Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cougar Town's Food Rxs For Youthful Hands!

                                   Turn Back The Clock On Your Hands! 

Did anyone catch Jay Leno last night? 

His guest- Courtney Cox. Ms. Cox talked about aging and her efforts to
slow down the clock, the aging clock. 

She also talked about a part of the body that's really giving her trouble.
What body part was she talking about? Her hands.
She revealed to Jay that she recently had a chemical peel 

and was a little reluctant to shake hands.
Ms. Cox and a lot of people who are over 40 are learning no 

matter what you  do diet, exercise or moisturizer wise, the hands
really show their age, why? The skin on the hands, the neck and around
the eyes is really thin and that's why you must take extra steps to help
prevent them from aging.

But how?
There are a few things you can do, and if you continue reading, you can
learn how to fool anyone into thinking your hands are 5 to 10 younger
than they actually are.

1) Keeping hands youthful-
Like the face, using moisturizers and masks can keep it youthful, so use those
same things on your hands. Some suggestions...
a) An Apple and some Milk-
Called one of the best ever 1-2 combos for looking yrs. younger,
the lowly apple and some milk is a miracle worker. 

To do: Peel and then wash an apple, cut into thin slices and place the
apple slices in a small pot, add 1/4 cup of milk and heat for a few mins.
After a few mins. turn off the pot, let the apple and milk cool for a few mins.
Sit back in a chair or a recliner, and place the apple and milk combo on your 

face, neck and then on the top of your hands. Sit back and relax for 15 to 20 mins.
Then remove the apple slices and wash your face, neck and hands with warm water
and a mild soap.
b) An Avocado and Milk-
The avocado and milk may work better, but it's slightly more expensive to use
avocados and it's a lot messier. Use this or the apples a few times a week, and then
once a week for maintenance.
c) An Egg Yolk-
The egg white facial is popular, but egg whites work to get rid of fine lines,
to really tighten up the skin, use the yolk. A woman in India advised young people 

to use egg yolk facials for 30 days to treat acne, and a lot of them noticed tighter skin. 
So, if aging hands are a concern, beat an egg yolk, apply to the face, neck and hands
and then lie back and relax for 15 to 20 mins. Save the unused egg yolk  (refrigerate)
and use 3 times a week.
After 3 uses, get another egg yolk and start the process all over again.
Do the egg yolk facial and hand treatment exercise-2 to 4 times a week, and after
a month, do it once a week for maintenance.

2) Brown Spots-
This is a real concern for Courtney Cox, after 45 many women and some men
may experience it. You can use peels, but there's a danger involved and of course 

the price, or you can use all natural methods like...
a) Rice Water-
A medical writer while writing about the men and women who
worked the rice fields in a region of China, noticed their hands looked
youthful. What was their secret? The rice water. 

You don't have to travel to China, Korea or Japan to get the rice water, 
just soak some rice- (brown or white) overnight. In the morning, take the water 
and place it in a clean container and spray some on your hands. Leave on for 30
to 60 mins. and then rinse off. Do this a few times a week.
b) Buttermilk-
Buy some and apply to your hands. Do this a few times a week.
c) Chickpeas-
Mash up some chickpeas and apply the mixture to the top sides of your hands. 

Or better yet, why not mix some mashed chick peas with rice water or buttermilk 
and then apply.

3) Moisturizer-
A lot of people remember sun screen, but don't forget moisturizer.
If you're budget allows, go ahead and splurge and buy a moisturizer
from the drugstore, or use something from the pantry like...
olive oil, canola oil, vegetable oil or vaseline.
Apply after showering, bathing or after washing your hands for dinner.

That's it- 3 tips for youthful hands, and if start doing some of the things listed 

above in your late 20's, you can avoid the chemical peels, laser treatments or rice
water treatments,

Good Luck!

P.S. To continue to bring all natural alternatives to the masses, you must
continue to support us. Please, tell friends, family, BFFs and Frenemies about
this blog.
Thank You!

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