Saturday, May 10, 2014

Movie Blockbuster's Rx For Natural Sunscreen!

                                 Protect Your Skin This Summer! 

Are you a fan of The X-Men movie franchise?
Well, if you're a real fan, then you may have heard the bad news
regarding Hugh Jackman?
What news was that?
His skin cancer returned.

Mr. Jackman thinks all of the time spent in the Australian Sun caused it.

If that's the case, why don't we hear about people living in the Bahamas,
Trinidad, Fiji, Tahiti, Thailand, Guam, Puerto Rico,
Colombia, or Mexico getting it?

Some say there may be more factors than just the Sun that cause it,
and applying sunscreen may only help a little. 

If you're concerned and want to avoid getting skin cancer,
why not add some foods that work just like or even better 

than drugstore sunscreen.

The Foods:
Green Tea

Guava *
Plums *
Watermelon *

Red and Pink Grapefruit *
Peels from lemons, limes, oranges, clementines, and tangerines.
and the best food protection of all: Tomatoes. *
Grate a little lemon, lime or orange peel into a veggie stir-fry
or a smoothie.
And the tomatoes- Dr. Oz had a woman eat tomatoes for a week 

and then had her skin tested, the results: the tomatoes did
protect her skin. One tip: cooked tomatoes work best.
* Red foods contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects
your skin just like sunscreen would.

And one more thing: We all need some Sun, 15 to 20 mins. a day,
without sunscreen, it can boost health in a number of ways, like...
a) Lower cancer risks (breast and prostate)
b) Keep bones strong
c) Boost Moods
d) Help control appetite
e) Boost Sex Drives
So, there you have it, some things to help you stay healthy as you
approach the Summer of 2014. And if you're into prayer, say
one for Mr. Jackman.

Good Luck!

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