Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Housewives of Beverly Hills Rx For Thinning Hair!

                       Get Gorgeous Hair Like Kyle!
Kyle Richards lives a charmed life: a home in Beverly Hills,
a hot husband, an incredible social life, great kids and a
beautiful head of hair.
We can't tell you how to get a house in Beverly Hills, a hot husband or

well-behaved kids, but we can tell you how to prevent your hair from
thinning out.
The 4 Natural Rxs For Great Hair:
a) Green Tea-
That's right, the stuff that helps with belly fat and preventing certain cancers
can actually help your hair grow.
Compounds in the tea increase the production of hair follicles cells that play
a key role in growth.
The amount needed for hair growth? About 2 to 3 cups a day,
and make it regular, no decaf.
b) Biotin-
A member of the B-complex vitamin family,  biotin plays a role in the formation
of hair shafts, increasing root strength and speeding hair growth.
You may have to take biotin for a few months to see results.

Best type to take: PhytoPhaarmica Biotin Forte 3 mg. with zinc, find it at Price-$8 for 60 tablets.
c) Shampoo-
Wash your hair with a shampoo that contains hyaluronic acid.
What is hyaluronic acid? It's a natural lubricating substance
that coats and penetrates hair follicles, fortifying
the hair strands and stimulates growth by drawing in water
and nutrients. Use it for 60 days and you notice less hair shedding.
Look for the best shampoo at, the brand-Episilk
shampoo or John Masters Organics Evening Primrose Shampoo,
at Price-$16 for 8 oz.
d) Eating Too Little-
And not getting the right nutrients. You may think eating less than 1,000 calories,
is going to help you lose weight more quickly. But it's your hair that really suffers.
And cutting back on or cutting out meat entirely can severly affect your hair.
Going too low in calories can shock the hair follicles, and a low calorie

count means your hair isn't getting what it needs to grow.
Simple solution: Bump up your calorie count to a minimum 1,300 calories
a day, eat a variety of foods, and make sure your getting enough iron and zinc.
Women lose iron through menstraution and zinc by cutting back on, or cutting
out meat. So, you may need a multi-mineral vit.  with iron and zinc included.

That's It- Hope these tips help, some people who changed their diets
to lean meats, (grass-fed and range-free),fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, whole grains and monounsaturated fats (olive and coconut Oils)
say- "not only have we changed our bodies, but our hair has gotten
thicker and more luxurious."

Good Luck!


P.S. If you're following a diet as of the New Year
and you're suffering from
Sudden Hair Loss
Lagging Libido
Low Energy
A Fuzzy Memory
Frequent Trips To The Bathroom
Itching In Embarrassing Places
Body Odor and Bad Breath
If this sounds like you, look for the answers in
a newsletter- "Dietary Shortfalls"
find it at--

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