Monday, February 6, 2012

Jennifer Aniston's Rx To Maintain Weight!

                        Steal Jen's Secret For Good Health!
Jennifer Aniston has a birthday coming up this Saturday.
How old will she be? 43!

And how does she still look incredible for a middle-aged woman?
Yes, it's the million dollar salary and the amenities she can afford
with those millions, like... spa treatments, facials, workout trainers
and special meals delivered to her front door.

But, Ms. Aniston did something during her yrs. on the T.V. show
"Friends" that allows her to look and feel incredible.
What's the special thing she did while on "Friends?"
She ate a salad everyday for lunch.

That's right- 3 or more vegetables  a day, can boost your health in a
number of ways like...
1) Cancer Prevention-
Protect you from certain cancers. Especially breast cancer, if
you add broccoli, rosemary, turmeric and black pepper.
2) Slows Down The Aging Process-
Ms. Aniston must've heard about this long ago, because it's working.
Why is salad so beneficial to anti-aging? All of the antioxidants in
carrots, green peppers, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, olive oil and apple
cider vinegar protect your skin from the ravages of time.
3) Eye Protection-
Concerned about your eyes failing you in the future?
A salad made with peppers, boiled eggs (especially the yolks)
grape tomatoes, green squash and some salmon thrown in, can
keep your eyesight sharp for yrs. and yrs.
4) Weight Control-
Eating a salad a day has done wonders for Ms. Aniston weight.
Why a salad? The low-cal veggies, the antioxidants and filling you
up so you don't pig out on huge sandwiches and a platter of fries,
is reason enough to eat salad a few times a wk.

A word of warning: Don't add cheeses, ham, croutons, fatty dresssings
and bacon bits to your salad. These foods will not only cause weight gain,
but may cause other health problems as well. Stick to vegetables, eggs,
olive oil and apple cider or balsamic vinegar.

That's It- Jennifer Aniston's gift to you. Use it wisely!

Good Luck!

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