Sunday, January 6, 2013

Steve Harvey's Rxs For Women!

                   Insider Secrets To Figuring Out Men! 

Steve Harvey is a riding atop a nice wave of success- a hit talk show,
a game show, a syndicated radio show, a best selling book and a
hit movie based on that book. And if you're a lady and wondering
what all the fuss is about, it's about Steve revealing how some men
think and feel about you and the relationship.
If you didn't buy his book, see the movie based on the book or watch
his talk show, here are some of the insider secrets that make men tick.

1) They Think About The Relationship-
You don't think men think about the relationship? You're wrong,
men think about you and the relationship a few times each hour.
It's just that men aren't great multitaskers and don't show it like
women. So ladies, although he may not be contacting you a few times
an hour, or texting every few mins. -remember the multitasking, he is thinking
about you.
2) Romance-
Men have been conditioned to believe that women are the only ones who need
and should get romance, big mistake. Men who were polled admitted-
they wish they're wives would be more forthcoming with romantic gestures.
Like a basket filled with tools, beef jerky, a DVD of a Stallone movie
and some pictures of you-dressed in your best lingerie.
3) Talking More-
It's true and not true about men wanting to talk.
They don't want to talk about feelings, but they do want to talk.
Just make sure when you approach them (guys) don't say "Let's
talk about the way we feel about each other." Find another word
and it's likely he'll open up.
4) Security-
Don't think men have insecurities? They do. Men always want to seem 

in control, so a lot of times they may not admit to feeling unsure about
appearances, financial situations or the future. So, if they start to
complain about something, don't add on, help them resolve it-
with kindness.
5) Cuddle Up-
Men may not seem to want or need cuddling, but researchers say
it's a proven stress buster. So, encourage it, and that also goes for
kissing and hugging.
6) Argue This Way-
There's not a couple out there that's not going to argue at some point,
you can lower the temperature of the argument by doing it this way.
What way? Sit side-by-side.
Men who were polled say they sometimes yell, scream and threaten
because they feel less like men if they don't. So, to help them become
less angry and confrontational, Sit on a chair, right beside them and discuss
what's bothering you.

That's it- And if you weren't sure about what men think and some of their
secrets, now you know.

Good Luck!

Arizona Getaways for the Incurably Romantic By Swartz, Pamela (Google Affiliate Ad)

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