Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hollywood's Rx For Your Nails!

                Simple Solution For Better Nail Care! 

Do your nails look like a "hot mess"?
Blame it on the dry, indoor air, too many cocktails
and the endless buffet that started in Oct. (Halloween)
and ended this month. (the Superbowl).

Your nails like your hair and skin need special attention as well,
and if you neglect them, it results in splitting and peeling nails.
To fix them, just make sure to cut back (way back) on the
fried foods, processed foods and the alcohol. Add more
salads, lean meats, eggs, nuts and seeds to your diet (the Mediterranean diet)
Drink more water and moisturize.
Yes, dry splitting nails need moisturizer just like your face.
Moisturize after washing your hands or after a shower and there's no
need for pricey moisturizers, just use baby oil or canola oil.
Place the oil on your nails and massage it in.
Another tip: put a little oil in a clean bottle and bring  it to work or school.

Good Luck!

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