Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Today Show's Rx For A Better Self Image!

                      30 Days To A New and Improved You! 

If you caught the "Today show" then you're well aware it was all
about changing your bad habits in 30 days.
Shopping and discount expert Jill Martin was the one who spearheaded this
change, due to her own addiction to her electronic equipment.
(reading electronic well into late night, raises your risk of certain cancers, breast)
Natalie Morales, the news anchor and host of the third hour with
Willie, Al and Tamra, decided to give up shopping for 30 days.
And then they invited "regular folks" on who wanted to change something
in their lives. 

One woman went without Coke, (good move, as it causes bones to weaken)
another woman, like Natalie, decided to put her charge card away and stop
shopping, and then another woman wanted to end the negative pep talks 

she gave herself everyday.
If you too, find that you're constantly speaking negatively about yourself,
and those around you, (other drivers, co-workers, neighbors) you may want to try
this exercise.

The Exercise:
Shake your head NO. 

Yes, you're reading it right, whenever a negative thought starts to leave
your lips, shake your head from side to side.
It works in the same way as a rubber band around your wrist, 

(you snap the band when you start to negatively berate yourself)
or when you get down on the floor and do push-ups.
Any one of these exercises makes you stop and focus on something
other than the negative self-talk.

And one last tip, think of yourself as a star, why? 

They have to have positive self images, considering how many times
they hear no, (auditions) or read or listen the constant stream of
negative press, 
(TMZ or tabloids)
So start thinking like Gwyneth or Kim K, no matter how many people
hate them, they just don't listen to it.

Good Luck! 


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