Saturday, September 12, 2015

A Top Star's Rx For Breaking a Bad Habit!

                        Break The Sugar Addiction! 

Oh no, another sign the stars are more like us, top female star Kate Hudson
just revealed she's winning her battle against a very serious addiction.
And the thing she's battling: Sugar. 

Looking at her, you'd never know it, but like a lot of people Ms. Hudson
isn't alone.
And thanks to her coming out, many more people will be able to fight
it and overcome it.
And if you don't think some candy or a sweet treat (each day) won't do you harm,
you're sadly mistaken.
According to top Doc, doctor Oz, an addiction to sugar is like an addiction to heroin,
in that it's extremely hard to give up and it does considerable harm to your body.
What type of damage?
How about compromising your immune system and tearing down delicate
arteries and blood vessels.
And a wear and tear on one's immune system and arteries
leaves you open to all types of health woes like...

heart disease
frequent and long-lasting 

terrible skin 
certain cancers
Memory issues --Alzheimer's
weight gain 

eating disorders, the more sugar you eat, the more you want
carb cravings
plus, many more health issues. 

So, now that you know about some of the things that'll happen to you
if you don't cut down or totally eliminate the white stuff,
it's time to look at some simple solutions to help put an end to it.
Solutions like...

* Fix it with vitamins.
Sometimes- a sugar addiction is a mask for vitamin deficiencies.
And the two you may be deficient in are B-5 and C.
Ask your doctor or a naturopath to give you a test to see which vitamins
you may need.
* Ask about fatty acids-
Again a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids may be causing the sugar addiction.
* Read This-
"The Sugar Blues!"
 Written by writer William Duffy, he was a chain smoking and didn't 

care what he ate type of guy who was scolded and bullied by actress
Gloria Swanson. She was one of the first Hollywood stars to follow
a vegetarian diet and it's also rumored she preached and nagged anyone
and everyone about the dangers of sugar in the American diet.
And one last thing- William Duffy, the writer, later became her husband.
*Also read-- Books by Canadian mom and nutrition adviser Tosca Reno, 

Ms. Reno decided to fight her food addictions head on and at age
49, finally had the body of her dreams. "Eating Clean" is one of the titles.
* Eat More Fat-
People still do not believe it, but a sugar addiction may mean you need more 

fats, no- not from sweets, but fats like olive and coconut oil, natural peanut and almond
 butter,  regular butter, heavy cream and avocadoes. 

* The Herb-
Ask your naturopath about taking Gymnema, an herb that blunts sweet receptors
on your tongue, helping tame cravings by making sugary desserts taste less sweet.
* Go Cold Turkey-
Although it may be difficult, it worked for Ms. Hudson.
* Have Low-Glycemic Fruit.
Go to and type low-glycemic fruits in the search bar
and pick up some of these fruits at your supermarket. 

* Eat Yogurt-
Now we don't mean the fruit-filled calorie bombs that pass as yogurt,
we're talking plain-white yogurt that'll fill you with good bacteria & help you
reduce your cravings for candy.
That's it- hope this information helps.

And don't forget, Sunday is the release date of an e-book put out by two of 

the women who contribute (generously) to this blog. 
Their E-book- see title to the right.
Download or borrow and never discriminate again.
And by discrimination we against black and white foods. 

Learn how black plums, eggplant, soy sauce and pasta 
and white cauliflower, garlic, potatoes, turnips and white tea
can help you live disease-free and stave of the aging process
better than any needle or surgeon's scalpel. 

And always remember- All Foods Matter!

Good Luck!

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