Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ellen's Musical Rx For Better Health!

                               Heal An Aching Back! 

Ellen Degeneres makes no secret about the struggles she's had
with her ailing back. Now, it doesn't give her trouble everyday, 

but it does act up a few times a yr. and when it happens a few times
that means no more dancing.
If you, like Ms. Degeneres has a bothersome back, use the natural
remedy being recommended by alternative healing researchers...

The remedy: Listen to your iPod!

Yes, your iPod, researchers say that listening to music helps reduce 

pain by about 20%.
Why an iPod? Music takes you to another World, a World that helps 

distract you and then induces relaxation.  So, if you find that your back may hurt after shoveling snow or after a day 
of moving, take a warm bath and bring along your iPod, they're
natural ways to relieve that achy back.

And lastly. this tip isn't for someone with herniated discs or serious
back pain. If you're interested-we have some more tips on finding
relief for back pain at our sister 

The post: Ellen Degeneres' Rxs To Heal Back Pain!
Go to Google and type in the above line, and it'll lead you right to the post.

And one more thing, we here at RedCarpetRxs have written an E-newsletter 

on a subject that affects millions. What is it?
Ending Insomnia Naturally. Look for "The 99 Best Natural Remedies To
End Insomnia!"  Head to kindle store and download it to your 

E-reader. Don't allow your healthcare provider to talk you into taking prescribed
sleeping aids that may harm your health.
Thanks You!

Good Luck!

Apple 16GB Black 4th Generation iPod Touch - ME178LL/A (Google Affiliate Ad)

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