Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hollywood's Rx To Lose The Oscar After Party Weight!

                      Lose Weight Like A Star! 

Stars are that different after all, how so?
They too, also love to indulge when they party.
And indulge they did, this past Sunday, at the Oscar party. 

And now, two days later, many stars realize what they've done 
and must work to get rid of the extra weight.

And how do they do it?
Some with endless sessions at the yoga or pilates studio,
some will run an extra mile or two, some will fast, 

and then there are those that'll have a healthy smoothie or shake.
And if you're in the healthy smoothie or shake camp, then you're in luck. 

How so? 
Dr. Phil, (yes that Dr. Phil) has written a book called The "20-20" 
diet and one of the ways the good Dr. recommends to take off weight 
is with a smoothie.
His recipe for a smoothie...

1 cup of plain, low-fat yogurt 
1/2 cup berries, (black, blue or rasp)
1/2 cup of coconut water
1/8 tsp. of cinnamon
a few ice cubes. 

Combine all ingredients in the blender or juicer and blend until 
smooth and creamy.
Do this in the morning and have 2 nutrient dense meals and you should be
back on track in no time.
And if you want to know the smoothies and shakes that are recommended
by Dr. Oz, Dr. Joel Furhman, and Dr. Travis Stork, head online to 

Amazon.com/ the kindle store and download...see title to the right. 
In addition to the Dr. recommended smoothies, you'll also learn
how to use tea, coffee, wine (sangria) cocktails, mocktails, and Ice water.

Good Luck!

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