Sunday, December 29, 2013

Madonna's Rx For All-Night Energy!

                            Party Like Madonna! 

Do you wonder how Madonna stays fit and trim at age 55?
Or are you curious how she's able to maintain a relationship
with a man 30 yrs. her junior?
Well, if you've been spending time wondering about these things,
wonder no more. 

It's been revealed that Madonna follows a strict diet, exercises almost
everyday, gets full body massages and drinks a beverage that's
gaining in world-wide popularity.
The Beverage:
Coconut water!

That's right- a number of people are praising the health benefits
of coconut water and a number of stars are among them.
Madonna not only drinks the stuff, she's invested some serious cash
in the coconut water business.

Why is it so beneficial?
Coconut water can help you hydrate, even more so than regular water,
plus it's packed with the healing potassium, as well as essential amino 

acids, minerals and enzymes your body needs.
And that's not all- it also helps boosts metabolism, repairs damaged cells 

and increases energy levels.
And one last benefit: One woman claimed her painful periods stopped after
she started drinking coconut water.
So, if you plan on partying this New Year's Eve and need more energy
or if you want to be as energetic as Madonna, start adding more
coconut water to your daily menu.

Good Luck!

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