Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The First Lady's Rx For Great Summer Arms!

               Show Off Those Arms This Summer! 

As the title suggests--you may want to show off your arms this
Summer. And what's the difference between Summer arms and
Winter Arms, you ask? A lot.

In the Winter, you can cover them up with long-sleeved shirts, 

turtlenecks and snuggies, but not in the Summer, with the
pool parties and 100 degree temperatures, you not only want
to show them off, but remain cool (temperature-wise) as well.
And one person who can help you achieve this, is none other
than Michelle Obama, the "first lady" of the United States.

That's right, Ms. Obama unlike a lot of women her age (51)
isn't afraid to show off her arms, and she owes a lot of it
to exercise and diet.
If you're one of the millions out there frightened to show off
arms that are starting to show their true age, try the tip listed

The tip:
Get rid of the excess estrogen.
Estrogen? Yes, women need this female hormone for a number of things,
but get too much of it, and it shows up in your arms, thighs and belly.
And if you're not liking the "turkey arms" look or the "batwings"
then you must lower estrogen levels, how?
With diet.

Yes, the dreaded "D" word again, and it's not a gluten-free
or vegan diet we're talking about, just swapping out some foods
for some other, healthier foods.
The foods to swap out, white carbs, like rice & potatoes, sweets, fruit juices,
candy, margarine, and Pop, and replace them with less
estrogen producing foods known as cruciferous
veggies, foods like...cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.
These foods which aren't favorites in a lot of homes, but they boast indole-3 carbinol,
a compound that's broken down during digestion and changes the metabolism
of estrogen so it becomes less potent and doesn't build up in your bodies.

So ladies, are you ready to do something about your arms? 
Do you want arms that look like the first lady's?
Well, you must start eating the cruciferous vegetables.
And one more tip, make sure to cook (or steam) these vegetables
about 90% of the time. If you don't, you could end up with thyroid

That's it- and if you or a loved one has other "Summer body" 
issues like...a Jiggly belly, pit pudge, dark shadows under the arms, chub rub,
back breakouts, (bacne), bikini redness, crepey skin, cellulite and crusty heels
and if you want to do something about it, head to kindle

store and download, see title at right...
It may be the best $2.00 you ever spent.

Good Luck!

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