Thursday, April 24, 2014

Talk Show Host's Rx To Slow Down Aging!

                            Steve Harvey and Anti-Aging! 

If you have time today, try and catch "The Steve Harvey" show.
He's going to spend the whole hr. talking about aging, 

more specifically--anti-aging.

If you're concerned about aging, and can't watch the Steve Harvey
show, here are some foods that'll help you in your quest to look 

yrs. younger. 
The Foods:
a) Berries-
May thru Aug. is the time to get fresh berries in most states,
and if you're concerned about the shape and looks of your legs, 

then you must eat more berries.
Prevent the swelling and keep new veins from forming by eating 

more straw, blue, black, and raspberries.
b) Walnuts and Salmon-
Concerned about dandruff and undereye circles?
Eat walnuts and salmon. Thanks to the amino acids in walnuts, 

they can keep the skin under your eyes looking fresh and clear.
The amino acids also relax constricted blood vessels and improve
blood flow everywhere, including keeping blood from pooling underneath
the eye area. Walnuts also keeps your hair dandruff-free.
As for the salmon, the omega-3 fatty acids calm the inflammatory agents
that cause undereye puffiness, (bags under the eyes).
Salmon also helps firm up the skin on your face.
Another top food to help erase undereye circles, Kiwi!
c) Beef and Chicken-
Are you a vegan? Or a vegetarian? Well, you may want to avoid this tip.
If dry and thinning hair is a concern, then eat more protein like steak
and chicken. Both foods help prevent split ends, boost shine and stops
it from becoming brittle and dry.
Another tip: make sure to eat the beef and chicken with foods that also
complement your looks, a salad, a baked sweet potato or stir-fried
vegetables. Avoid the fried chicken dinners and steak and fries.
d) Eggs-
Yes, you may be thinking about the cholesterol, but that only applies
to a small part of the population, and if you're concerned about the 

shape and conditions of your nails, eat more eggs.
A few eggs a week can make nails thicker and stronger.
Another tip: ever hear of a egg yolk mask?
Apply a beaten egg yolk to your neck and face. Start now (in your 20's) 

and you can avoid wrinkles and the saggy skin. (turkey neck) for yrs. to come.
e) Olive Oil-
Ever wonder why Sophia Loren looks so good at 70 something?
Look at the oil, Olive oil. Use it at a moisturizer after a bath or
shower (all over) and avoid the dry and wrinkly skin that's so prevalent
to those in their 50's, 60's and 70's.
Olive oil too expensive? Use canola oil. 

That's it- and if you've enjoyed these tips and want more, 
head on over to kindle store and look for 2 e-books
on the subject of looking yrs. younger than your actual age.
The 2 e-books:
* The Great Easter Egg Hunt, Use leftover boiled eggs to
improve your looks and health.
* Beauty Secrets From The World's Hottest Women!
Learn the beauty secret that helps Brazilian women
(like Mrs. Matthew McConaughey) keep their title
as World's most beautiful. See title below.

Good Luck!

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