Saturday, October 11, 2014

Neighbor's Rx To Prevent Alzheimer's!

                                   A Crusade From Seth Rogen! 

Any Seth Rogen fans out there?
Well, if you're truly a fan, then you know that he and his wife
are heavily involved in Alzheimer's. 

More specifically- finding a cure and how to prevent it.
In fact, Mr. Rogen is so passionate about it, he traveled all the way to
Washington to speak to a group of congressmen (and women)
about spending more on research to finding a cure.

And if you're like Seth Rogen and his wife and you too, want to
prevent it from happening to you or a loved one, perhaps 

the simple suggestions listed below can help. 

The Suggestions: 

a) Vitamins-
C and E specifically. Both vitamins protect brain cells from troublemaking
molecules called free radicals.
Important tip: don't go overboard on the vitamin E. In this case, too much
of a "good" thing can be bad for you.
b) The Fall Superfruits-
If you're a real fan of Fall and the fruits that are available, then
load up on apples and pomegranates.
Although available yr. round, the 2 fruits are cheaper in the Fall.
Both fruits slow memory loss and protect brain neurons.
c) Spice Things Up-
If you're a salt and pepper kind of gal (or guy) you may want 

to add some Turmeric to soups, salads, eggs, chicken, stir-fries
or stews. The spice is the main spice used in parts of India and
they (the people) only have about 5% of their elderly suffering
from the disease. Turmeric helps keep plaque from sticking to 

vital brain cells.
d) Read A Book-
More specifically- Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter.
The good doctor wants all people (especially) to go off
all grains (or eat them once in a blue mood) why? 

He says doing this one move can result in a much younger
and vibrant brain.
e) Check This-
What is it? Your blood pressure. Think cholesterol is the real problem?
You're wrong, it's your blood pressure and if it's too high, you risk more
than heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, you also risk an increased risk of
So, make sure to keep it (blood pressure) at 120 over 80 or even
115 over 75. Not sure how to lower it?
Spend $2 over at in the kindle store and download The Natural Rxs
To Lower Blood Pressure. 

That's it- and if you really want to help Seth Rogen out,
you can also rent Neighbors. The 2014 movie starring Seth and Zac Efron.

Good Luck!

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