say No To...

If you're about to be a mom, (Mila Kunis) or if you're a mom with a newborn,
a 1 yr. old or a two yr. old, this news might interest you.
What news?
A woman thinks she may have found the Kyrptonite to
a serious disease affecting millions of kids and adults today.
What's the disease?

You may remember actress and talk show host Jenny
McCarthy and her opposition to vaccines, and the ensuing backlash
she received from some moms and some in the medical profession. 

And Ms. McCarthy who has a son (Evan) with autism tried to beat
it with diet.
Well, Ms. McCarthy tried the gluten-free approach, and it helped
some, and we haven't heard anymore from her about the diet or how 

her son is doing.

But that's okay, one of my best researchers sent us some information
that may help Ms. McCarthy and the millions who are going through
the same dilemma.
That's right- a mom and biochemist, also has a child that suffers from
Autism and she too, tried the no gluten diet. That worked a little, and then
she tried no dairy. Again, it helped, but her daughter was still exhibiting
some of the tell-tale signs of Autism.
The mom and biochemist went back to her research lab and finally decided
to test MSG.
Yes, MSG, you remember that stuff that was commonly found in Chinese
food that caused terrible headaches?
Well, greedy food vendors changed the name of it and put it in
food anyways and the most disturbing part--The FDA also knows
they're doing it and won't do anything about it.
So, if you have a child that's suffering from Autism, foul moods,
a bad temper or learning difficulties, you may want to look at
labels more carefully.
Look for MSG under its other aliases, like...
* Soy Protein 

* Hydrolized Protein
* Barley Malt (no beer, especially for kids)
* Pectin
* Corn Starch
* Yeast  Extract
* Torula Yeast
* Calcium Caseinate
* Sodium Caseinate
And one more thing, the mom also said that kids or adults getting headaches
after eating something, might be your brain warning you that something
deeper is going on and it may be telling you to stop before it's too late.
And if kids who are too young to tell you anything, the MSG could affect
them for yrs. or a lifetime.
So, if you're a mom or a dad and you're going through the same thing as
Jenny McCarthy or the biochemist-- Autism, you may want to try this.

And lastly, if you're wondering about the Mom and biochemist,
her daughter has been MSG-free for about 5 yrs. and mom says she's
going to school, interacting with other kids, riding her bike- in other words-
a normal kid.
And if you're also wondering why Mom hasn't shouted this from the mountaintops,
she's a little frightened, to say her daughter is cured, it may bring a backlash,
like the one Jenny McCarthy received.

That's it- hope this info helps someone out there. 

Good Luck!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Victoria's Secret Rxs For Women On A Budget!

                               Save Money On Your Bras! 

With the economy still in shambles, going out and buying new undergarments
whenever you want is not possible for a lot of people.
And if you've been putting off buying bras or you want to hold onto
the bras you already have, use the following tips from a women
who worked at Victoria's Secret for almost a decade.

Her tips for saving the bras you already own...
a) Wash Them This Way-
To keep your bra around for yrs. hand-wash it using a gentle
detergent like Le Blanc lingerie detergent wash. Find it online at
b) Avoid Doing This-
What is this? Heating up your bra by washing it in very hot
water or putting it in the dryer. Heat can damage the sensitive
fabrics in your bra, so hang it up after washing it.
Also look for specially designed hangers that let you dry
more than a few bras at once. Go online to JCPenney.com.
and look for their special bra hangers.
c) Give Them A Break-
If you have 3 or 4 bras, make sure not to wear one for
2, 3, or 5 days straight. Give them a day of rest between wearings
to prolong their elasticity.
d) Buy The Cheaper Brands-
Looking for bargains when it comes to buying bras?
Head online to OneHanesPlace.com and find new styles
from Playtex, Barely There, Lilyette and more at outlet prices. 

Also go to Overstock.com, they also have a rotation of name brands
at closeout savings.
e) Take Care While Traveling-
Planning on a taking a trip? Well, make sure to pack your bras
in a way that helps them last, how?
Place rolled-up socks inside the cups to help them
hold their shape while in the air or by car-and save space in your suitcase.

That's it- 5 tips to help you keep more of your money in your pocket.

Good Luck!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Makeup Trick To Look Years Younger!

                           Look Younger With Makeup! 

Ladies, when you look at someone's face, what part of the face is a
true giveaway to their actual age? 

