Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ashley Green's Rx For Better Health!

                            Baking With Ashley!
Ashley Green, the very fit and very beautiful star of the "Twilight"
movie series made a guest appearance on Anderson Cooper's talk show.
She came by to talk vampires and the end of the movie's run, and she also 

brought a gift.

The Gift: A Chocolate Pecan pie.
Well, the pie was a hit, and Anderson mentioned that Pecan pie
was also "his favorite type of pie!"
If you think the recipe for the pie will be listed below, 

you're wrong. This post is to warn Ashley, and other famous bakers
like Blake Lively Reynolds and Justin Timberlake, 
about the dangers of too
many sweets.
That's right- weight gain, a higher risk of diabetes, and yeast overgrowth.

Yes, yeast overgrowth!
Baking and having a slice or two of pie or cake occasionally is quite alright,
do it on a regular basis and expect to get yeast overgrowth. 

You can tell if you have yeast overgrowth by looking at your tongue, 
see a white coating, then you have yeast overgrowth also known as
Candida Albican.
When the yeast grows rapidly, the toxins they release can trigger
fatigue, headaches, acne, skin rashes, itching in warm places,
brain fog and many more problems.

So, what can you do to overcome it?
You may have to go gluten-free, or swear off sweets and bread for
a week or two, watch the sugar as well, eat more vegetables,
and have a cup of top quality plain yogurt every day.
Yogurt's bacteria helps crowd out the pesky yeast and the vegetables
make the digestive tract less acidic.

That's it- and if you want that chocolate pecan pie recipe for
Thanksgiving or Chrismas, head to AndersonCooper.com
and look for the link.

Good Luck!

Delta Pecan 92008 Gourmet Pecan Pie (Google Affiliate Ad)

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