Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hollywood's Hottest Color For The Fall!

                         Wear Blue This Fall! 

You may not like the fact that the Summer is coming to an end, but it must.
In less than 6 weeks the Fall season will be here.
And if you're familiar with the phrase--Wear white after
labor day, you may want to change it. 

Change it to what?

Yes, some are predicting that blue will the color to wear this
Fall and if you want to be like the producers, movers and shakers, 

then we suggest you do the same.
But wait, there's more, blue isn't just a color that'll help you 

look hip for Fall, it (blue) can also help you health-wise.

Yes, just as there are therapies based on blood-types,
or birthdays (horoscopes), there's also something known as color therapy.
And if you choose to wear more blue this Fall, you can expect
some benefits-like...
a) A Boost In Creativity-
Unable to think of something to speak about at your next meeting?
Or do you need an idea for a fundraiser?
Well, whatever it is, looking at or wearing blue, may help you
come up with an idea or two.
b) A Relaxation Tip-
Need help unwinding after school shopping or coming back
from a vacation? Blue to the rescue. Simply gazing at blue
slows down your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure and
helps you relax. Another tip: One therapist who worked
with hyperactive teens (mainly boys) had the parents paint
their rooms blue. He also had the parents remove (action posters)
Star Wars, Grand Theft Auto, etc. The therapist reported that
80% of his clients were able to change their child's behavior
and forgo the drugs- doing this one simple tip.
c) Helps You Communicate-
Having trouble speaking to a spouse, your child or coworkers?
Bring in some (or wear some) blue and see if this makes a
difference. Wearing blue or looking at it, helps you overcome your
feelings of not being able to open up.
d) A Food Tip-
For many, the Fall and Winter months bring on the ravenous appetites,
why? Less sunlight, not being able to spend time outdoors,
Shorter days and more treats (Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, 

Christmas and New Year's Day goodies) make it hard to control
one's appetite.
But this year, you can control it, how? By looking at and wearing more
blue. Sitting in and eating in a blue room helps you eat less (a whole lot less)
food. Also helpful-- buy some blue dinner plates. They don't call it the blue-plate special for nothing.

And lastly, if you can't paint a room blue or you're not
a fan of blue clothing, go online to Google.com/images
and type Blue wall or blue painting in the subject line
and stare at it for 5, 7 or 10 minutes each day.

Good Luck!

Don't become a victim. A victim to high-priced
and potentially dangerous blood pressure meds.
Lower your blood pressure easily and effortlessly
by heading to the Supermarket, tea shoppe,
health-food store or Farmer's market in your part of town.
To read more...go to Amazon.com/the kindle store and
download--see title to the right.

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