Is it a lined forehead? Or is wrinkles around the eyes or lips?
Or is it sunken cheekbones?
If you guessed sunken cheekbones, you're right.

Experts in the field of aging say that once the fullness in the
cheeks goes, so does your youthful appearance.
Some stars that look younger thanks to those "chipmunk cheeks"
Candace Cameron, age 37, (D.J. on  "Full House") Sally Field, film and T.V.
star and Sarah Hyland (one of the stars of "Modern Family"). age 21 or 22.
And one star who had the full cheeks, but doesn't anymore...Nicole Richie.

So, if you're like Ms. Richie  and want to bring back the fuller cheek look
without going under the knife, do the following...

Apply Matte bronzer right under your cheekbones, then finish up by
applying highlighting powder on top of your cheeks, close to your eyes.
Doing this can help you erase 10 yrs. quickly.

A simple solution to help you look your Sunday best.

Good Luck! 


Available at Amazon.com, in the kindle store,  see title at right. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hollywood's Easter Treat For Better Health!

                      Eat More Chocolate! 

You may think stars don't eat chocolate. But many of them have kids
and come the holidays, they want their kids to feel as normal as possible.
And since Easter holiday is almost here, you may want to include more
chocolate in your diet as well. Why?

It's not just good for your heart, it can improve your health in
a number of ways. And something even better, it doesn't have to
be the budget-busting dark chocolate you've been led to believe will
only work.
Oh no, look below and find out how all types of chocolate can benefit your
a) A Stronger Heart-
Concerned about heart disease? Do like the tribe of Indians off
the coast of Panama and drink more hot cocoa.
That's right- The Kuna Indians don't remember when a member

of their tribe was afflicted with heart trouble or a heart attack.
Dark Cocoa works on the blood vessels keeping them relaxed
and wide open, allowing for better blood flow and perfect blood pressure.
Find good organic dark choc. online at SwansonVitamins.com.
Drink 2 cups a day without the sugar and definitely without the scones,
danish, cannolis and crones.
b) Boost Energy-
With chocolate milk. Before there were energy drinks there was
choc. milk. The milk provides you with nutrients to boost energy
and stop the aches and pains after a tough workout.
Allergic to dairy? Use almond milk and add a piece of melted dark choc.
to the glass. 

c) Better Focus-
Unable to focus? Short attention span? (See Chelsea Handler) then you may
need to start eating milk chocolate, yes milk chocolate.
Often tossed to the side, the much cheaper brand of choc. can help
those who need help staying awake and paying attention to the tasks at hand.
This type of choc. improves blood flow to areas of the brain responsible
for attention and concentration. 

d) Smoother Skin-
If you break out easily, then you may have to wear this type of choc.
what type? Melted Chocolate. Microwave or heat some dark choco.
up, let it melt, remove it from the stove and let it cool for a few minutes
and then apply to your face and neck. Choc. can hydrate the skin, 

reduce redness and cut UV damage (from the Sun). Leave on for 10 mins. 
and then rinse off with warm water.
e) A Tip For Whoopi-
Whoopi Goldberg complains about being over 50 and the problems with night sweats and hot flashes, well she may need to eat more...For the answer, head to our main

Good Luck!

Head to Amazon.com/the kindle store and download
a copy of Beauty Secrets From The World's Hottest
Women! Allow women from Australia, Brazil, Bali, 

China, France, Italy, Greece, Morocco  and Norway
show you how to postpone or even stop aging. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Soprano Stars' Rx For Permanent Weight Loss!

                         Eat This Not That! 

Lorraine Bracco, who played the psychiatrist on "The Sopranos" and is now
on the hit show "Rizzoli and Isles" has recently come clean about her weight loss.
She dropped 35 pounds and she credits her parents death as the incentive.

You see, both parents died in 2011, and Ms. Bracco was helping to take care
of them, and part of taking care of them was counting out the many meds that
each of them had to take to each day.
After their deaths, Ms. Bracco decided she didn't want the same future.
A future of nurses visiting daily and taking pills for this ailment and that 

No- she hired a life coach and revamped her diet.
Now, it's whole grains (like Quinoa), fruits, vegetables and goof fats.
And the things she doesn't eat--sugar, dairy and Twizzlers.
Ms. Bracco admitted that she could eat a few packs of Twizzlers each week,
and today, there just to sweet for her, so she avoids them.
And lastly, she also had to exercise, but not running or spinning for an hour,
her form of exercise...Pilates.

