Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hollywood's Halloween Rx For Better Health!

                   Enjoy Halloween and Get Healthier! 

You may think that Hollywood stars aren't into Halloween.
And if you've been thinking this, you're wrong.
Stars like Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie and Jennifer Garner
absolutely love it. 

They love the decorating, the carving of pumpkins and
baking dishes that contain Pumpkin.
And if you too, also love Halloween, here are some things that
you and your family can do to boost health and happiness, this
coming Friday.
Things like...
a) Creating A Tradition-
If you have a Halloween tradition like picking out pumpkins
or going for a hayride, continue doing it, why?
It'll bring your family closer. All rituals are important, but you
tend to always remember the ones revolving around the holidays-
because those events make such a big impression on you.
Such an impression, you'll remember them for a lifetime.
b) Carving A Pumpkin-
Carving a pumpkin requires you to use the right side of your brain,
the creative side. And spending time carving and creating
means a mini-vacation from the hustle and bustle of jobs, school
and other adult responsibilities.
c) Meet The Neighbors-
If you only talk or socialize with your neighbors on Halloween, that's not good.
Interacting with neighbors can help boost happiness levels.
Start interacting more with your neighbors.
d) Dress Up-
If you only dress up your kids once a year, you're missing out.
Missing out on letting go of stress. Dressing up helps you get in
touch with your inner-child, and lets you explore fantasies that may get stifled
the rest of the year. Any time you dress up or do something like
face-painting, you're letting go of adult stress.
e) Visiting a Haunted House- 

Do you enjoy visiting a haunted house or watching a movie like
Saw? Well, believe it or not, you're releasing "happy" hormones.
Getting scared, whether it's from a haunted house or a scary movie
helps makes fear more manageable.
Important tip:
If you have a less than healthy heart, you may want to skip the
haunted house or scary movie.
f) The Chocolate Rx-
If you avoid the candy during the holidays, you may want to
rethink that. Read more about the benefits of Chocolate at our
main blog. The blog: SupermarketRxs@typepad.com.

That's it, stay safe and enjoy Halloween, just
like Jessica, Nicole and Jennifer. 

Good Luck!

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