Friday, November 23, 2012

Anne Hathaway's Rx For Having A Baby!

                           Having A Baby In Hollywood! 

Anne Hathaway, the talented star of the upcoming film- "Les Miserables"
is already creating Oscar buzz for her performance.
The newly married Anne Hathaway is like a lot of women,
she really wants to have to a baby.

Being a star with piles of money on hand can make getting pregnant
a lot easier. 

How so? Stars can hire a personal chef, exercise trainers, massage therapists,
naturopaths-that show them the proper food and vitamins to take,
and frequent visits to the Ob-Gyn to make sure the baby is progressing nicely.
As for the rest of the population... coming from modest means- may make it harder
to get pregnant or have a successful pregnancy.

That's right- a poor diet, being around stressful situtations, job concerns,
smoking, and a number of other things can keep you from fulfilling your dream
of ever being a mom.
But luckily, there's hope for you, hope in the form of info.
Look below, and view the tips that'll put you on equal footing with
the Reese Witherspoons, the Anne Hathaways and the Beyonces
of the World, and you too, will be a mom in record time. 

Fertility Tips For Future Moms!
a) Clean It Up-
Your diet. A diet that may make getting pregnant easier, "Eat Clean Diet"
by Tosca Reno. Side Note: A women in her 50's just wanted to improve 

her health and regain her vitality, started the Eat Clean diet. She and her husband
both ate healthily for months, after 6 months-the woman had terrible stomach 

pains and thought it was a result all of that fresh produce, grass-fed meat
and high quality eggs and bread. It wasn't, her Dr. informed her she was pregnant,
at age 51. Look for the website and book by Tosca Reno.
b) Take Vitamins- 

Especially a good mulitvitamin and more vit. C.
Check with your Dr. about the best types and dosages.
c) Eat More Full Fat-
Dairy. Yes, dairy! For some reason, women who ditch the low-cal and low-fat
dairy, get pregnant more easily and more quickly. Drs. say it's probably the
hormones that cause this. After you're pregnant, switch back or cut out the
dairy again.
So, eat that regular Ben and Jerry's, Dannon strawberry yogurt and
Sargento cheese. 

d) From England-
Our friends from across the pond drink tea and one doctor says black tea is
fertility booster. Drink some plain with some fresh lemons.
e) Don't Drink This-
Caffeinated coffee. I know, a lot of you will suffer, but you must have
the decaf if pregnancy is a goal. Too much caffeine inhibits your body's ability
to carry eggs from your ovaries to the uterus. And yes, tea does have caffeine, 

but a lot less.
That's it- And at a later date, fertility secrets for men.
Yes guys, the problem of infertility may lie with you.

Good Luck!

Please, let your friends and family know about this blog,
the more readers we know that are reading this blog, the more info we hope to pass onto to you. 

Thanks! And Happy Holidays!

The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook By Reno, Tosca/ Hark, Lisa, Dr., Ph.D. (FRW) (Google Affiliate 


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