So, if you feel that it's too late and you want give up your dreams of ever getting in shape,  think of Ms. Bracco  (almost age 60) and her parents, and then decide if it's too late. For more on Lorraine Bracco and her diet and exercise
regimens, go to Google.com and type Lorraine Bracco weight loss in the search bar.
Or just wait for her new book, due out in a few months.

Another tip: If you need your own personal life coach but
can't afford it, head online to SparkPeople.com.
Once you reach the site, you'll be exposed to fitness
advice, diet tips and a community of people willing to help
you with your weight loss struggles.

Good Luck!

See title at right--available at Amazon.com/the kindle store

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

GMA's Rx For Looking Hollywood Beautiful! Pt. II

                               Enhance Your Beauty With Food! 

As promised, here's the 2nd part of the list of the foods that'll help you
look younger and help you get bikini-ready.
Here goes: 

a) Dark Berries-
Abundant and readily available in the next 3 months and if you want legs
free of varicose veins, then you must add more black and blue berries to your 

meals. Varicose veins happen when the veins weaken and lose elasticity, causing
blood to pool. And thanks to the compounds in berries and cherries, you
make the vein walls stronger and you boost blood flow.
Also helpful: Drink more water, walk up and down the stairs at work
 a few times a day and watch the sweets and comfort foods. (typical American diet)
Strawberries work like a mositurizer, giving you a more youthful complexion.
b) The Cucumber-
Thanks to the HBO series, "Girls" hair down there is making a comeback, but
if you're dead set against any kind of hair down there,
make sure to remember the cucumber. The Cucumber?
Yes, thanks to the high water content in them, women in some countries
place a few slices over the just waxed or shaved area of the body. It'll help reduce
the redness and the itching. Or try Visine, (yes visine or lip balm-Plain)
And that's not all- the cucumber can also  hydrate your complexion and thicken
hair. Add some to salads or to a green juice.
c) Sugar Snap Peas-
If you're not a fan of cucumbers and want more dewy skin, eat Sugar snap peas.
Popular in stir-fries, the peas contain compounds that lock in moisture,
and they help preserve the elasticity in your skin.
d) Fish-
It can be expensive and it's not a favorite of a lot of people, but
if you want to become a lean and sexy siren, there's no other food
(except maybe eggs) that can do it for you. Fish can build lean muscles
and remove hard to get rid of fat like no other and one dermatologist has
even written a book on it. In fact, he helped Raven Symone (the former
Disney star) lose 80 pounds in less than a yr.
(go to Google.com and type Raven Symone weight loss secrets in the
search bar)
So, if you want to see your scale move quickly, add more tuna,
salmon, (check out the low-cost variety at Trader's Joe) sardines
and herring (in honor of our Jewish friends) to your diet.
Another tip: eat your fish along with a gluten-free diet.
Fish and fries or fish and Mac & Cheese won't work.

That's it, 5 more foods to transform your body from  so-so to

And don't forget to check our latest E-doc...Beauty Secrets From 

The World's Hottest Women.  Available at Amazon.com/in the kindle store.
Find out how the women of Australia. Brazil, Bali, China, Denmark, France,
Greece,  Italy, Japan, Morocco, and Russia  manage to look yrs. younger
(without, lotions, lasers, creams or surgeries) than their American sisters. 

See title to the right. 

Good Luck!

For more great tips, head to SupermarketRxs@typepad.com 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Reality Family's Rx For Great Looking Hair!

                                 Get Great Looking Hair Kim and Khloe! 

Hair care products are a big business,  whether it's shampoo,
conditioner, gels, mousses, relaxers, curling irons, etc.
a lot of people are making a fortune,
And if your hair is as important to you, as say--"The Kardashians"
then you might want to use the product they're using. 

What is it?
Argan Oil!

It's been around for awhile now and it's also a favorite of Carrie
Underwood and Salma Hayek, this oil is made from the crushed kernels
of the Argan tree, which grows only in Morocco.
And it works, thanks to the fatty acids and vitamin E in it, two nutrients
that penetrate hair shafts to reduce frizz and smooth out split ends.

So, if you're ever up at night, wondering how do those sisters from E,
keep their hair--Free of Frizzies and split ends, you now have your answer.
Look for 100% Argan oil online at Amazon.com or ArganOils.com.
And if you want more of the benefits of the oil, cook with it.

