Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gwyneth Paltrow's Rx For Lowering Skin Cancer!

                                  Cook Like Gwyneth Paltrow!
Gwyneth Paltrow continues to amaze us. First, with her acting talents,
then we were shocked she can actually sing, and today, she says : "she
wants to become the next Martha Stewart!"
Well, she's well on her way and with the recipe listed below, it not only

tastes great, but it'll help lower your risks for heart disease and cancer.

The Recipe: Cranberry Ketchup!
Most everyone loves ketchup and that's a great thing, considering it contains
lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that'll help you lower your risk of certain
cancers (especially skin cancer) and heart disease.

And how  is Ms. Paltrow associated with this?
She makes a delicious cranberry ketchup that's a hit with family and friends.
They use it on turkey sandwiches, on stuffing and even eggs.

So, how does she make it? You can make cranberry sauce using fresh cranberries
and then add some ketchup.  Or buy cranberry chutney and add some ketchup.
Important tips: Not sure how to make your own cranberry sauce?
Go to Google and type- how to make homemade cranberry sauce.
As for the ketchup, look for an organic brand-why? it contains less sugar and
salt, and it contains more antioxidants.

That's It- Your recipe to lower your skin cancer rates and heart disease risks.
I can't guarantee that you'll like Ms. Paltrow after eating this, but you
can cook like her.

Good Luck!

For more great tips- visit our

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