Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Duck Dynasty's Rx For Raising Successful Kids!

                         Simple Solution To Raising Great Kids! 

Any "Dancing With The Stars" fans out there? 

Well, if you're truly a fan, then you must be impressed with the talent
displayed by the young lady known as Sadie Robertson.

What's even more impressive is that Ms. Robinson attends a school
that doesn't allow any type of dancing.
And her dancing shouldn't be the only thing that impresses you about this 

young lady, her grace, her humbleness and kindness should also make you
stand up and take notice.
And if you want the secret to as to why she may be so kind, humble and
gracious, look no further than the dinner table. 

The Dinner table-say what?

That's right, for yrs. parents have consulted "so-called experts" bought
child-rearing books and paid people big bucks as to the secrets of raising
great kids, and lo and behold- the answer may be your dining room table.
Big family dinners, (the way Duck Dynasty ends each show) where parents,
grandparents, kids and a neighbor or two sit around for an hour
or two may be the real key to raising great kids.

Yes, people in France, Spain, Italy and Greece have known about this
for yrs. and in the U.S. it's starting to catch on.
Food in other parts of the World is considered more than something you
chew for a few mins.  swallow and then leave the table,  no- food to
Europeans is an experience where people talk, share ideas, dreams and hopes, 

learn to listen and bond.
And all of this listening, sharing, caring and bonding means lowers rates
of depression, truancy, disrespecting others, run-ins with the law, eating disorders
 and teen pregnancy.
And for the adults, it means reduced odds of having cholesterol, blood pressure
and heart disease issues.

So, if you're a mom or dad with a preteen or teen or if you plan
on becoming a mom in the not-too-distant future and you want to
see your kids become rock solid and productive adults, take a
hint from the Robinson clan, and start eating meals together.

And if you want additional info as to why the French do better in other areas of life
as well, like...fewer hospital visits, an extra 5 to 7 yrs. of life,
fewer wrinkles, less depression, less stress and better vision,
head to Amazon.com/the kindle store and download a copy of
see title below...

Once you download it, get started
on a happier and healthier life,
just like the French.

Good Luck!

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