Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kim K's Rx For Dandruff-Free Hair!

                            Get Rid Of The Dandruff! 

On a past show of the "Kardashians" Kim complained about wearing a certain
color blouse, her complaint- it would show off her dandruff. 

Kim K. like a lot of folks has dandruff, and the reasons for it are numerous.
One such reason may be she's not getting enough essential fatty acids in her 


And why are they (E.F.A.) necessary?
They help support normal biological functions, prevent certain diseases and
may even help you overcome certain diseases.
But, as for your own beauty- they help moisturize your skin.
And as you get older, getting that moisture becomes harder and harder.

So, are you seeing more dandruff?
If so, make sure to get more fatty acids and you can start by adding more flaxseed
oil to your meals or taking a tbsp. or two per day.
Flaxseed oil is one of the most concentrated sources of alpha-linolenic and when
eaten, it can help you get rid of those embarrassing white flakes.

Also helpful- walnut, coconut and olive oil.
And one more thing: Eliminating or eating rarely (very rarely) junk food
can also keep you "dandruff-free." Junk food may taste great, but it does
little to help moisturize your insides. And Kim K does admit to eating certain
foods that may be contributing to her ongoing battle with dandruff.

There you have it, another tip that can help you look your most beautiful,
whether you're from Hollywood Calif, London England or Wichita Kansas.

Good Luck!

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