Saturday, February 2, 2013

Malibu Country's Rx For Staying Young!

                                Stay Young Like Reba! 

Can you believe it, Reba McEntire will be 60 yrs. of age in less than
3 yrs. The top selling country artist and star of the new
sitcom-"Malibu Country" does it by avoiding the "BADS"
what is that you ask? Bread, Alcohol, Dairy and Sugar.

Ms. Reba noticed certain things about her moods, energy levels,
looks and weight and decided to make a change. It wasn't all
4 of the prementioned foods and drink at once, it happened over a
period of about a decade.
And there's something else Ms. Reba does each morning that
still allows her to give concerts and work long hours on a sitcom,
and if you adopt her secret, you too may look good for the next
decade and beyond. What's her other secret? She starts each day-
with a green juice.

A top recommendation from none other than Dr. Oz, Ms. Reba
places some fresh carrots, bell peppers, a cucumber, a celery stalk
and an apple in her juicer. She does this every morning- 7 days a week.

So, there you have it- The "Stay Young Forever" Secret From Reba McEntire.
And if you want to try and be more like Reba, make small changes at first,
doing too many dietary changes at once-only results in cravings, failure and then
non-stop bingeing. Eat like Ms. Reba Mon.  through Fri, and then have what
you want on the weekends.

And lastly, sticking with the country music theme, check out yesterday's post
on Carrie Underwood. Thanks!

Good Luck!

Green Recycled Double Old Fashioned Glass, 12 oz. (Google Affiliate Ad)

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