Monday, December 10, 2012

Anne Hathaway's Live Longer Rx For Women!

                         Live Longer Like Anne! 

Do yourself a favor this holiday season and see the movie-"Les Miserables!"
A number of folks are already talking Oscar nominations for Hugh Jackman
and Anne Hathaway.
And an Oscar nomination isn't the only thing that's going well for Ms. Hathaway,
the other thing going well for her: Her diet!
What type of diet? A vegetarian diet.

Yes, lean beef can benefit you in some ways, but according to new research-
women who eat it 3 or more times a week have a 30% chance of having a fatal
heart attack or stroke.
The researchers aren't really sure if it's the type of beef, the number of times
you eat it, the quality of the beef (store bought and loaded with steroids, 

chemicals and hormones) the way you prepare it (on a hot grill) or the side
dishes, (the fries, the extra cheese or the white buns).

Whatever it is, if you're eating it a few times a week, perhaps it's time
to cut down, way down. Start with one day without beef, have some
stir-fried vegetables and beans over brown rice and work up to two and then three
times a week, and who knows-you may be like Anne Hathaway and go without
it 7 days a week. Plus, you'll save money, money you can use for
clothes, shoes or handbags.

Good Luck!

1,000 Vegetarian Recipes by Gelles, Caroll [Hardcover] (Google Affiliate Ad)

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