Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Malcolm In The Middle Rx For Avoiding A Stroke!

                            Avoiding Strokes! 

Frankie Muniz, the former star of  "Malcolm In The Middle" had a mild stroke 

a few days before his 27th birthday.
Mr.  Muniz noticed that the vision in one eye was completely gone and his
speech became slurred.
Although Mr. Muniz claims to have never smoked or had a drink,
Drs. are baffled as to why it happened.
Well, believe it or not, research about 3 yrs. ago, says that smog
from living in big cities is causing strokes in the young, old,
black and white people.

Yes, taking in the fumes from buses, taxis, delivery vans and endless
cars can raise blood pressure and that can cause an increase in strokes.
So, if you live in a big city and don't want to move or can't, there are
some things you can do to lower your risks-like...

a) Drink More Water-
That's right- many have heard about the benefits of water for great skin,
but it can flush out impurities from your system. But, not too much
water. Too much water can throw off the electrolytes and actually cause a

a stroke.
b) Spices and Herbs-
Adding spices and herbs like cardamom, ginger, cilantro, cinnamon,
basil, sage, marjoram and cayenne pepper. Why spices and herbs?
They relax arteries and help blood flow more easily.
c) Drink Up-
Tomato juice is a great beverage to help lower stroke risks.
Just watch the salty varieties and add some of the spices and herbs
mentioned above and make a delicious soup.
d) Don't Drink This-
Soda! Yes, it tastes great, but new research says that the caffeine in soda 

can tighten artery walls. What about tea and coffee? They won't raise
stroke risk, as long as you watch the sugar and milk. And avoid the scones,
danish, cinnabuns and donuts when drinking them.
e) Go Gently-
On the exercise. Running in a big city puts your health at risk in a number of
ways, but gentle exercise like Tai Chi or yoga is a great way to remove
inflammation from your system.
f) Watch The Fish Dinners-
Some baked salmon or trout is great for avoiding stroke, but deep fry it
and you raise your stroke risk considerably. Avoid the fried fish dinners,
make it once a yr. occasion.
g) Processed Food-
Enjoy frozen dinners, baked goods off the shelves, or other boxed foods
with 8 or more ingredients? Well, eat this way for yrs and yrs. and stroke 

risk goes up. Read labels and eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, lean
meats, coconut and olive oil.

That's it- And we're not saying big city living is the reason Mr.
Muniz had a stroke, but just wanted to let our readers know that
it may be a factor for you or a loved one.

And for more great tips on natural living and alternative remedies,
head to our main

Good Luck!

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