And as promised, we spent the last 3 weeks researching and then writing
an E-book on beauty. Okay, not that unusual, but wait, this E-book
dives into the depths of not just beauty, but beauty secrets from
around the World.
Ever wonder how women who live in Africa, The Amazon, The Himalayans,
Greece, China, Japan, France, Bali, Morocco, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland
and Tahiti, stay so hot and youthful?
Well, put an end to those questions by heading on over to Amazon.com/
the kindle store and downloading a copy of Beauty Secrets From The World's
Hottest Women. Learn how they delay aging with facial masks and scrubs,
and learn the foods, exercises and supplements that also help them achieve
never-ending beauty. See title at right. 

Good Luck!

Talk Show Host's Natural Rx For Young Women!

                   End PMS Pain! 

Hey, did you catch yesterday's episode of Bethenny?
She spent some time talking about PMS.
The  pain, the bloating, the acne, the cravings and
the headaches.
She then went on to talk about cures, some natural
and some unnatural.
Although we can't watch ever show out there, (we didn't see the whole show)
we'd like to
add our 2 cents in, and offer a simple way to relieve period pain.
The Solution:
Change the way you sleep.

Say Whaaaaaaat, that's right, no hot baths, or a glass of wine,
some tylenol or pecans, just change your sleep position.
When your period hits, try sleeping sideways, curled up
with your knees lifted toward your chest or on your back
with a firm new pillow under your knees. Lying on your
stomach puts more pressure on your uterus and that only
makes the cramps worse.
So, there you have it, a simple solution for a very serious
biological issue.

Good Luck!

International Rxs To Look Like A Star!

                        Beauty Secrets From Overseas! 

Hello Ladies, with all of the talk of looking younger and postponing 

aging, are you curious as to how your sisters from other countries
stave off aging.

Let's see, there's Salma Hayek from Mexico Camila Alves (Mrs.
Matthew McConaughey from Brazil, Catherine Denueve from France
 Margo Robby and Miranda Kerr from Australia, Sofia Vergara from
Columbia, Lucy Liu from China, Charlize Theron from South Africa
 and Hilaria Baldwin from Spain.
You may want to find out these women manage to look youthful
without going under the knife.
Yes, it's diet and personal trainers, but there's also some things that
a personal chef or massage therapist can't ever deliver and that's
yrs. and yrs. of tradition and knowledge.

For Instance,
Salma Hayek, from Mexico. Ms. Hayek recently bragged, that
her hair was still the same color and her breasts are still perky.
She probably eats good quality food with plenty of heat.
You see, processed foods like sweets and fast foods can do more
than damage your heart and waistline, they can also cause sagging.
Don't believe it? A woman went on to remove processed foods from
her diet and a yr. later, her breasts had perked back up and she got rid
of her cellulite. Her age: 45.

And Ms. Hayek being a star most likely stays away from junk food.
Now on to Ms. Alves- the Brazilian women love coffee, no-not to drink,
but to use it as a body scrub. (especially the back of their legs)
Catherine Denueve, The 70 yr. old French beauty eats small amounts
of good qauality food and stays away from low-fat and lite foods.
Both are loaded with chemicals that not only cause you  to crave certain
foods, they also start you on a quicker path towards wrinkling.

Sofia Vergara- The South American beauty likes dessert, but she
like her Mexican American sister Selena Gomez probably eats
avocados, one of the top 3 foods to prevent wrinkling.
Lucy Liu, Chinese American and approaching 50.
The Chinese have used alternative methods to stave off aging for
thousands of yrs, They drink a certain type of tea and use a brush,
not on their heads, but their whole bodies. 

Margot Robby, In the movie "The Wolves of Wall Street"
comes from the land down under and their secret to looking younger, it's too adult to print here.
Hilaria Baldwin, Mrs. Alec Baldwin, comes from Spain and in some parts of Spain, the women eat Sardines and wear them as well.
Wear them? Yes, a sardine face mask can help you look 10 to 15 yrs.younger.
And lastly, Charlize Theron, A South African native, drinks tea
like the Chinese, but the tea from her country has been called
"Botox in a Cup!"
So, if you're serious about postponing aging and you want to go the natural route, then you must do something about it, that something...
Head to Amazon.com/ the kindle store and learn all of the secrets your sisters from Australia, Brazil, Columbia, Denmark, France, Egypt, Greece, Hawaii, Italy, India, Norway, Sweden and Tahiti already know.
See title above, available in about 8 hrs.

Good Luck!